Magnetocaloric effect
The magnetocaloric effect is measured directly by a differential copper – constantan thermocouple, having one junction “sandwiched” within the sample, and another one fixed nearby, and exposed to the same conditions as the sample [1].
Foto: Tino Gottschall
The sample is fixed by using GE varnish. The holder is surrounded by a heater.
The temperature range with the current thermocouples is 80 – 360 K. The technique is best suited for magnets A, B, and E.
Foto: Tino Gottschall
(a) Mangetocaloric effect of a Ni-Mn-In Heusler alloy showing time-dependent effect at the first-order transition [3].
(b) The maximum ∆Tad obtained in pulsed magnetic fields compared to other measurement devices from elsewhere.