Personal website of Norbert Jordan

Scientific career

  • since 2018     Staff scientist at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Institute of Resource Ecology.
  • 2008-2018
    Research Associate at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Institute of Resource Ecology.
  • 2004 - 2008:
    Ph.D. Student at the French National Agency for the storage of RAdioactive Waste (ANDRA), Transfer Division, Châtenay-Malabry (92), France.
    In collaboration with the Laboratory of Radiochemistry, Analytical Sciences and Environment (LRSAE) (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France) and the Laboratory of Chemistry-Physics and Microbiology for Environment (LCPME) (CNRS Laboratory in Villers-lès-Nancy, France).
  • 2001 - 2003:
    Master of Science in Molecular Chemistry, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

Research interests

  • Development of thermodynamic databases for REE aqueous complexes and solid phases for ubiquitous inorganic ligands.
  • Complexation of aqueous REE (Eu) and actinides (U, Cm) with inorganic ligands (phosphate, silicate).
  • Surface processes of actinides and fission products at solid/liquid interfaces by using advanced spectroscopic techniques (in situ ATR FT-IR, XAS, TRLFS, XPS, etc.).
  • Surface complexation modeling of acid-base surface properties of minerals and their interaction with actinides/fission products/lanthanides.
  • Isothermal Titration Calorimetry investigations of solid/liquid interfacial processes. 
  • Characterization, stability, and fate of biogenic Se(0) nanoparticles.


  • 2022-2025 RadoNorm project (, Working Package 2, Task 2.7.
  • 2018-2022 iCross: Integrity of nuclear waste repository systems - Cross-scale system understanding and analysis (BMBF, 02NUK053B and HGF, SO-093).
  • 2015 – 2018 r4 – Economically strategic materials: SEM2 – Rare Earth Elements Metallurgy-Advanced methods for optimized extraction and beneficiation by ion-adsorption clays (funded by BMBF).
  • 2010 – 2014 VESPA ("Verhalten langlebiger Spalt- und Aktivierungsprodukte im Nahfeld eines Endlagers und Möglichkeiten ihrer Rückhaltung" (funded by BMWi).
  • 2010 – 2013 POLLTRAP ("Ion transfer from surface to crystal: mechanisms of pollutant trapping") (funded by ANDRA).



  • Andrea Sabǎu, “Interaction mechanisms of Europium and Nickel with calcite”, funded by ANDRA, in collaboration with HZDR-IRE, UNS, Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon (IPNL) and CEA/DEN Saclay (France) (Ph.D. defended in 2015).
  • Sarah Fischer, “Understanding the role of microorganisms in determining the fate of biogenic elemental selenium nanomaterial” (Ph.D. defended in 2022).
  • Isabelle Jessat, “Batch, Spectroscopic and Modeling Investigations of the Neptunium(V) and Uranium(VI) Uptake by ZrO2” (Ph.D. defended in 2024).
  • Rewati Dixit, "Recovery of selenium from wastewater for its application as a slow-release fertilizer", in cooperation with the Indian Institute of Technology at New Dellhi (India) (July 2019-July 2024).
  • Diksha Saini, "Redox reactivity of selenium in environmental geomedia " in cooperation with ANDRA and the Institut des Sciences de la Terre at the University of Grenoble-Alpes (France) (June 2022-May 2025).
  • Eya Miladi, "Spectroscopic and computational studies of actinides complexation with inorganic ligands " in cooperation with the PhLAM (laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules) at the University of Lille (France) (July 2022-June 2025).
  • Viktor Dück, "Ra sorption on natural occurring minerals" as part of the European RadoNorm project ( (July 2022-June 2025).

M.Sc. theses

  • Isabelle Jessat, “Complexation of Eu(III) and Cm(III) with phosphate at elevated temperatures”, Technische Universität Dresden (defended in 2019).
  • Martin Schernikau, “Further development of fc-LIF for the study of interaction of Eu(III) and U(VI) with single oxide phases”, Technische Universität Dresden (defended in 2017).


  • Supervision of Bachelor and Diploma thesis, and internships for students of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Food Chemistry from different universities.
  • Lab Courses for students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry at TU Dresden (2016-2023).

Editorial and Reviewing activities

  • Guest editor for a special issue "Mineral-Water Interfaces and Interfacial Reactions with (Radioactive) Contaminants" in Minerals (
  • Reviewer for ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, Applied Geochemistry, Colloids and Interfaces, Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Dalton Transactions, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Environmental Science & Technology, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Minerals, Science of the Total Environment.

