The workshop will take place at the Institute of Radiation Physics, HZDR, from Monday August 29th (13:30) to Wednesday Agust 31st (12:30).
The detailed program of the workshop will be published on this website in the next weeks.
We believe that a target fabrication and characterization network would be a strategic asset and benefit the whole community. Therefore we will ask to contribute to the discussion by filling a survey on target needs and target production/characterization capabilities on this webpage.
Tentative program
Monday August 29th
13:30 - Opening session
Consideration of a target network for advanced laser light sources: scope and goals, strategy, current landscapes.
- Welcome
- The European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources
- A target network for advanced laser light sources
- EU networking tools
- The ELITA working package
- Targetry Suppliers Network
- National landscapes
16:30 - High Repetition Rate Challenges
Issues related with high repetition rate (target positioning and alignment; target debris; target cleaning; online target characterization...)
Can some of these issues be mitigated or solved in the target design phase?
- The EUCALL HIREP working package - target positioning and alignment.
- Liquid crystals: targets, debris shielding and plasma mirrors.
17:30 - Poster clip and poster session
The workshop participants are invited to present their work in posters. Poster topics will include:
- Science cases and target concepts
- Target production and characterization techniques
- Target fabrication laboratories User facilities
The poster session will include a buffet dinner and drinks.
Tuesday August 30th
9:00 - Science cases and target requirements
Survey of science cases on laser matter interaction research and target requirements aimed at assessing target needs in the community. Short presentations and panel discussion about target needs, target production and characterization.
Topics will include:
- Laser-driven particle sources
- Isochoric heating and electron transport
- Shock-compression physics
13:30 - Target supply: state of the art (I)
Presentation of established target suppliers: production and characterization capabilities, services provided to users, R&D programs.
15:15 - Advanced laser light sources
Target needs and supply strategies in EUCALL User Facilities
- ELI-Beams, ELI-NP, ELI-Alps
- European XFEL
- European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
16:30 - Facility visits
- Laser-particle acceleration laboratories in the ELBE Facility
- Ion Beam Centre (Institute of Material Science)
19:00 - Social dinner
The Social Dinner will take place at the Lingner Restaurant. The dinner fee will be 50 €. Participation should be confirmed in advance in the registration form or by email to the local organizer.
Wednesday August 31st
9:00 - Target Supply and State of the Art (II)
Presentation of established target suppliers: production and characterization capabilities, services provided to users, R&D programs.
10:30 - Discussion
Community building and networking strategies
- possible networking strategies and funding options
- definition of a roadmap (milestones and working groups) for the construction of a target network
- joint "white paper" document