Young Author Award of the International Mineral Processing Congress goes to Freiberg research cooperation project
News published jointly with TU Bergakademie Freiberg on 26 Sept 2016
From 11 until 15 September international scientists exchanged their latest results at the world’s largest mineral processing congress in Canada. Researchers from Freiberg took part presenting a successful collaboration project which earned a “Young Author Award”.
Group picture (from left to right): Prof. Holger Lieberwirth (Institute of Mineral Processing Machines/ IAM), Tom Leistner (HIF), Gerhard Merker (Gmünden), Bent Babel (HIF), Michael Klichowicz (IAM), Prof. Gerald van den Boogaart (HIF), Prof. Urs Peuker (Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mineral Processing/ MVTAT), Dr. Thomas Mütze (MVTAT), Robert Hartmann (Oulu), Lutz Wuschke (MVTAT/IAM), Dr. Thomas Leißner (MVTAT), Nathalie Sterbik (HIF) und Dr. Martin Rudolph (HIF). |
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The TU Bergakademie Freiberg and the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) are cooperating in various mineral processing and recycling projects. Just lately, the delegates showed their results at the International Mineral Processing Congress in Québec giving nine lectures and four posters on mineral flotation, crushing, classification, and modelling. How good the cooperation actually is was exemplified by the “Young Author Award” given to Dr. Thomas Leißner.
In his contribution Dr. Leißner presented a way to calculate the relative contribution of transgranular and intergranular fracture to surface liberation based on MLA data, with co-authors coming from both the Freiberg University and the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology. “I am so much pleased about the award. To me it is, above all, a sign of the success following the close ties between both our research institutions”, says Dr. Leißner.
For the first time in the IMPC‘s history, the field of recycling was on the agenda. All in all, more than 1.500 experts from more than 60 countries participated in the congress. The congress agenda held almost 600 lectures and 100 posters for the participants to update themselves on the research. This year’s congress came together with the 55th Annual Conference of Metallurgists.
Overwiew of lectures and posters presented by researchers from Freiberg