Organization of scientific events

Important publications in peer reviewed journals


A critical review of the solution chemistry, solubility, and thermodynamics of europium: recent advances on the Eu(III) hydrolysis

Jordan, N.; Thoenen, T.; Spahiu, K.; Kelling, J.; Starke, S.; Brendler, V.

Unraveling the Np(V) Sorption on the Nuclear Fuel Cladding Corrosion Product ZrO₂: a Batch, Spectroscopic and Modeling Combined Approach

Jessat, I.; Foerstendorf, H.; Roßberg, A.; Scheinost, A.; Lützenkirchen, J.; Heim, K.; Stumpf, T.; Jordan, N.

Involved research facilities

Related publications


A critical review of the solution chemistry, solubility, and thermodynamics of europium: recent advances on the Eu3+ aqua ion and the Eu(III) aqueous complexes and solid phases with the sulphate, chloride, and phosphate inorganic ligands

Jordan, N.; Thoenen, T.; Starke, S.; Spahiu, K.; Brendler, V.

Surface reactivity of anatase and rutile samples - relationship with toxicity on aquatic organisms

Hurel, C.; Jordan, N.; Gerber, U.; Weiß, S.; Kubier, B.; Kleeberg, R.

  • Book chapter
    Marc A. Williams, Gunda Reddy: Toxicology of Ambient Ultrafine Particulate Matter, Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments, Brussels and Weinheim: SETAC and WILEY, 2022, 9781119316374


Magnetic properties of biogenic selenium nanomaterials

Dixit, R.; Gupta, A.; Jordan, N.; Zhou, S.; Schild, D.; Weiß, S.; Guillon, E.; Jain, R.; Lens, P.

Revisiting the complexation of Cm(III) with aqueous phosphates: what can we learn from the complex structures using luminescence spectroscopy and ab initio simulations?

Huittinen, N. M.; Jessat, I.; Réal, F.; Vallet, V.; Starke, S.; Eibl, M.; Jordan, N.

Impact of the microbial origin and active microenvironment on the shape of biogenic elemental selenium nanomaterials

Fischer, S.; Jain, R.; Krause, T.; Jain, P.; Tsushima, S.; Shevchenko, A.; Hübner, R.; Jordan, N.


Temperature‒dependent luminescence spectroscopic and mass spectrometric investigations of U(VI) complexation with aqueous silicates in the acidic pH‒range

Lösch, H.; Raiwa, M.; Jordan, N.; Steppert, M.; Steudtner, R.; Stumpf, T.; Huittinen, N. M.

Bacillus safensis JG-B5T affects the fate of selenium by extracellular production of colloidally less stable nanoparticles

Fischer, S.; Krause, T.; Lederer, F.; Merroun, M. L.; Shevchenko, A.; Hübner, R.; Stumpf, T.; Jordan, N.; Jain, R.


Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus safensis JG-B5T isolated from a uranium mining waste pile

Fischer, S.; Krause, T.; Jordan, N.; Lederer, F.; Jain, R.

Adsorption of selenium(VI) onto nano transition alumina

Jordan, N.; Franzen, C.; Lützenkirchen, J.; Foerstendorf, H.; Hering, D.; Weiss, S.; Heim, K.; Brendler, V.

Complexation of trivalent lanthanides (Eu) and actinides (Cm) with aqueous phosphates at elevated temperatures

Jordan, N.; Demnitz, M.; Lösch, H.; Starke, S.; Brendler, V.; Huittinen, N.

Removal and recovery of uranium by waste digested activated sludge in fed-batch stirred tank reactor

Jain, R.; Peräniemi, S.; Jordan, N.; Vogel, M.; Weiss, S.; Foerstendorf, H.; Lakaniemi, A. M.

Selenium(IV) sorption onto γ-Al2O3: a consistent description of the surface speciation by spectroscopy and thermodynamic modeling

Mayordomo, N.; Foerstendorf, H.; Lützenkirchen, J.; Heim, K.; Weiss, S.; Alonso, U.; Missana, T.; Schmeide, K.; Jordan, N.


Sediment-bound trace metals in Golfe-Juan Bay, northwestern Mediterranean: Distribution, availability and toxicity

Tiquio, M. G. J.; Hurel, C.; Marmier, N.; Taneez, M.; Andral, B.; Jordan, N.; Francour, P.

