Seminars and Colloquia 2017
- 11.01.17, Dr. Maria Bergemann (MPI for Astronomy, Heidelberg):
"Chemical abundances of the Sun and solar-like stars"
- 09.02.17, Lewin Eidam (TU Darmstadt):
"Cooling Rates and Intensity Limitations of Laser Cooling at Ultra Relativistic Beam Energies"
- 02.03.17, Yoshiaki Kiyanagi (Nagoya University):
"Accelerator driven compact neutron sources: Various applications including soft error test in Japan"
- 08.03.17, Mike Downer (University of Texas at Austin):
"Texas tabletop source of GeV electrons and tens-of-MeV Compton gamma-ray beams"
- 09.03.17, Prof. Dr. Yoshitaka Kuno (Osaka University):
„Muon Seminar Mini-Series Part I: Search for Muon to Electron Conversion at J-PARC - the COMET Experiment"
- 09.03.17, Dr. Stefano Miscetti (LNF-INFN, Italy):
„Muon Seminar Mini-Series Part II: Searching for Muon-to-Electron conversion at Fermilab: the Mu2e experiment"
- 07.04.17, Prof. Werner Tornow (Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory and Duke University, USA):
"Experiments with fast neutrons at TUNL: Neutron-induced background studies relevant to searches for 0vbb decay, to stockpile stewardship and nuclear forensics"
- 21.04.2017, Sagar Dolas (Technical University of Delft, Netherlands):
"Accelerating Material Point Method using Space Filling Curves on Emerging Computing Architectures"
- 19.05.17, Dr. Konstanze Boretzky (GSI):
"Experiments with NeuLAND, the new large area neutron detector"
- 23.05.17, Dr. Ralph Massarczyk (LANL):
"From Majorana to LEGEND - neutrinoless double-beta decay search in 76-Ge"