
Maik Fiedler

Data Librarian
Phone: +49 351 260 3146

Dr. Oli­ver Knodel

Head of Group Data Management and HPC
Phone: +49 351 260 3845

Publication of research data and research software at HZDR

RODARE Logo inverted ©Copyright: FWC

Rossendorf Data Repository

The Rossendorf Data Repository (RODARE) is the data and software publication platform at HZDR allowing researchers to safely deposit research data following the FAIR data principles by making research data and software findable, accessible, interoperable und reusable. The Data Policy B220 provides the formalities of research data publication at HZDR. Please read the FAQ of RODARE to get specific information about the usage of RODARE, see also ->Slides by T. Frust

ROBIS Logo blau ©Copyright: Henrion, Kerstin

Publication Repository

All publications (textes, research data, research software) at HZDR are organized and approved in ROBIS which also generates statistical publication analysis results, see also "Publications Directive B213

Both systems interact with each other, to avoid double metadata entry. The diagram below illustrates the interaction between ROBIS and RODARE.

Interaction between ROBIS and RODARE

ROBIS & RODARE ©Copyright: Dr. Juckeland, Guido

Research data management principles

Research data at HZDR shall be publicly available as Open Access. The HZDR supports its employees and guests to fulfill the requirements expexted by funders or the research community in general. For this purpose an appropriate infrastructure for research data management is available (Data Policy B220). Access to published and citeable research data should be possible with least restrictions as possible.

External users of HZDR user facilities accept the HZDR data policy with the allocation of beam time and are required to comply with the Data Policy. The "Principal Investigator (PI)" is responsible for research data management of his research project.

Daten Management Plan (DMP)

The sustainable provision of research data requires quality management. This covers the entire lifecycle of data from data collection to processing and storage to controlled deletion. The planning of data, processes and their management in the context of specific projects is part of a DMP. The Digital Curation Center (DCC) has developed the DMPonline tool to help you to write data management plans.

Data citation:

Digital resources can be made permanently identifiable and findable via the so-called Persistent Identifier (PID). Examples of PIDs are URN, the Handle System and DOI. RODARE registers a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for each data record to make it easy and clearly citable. Data records can be referenced in this way exactly as it is common practice for scholarly articles. Principles of Data citation help to create citation practices that are both understandable and realizable. Here you will find a "Declaration of Data Citation Principles".

Licenses for Data:

It is recommended to publish data open access. If necessary, an embargo period of 5 years can be set. The HZDR recommends using the Creative Commons Licensing Framework to license data records. Use the license selection dialog of Creative Commons to find the right license. For more information, see the Data Policy and the Licensing Assistant page of the European Data Portal.


* Maik Fiedler, Data Librarian (FWCB) for Research Data und Software Publishing and Management

* Oliver Knodel, Computational Science (FWCC) for technical processes in using RODARE