Online Annual Report 2015
Address from the Board of Directors
Dear Readers,
"Science knows no borders” – the poster at the entrance of our center reflects the reality of research undertaken in Dresden – not only at the HZDR, but at all scientific establishments in Saxony's capital city. Approximately 15 percent of the 1,100 HZDR employees come from abroad, about one third of our researchers. Scientists from all over the world arrive in Dresden every year to embark on research in an excellent working environment. We need the knowledge, skill and talent of these gifted individuals regardless of their country of origin. Only together can we solve the urgent questions of our time.
Modern science relies heavily on cooperation – in most cases on the international level. A prime example is EIT Raw Materials, which our Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) successfully established in the past year on behalf of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT). This Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) links approximately one hundred European universities, research institutions and businesses from the resource sector. The largest raw materials network in the world has been an independent limited liability company (GmbH) since early 2016.
Two further projects promise a similarly strong collaboration. Together with our Helmholtz colleagues from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg as well as from the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital and the Medical Department at the TU Dresden we are creating an on-site partner location for the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT). Due to the many years of strong ties to the DKFZ and the outstanding level of cancer research in our city, Dresden was the city of choice.
The Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields (HIBEF), which we set up in cooperation with the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY at the European XFEL near Hamburg, can also only exist through a coalition of approximately 130 international research institutions.
Isolationist tendencies are harmful. It is such flagship projects that are decisive in the competition for the best minds. The prospect of undertaking research in this outstanding environment leads these minds to us. A climate of exclusion, however, destroys the sturdiest foundations. Therefore, please support us in maintaining the strong research environment of our city and our region by impartially welcoming individuals from abroad.
We very much hope you enjoy reading our 2015 online Annual Report on the following pages. The center’s more detailed Progress Report (Fortschrittsbericht) for the past year can also be viewed on request.
Prof. Roland Sauerbrey (Scientific Director) & Prof. Peter Joehnk (Administrative Director)