Magnetic anisotropies in Cobalt heterostructures induced by oxidation (MACHO)
Institut Fizyki Jadrowej PAN Cracow (speaker: Dr. Marcin Perzanowski)
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (speaker Dr. Kay Potzger)
The main goal of the proposed project is to investigate structural, chemical and
magnetic properties in heterostructures exhibiting exchange bias [1] and perpendicular
magnetic anisotropy at the same time. Those structures are based on CoO/Co/Pd
multilayers. For that purpose, the preparation parameters of the heterostructures will
be varied systematically and subsequently the systems will be investigated in a
comprehensive way including characterization of magnetic, structural and chemical
Seminar talks and posters:
Kick off meeting Cracow 10.-12.2. 2016
- Cobalt/Cobaltoxide heterostructures induced by chemical reduction using proton ion beams (O. Yildirim)
- Analysis capabilities at the ion beam center of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (Dr. K. Potzger and Dr. R. Heller)
- Inducing confined magnetic regions in B2 materials using a nanofocussed light-ion beam (R. Bali)
Anodization –a way for surface nanopatterning (A. Zarzycki, A. Maximienko)
Exchange bias and superparamagnetism in [CoO/Co/Pd]10 multilayers (Dr. M. Perzanowski)
Direct Laser Interference Lithography (Dr. Y. Zabila, Prof. M. Marszałek)
Nanosphere lithography for patterning of thin magnetic films (Dr. M. Krupinski)