Personal web page of Satoru Tsushima
Research experiences and interests
I studied nuclear chemical engineering at the University of Tokyo, where my initial research interest was experimental actinide science. After completing my Ph.D. studies, I gradually switched to theory and modeling. In 2005 I moved to Stockholm and joined the theory group of Prof. Ulf Wahlgren and Prof. Ingmar Grenthe and later worked at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France. Currently, I am working at the Biophysics Division of HZDR and my main focus is on the interaction of radionuclides with proteins. Since 2017, I have a second affiliation at the Institute of Science Tokyo where I work closely with Prof. Koichiro Takao.
Recent collaborators
Prof. H. Burrows (University of Coimbra, Portugal), Prof. K. Takao (Tokyo Tech, Japan), Prof. M. U. Kumke (Universität Potsdam, Germany), Prof. C. Den Auwer ( Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France), Dr. Z. Szabo (KTH, Sweden), Prof. S. Nagasaki (McMaster University , Canada), Prof. E. V. Alekseev (FZ Jülich, Germany), Prof. Y. Mochizuki (Rikkyo University, Japan), Dr. D. Khakhulin (XFEL, Germany), Dr. R. J.Baker (Trinity College, Ireland), Prof. R. Jain (IIT Delhi, India), Prof. E. D. van Hullebusch (Université de Paris, France), Prof. Sergey Samsonov (Gdańsk, Poland)
- "Photochemische Entfernung von Uran(VI)-Verbindungen aus mit Uran(VI)-verschmutzten Flüssigkeiten", K.Fahmy, E.Attia, S.Tsushima, DE 10 2014 225 951.7
- "Extraction/Separation Method of Uranium Compound", S.Kinoshita, S.Yamamoto, K.Masuda, Y.Nagase, R.Wada, K.Ohnishi, Y,Meguro, O.Tomioka, S.Tsushima, I.Yamamoto, JP 4534002, B
Total of 115 peer-reviewed articles with 2637 citations and h-index of 31 (Scopus). Complete publication list can be obtained via ORCID. Selected publications are below.
- Tsushima, S. "On the yl bond weakening in uranyl(VI) coordination complexes" Dalton Trans., 2011, 40(25), pp. 6732–6737 (66 times cited).
- Tsushima, S. "Photochemical reduction of UO22+ in the presence of alcohol studied by density functional theory calculations" Inorg. Chem., 2009, 48(11), pp. 4856–4862 (43 times cited).
- Tsushima, S., "Lanthanide-induced conformational change of methanol dehydrogenase involving coordination change of cofactor pyrroloquinoline quinone" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21(39), pp. 21979–21983 (14 times cited).
- Tsushima, S.," yl-oxygen exchange in uranyl(VI) ion: A mechanism involving (UO2)2(μ-OH)22+ via U-Oyl-U bridge formation" Inorg. Chem., 2012, 51(3), pp. 1434–1439 (32 times cited).
- Drobot, B., Steudtner, R., Raff, J., Geipel, G., Brendler, V., Tsushima, S., "Combining luminescence spectroscopy, parallel factor analysis and quantum chemistry to reveal metal speciation - A case study of uranyl(VI) hydrolysis", , Chem. Sci., 2015, 6(2), pp. 964–972 (72 times cited).
- Tsushima, S., Wahlgren, U., Grenthe,I., "Quantum chemical calculations of reduction potentials of AnO22+/AnO2+ (An = U, Np, Pu, Am) and Fe3+/Fe2+ couples", J. Phys. Chem. A, 2006, 110(29), pp. 9175–9182 (72 times cited).