
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Uwe Hampel

Director Institute of Fluid Dynamics
Experimental Thermal Fluid Dynamics
Phone: +49 351 260 2772

Work package 5.4 - Spatially resolving measurement of flow fields in monolith and foam structures

Principal Investigator: Prof. M. Schlüter (TU Hamburg-Harburg)

PhD student: Dipl.-Ing. Christian-Ole Möller

Main Scientific Goals:

Structured packings are widely used in multiphase apparatuses. They can enhance mass transfer processes and thereby affect hydrodynamic parameters like gas holdup, pressure drop and local flow fields. In this work package novel structures like periodic open cell structures (pocs) and foam like structures are used in a bubble column operation. The structure elements are additively manufactured by stereolithography to precisely adjust geometry parameters. The goal of this research is to identify the influence of defined geometry parameters on the mass transfer performance of a structured element with respect to the resulting pressure drop and energy dissipation. An optimized structure element regarding the ratio of mass transfer performance and energy dissipation for a bubble column apparatus is intended. Thereby the optical measurement technique Particle Image Velocimetry is used to relate the mass transfer performance with the local flow fields for phenomenological explanation.

Particular tasks:

  • Identifying the geometry parameter field and manufacturing of structure elements
  • Manufacturing of transparent structure elements and adaption of the laser optical measurement technique Particle Image Velocimetry, utilizing refractive index matching
  • Measurement of local flow fields in the structure elements
Figure 1: Foam like structure element (left) and periodic open cell structure with pyramidal base cell, both with 5 ppi cell concentration.
Figure 2: Measurement principle of the Particle Image Velocimetry, analog optical set up for the Laser Induced Fluorescence technique.

Figure 3: Oxygen bubble rising in a periodic open cell structure, Particle Image Velocimetry raw data (left) and following local flow field (right).


  • Work package 3.1 - Hydrodynamic characterization of structured apparatuses (HZDR)
  • Work package 3.2 - Scale-up of phase dispersion for structured multiphase reactors (RUB)
  • Work package 5.3 - X-ray tomography imaging (HZDR)
  • Work package 4.2 - Scale-resolving simulation of reactive two-phase flows in monolith and solid foam reactors (KIT-IKFT), (KIT-TVT)
  • Work package 2.2 - Ceramic functional structures for tailored chemical reactors (TUD), (IKTS)
  • Work package 2.1 - Development and characterization of cellular metallic structures for tailored chemical reactors (FAU)


  • C.-O. Möller, D. Bezecny, M. Hoffmann, M. Schlüter: Hydrodynamische Charakterisierung definierter Schaumstrukturen mittels Micro Particle Image Velocimetry, Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Computational Fluid Dynamics und Mehrphasenströmungen, March 2013, Baden Baden, Germany
  • C.-O. Möller, D. Bezecny, M. Hoffmann, M. Schlüter: Experimentelle Untersuchung von Stofftransportprozessen und lokalen Strömungsparametern in periodic open cell structures, Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Computational Fluid Dynamics und Mehrphasenströmungen, March 2014, Fulda, Germany