Shape change of biogenic elemental selenium nanomaterials decreases their colloidal stability

Jain, R.; Jordan, N.; Tsushima, S.; Hübner, R.; Weiss, S.; Lens, P.


Incorporation of Eu(III) into Calcite under Recrystallization conditions

Hellebrandt, S. E.; Hofmann, S.; Jordan, N.; Barkleit, A.; Schmidt, M.

Higher Cd adsorption on biogenic elemental selenium nanoparticles

Jain, R.; Dominic, D.; Jordan, N.; Rene, E. R.; Weiss, S.; van Hullebusch, E. D.; Hübner, R.; Lens, P. N. L.

Preferential adsorption of Cu in a multi-metal mixture onto biogenic elemental selenium nanoparticles

Jain, R.; Dominica, D.; Jordan, N.; Rene, E. R.; Weiss, S.; van Hullebusch, E. D.; Hübner, R.; Lens, P. N. L.


Entrapped elemental selenium nanoparticles affect physicochemical properties of selenium fed activated sludge

Jain, R.; Seder-Colomina, M.; Jordan, N.; Dessi, P.; Cosmidis, J.; van Hullebusch, E. D.; Weiss, S.; Farges, F.; Lens, P. N. L.

Extracellular polymeric substances govern the surface charge of biogenic elemental selenium nanoparticles

Jain, R.; Jordan, N.; Weiss, S.; Foerstendorf, H.; Heim, K.; Kacker, R.; Hübner, R.; Kramer, H.; van Hullebusch, E. D.; Farges, F.; Lens, P. N. L.

Spectroscopic evidence for selenium(IV) dimerization in aqueous solution

Kretzschmar, J.; Jordan, N.; Brendler, E.; Tsushima, S.; Franzen, C.; Foerstendorf, H.; Stockmann, M.; Heim, K.; Brendler, V.

Adsorption of zinc by biogenic elemental selenium nanoparticles

Jain, R.; Jordan, N.; Schild, D.; Hullebusch, E. D. V.; Weiss, S.; Franzen, C.; Farges, F.; Hübner, R.; Lens, P. N. L.


Interaction of Europium and Nickel with calcite studied by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry and Time-Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Sabau, A.; Pipon, Y.; Toulhoat, N.; Lomenech, C.; Jordan, N.; Moncoffre, N.; Barkleit, A.; Marmier, N.; Brendler, V.; Surblé, S.; Giffaut, E.

Probing the surface speciation of U(VI) on iron (hydr)oxides by in situ ATR FT-IR spectroscopy

Foerstendorf, H.; Jordan, N.; Heim, K.

Selenium(IV) Uptake by Maghemite (gamma-Fe2O3)

Jordan, N.; Ritter, A.; Scheinost, A. C.; Weiß, S.; Schild, D.; Hübner, R.

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Retention of selenate at the water-mineral interface in the context of salt dome repositories

Franzen, C.; Hering, D.; Jordan, N.

  • Poster
    Goldschmidt 2013, 25.-30.08.2013, Florence, Italy
  • Mineralogical Magazine 77(2013)5, 1107-1107
    DOI: 10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.6

Temperature impact on the sorption of selenium(VI) onto anatase

Jordan, N.; Müller, K.; Franzen, C.; Brendler, V.

Adsorption mechanism of selenium(VI) onto maghemite

Jordan, N.; Ritter, A.; Foerstendorf, H.; Scheinost, A. C.; Weiß, S.; Heim, K.; Grenzer, J.; Mücklich, A.; Reuther, H.

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Sorption of selenium(VI) onto anatase: macroscopic and microscopic characterization

Jordan, N.; Foerstendorf, H.; Weiß, S.; Heim, K.; Schild, D.; Brendler, V.


Sorption of selenium(IV) onto magnetite in the presence of silicic acid

Jordan N.; Lomenech C.; Marmier N.; Giffaut E.; Ehrhardt J.J.

Competition between selenium(IV) and silicic acid on the hematite surface

Jordan N.; Marmier N.; Lomenech C.; Giffaut E.; Ehrhardt J.J.


Radiochemical procedure for the activation product, nickel 63, determination in environmental soft water samples with high Ca and Mg phosphate concentration

Jordan N.; Michel H.; Barci-Funel G.


Sorption of silicates onto goethite, hematite and magnetite: experiments and modelling

Jordan N.; Marmier N.; Lomenech C.; Giffaut E.; Ehrhardt J.J.


Dr. Norbert Jordan

Senior Scientist
Surface Processes
Phone: +49 351 260 2148