
Prof. Dr. Daniel Bemmerer

Group lea­der Nuclear Astrophysics, Technical Director Felsenkeller accelerator
Nuclear Physics
Phone: +49 351 260 3581
+49 351 260 3901
Fax: +49 351 260 13581

Anne Varga

Secretary Institute of Radiation Physics
Phone: +49 351 260 3293

Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics at the Dresden Felsenkeller

A new underground ion accelerator facility for nuclear astrophysics is currently under construction in the Felsenkeller area, Dresden. The accelerator tank will be moved into the underground tunnel in April 2017, and the facility will open in September 2017. In order to update and discuss the science case for the new facility, and also to update on the state of the art in the field of nuclear astrophysics, a short workshop will be held in Dresden, from 26-28 June 2017.

The highlight of the workshop will be the ceremonial opening of the Felsenkeller tunnels in the presence of 2015 Physics Nobel Laureate Arthur B. McDonald, the Saxonian Minister of Science, the Mayor of Dresden, and the Rector of TU Dresden.


  • The sun, solar neutrinos, and solar abundances
  • Stellar structure and abundances, hydrostatic stellar nucleosynthesis
  • Novae, supernovae, X-ray and γ-ray bursts, mergers, explosive nucleosynthesis
  • Experimental techniques and facilities

Scientific program, link here

  • The program consists of 22 invited presentations, and in addition 20 posters.
  • The scientific program is now available.

Felsenkeller 5 MV Pelletron

Photo: HZDR/O. Killig


  • The workshop has concluded. Thanks to all participants for their excellent contributions.
  • Many presenters kindly agreed to include their slides on the web page. They are linked in the scientific program.

Two image galleries of the ceremonial opening are available:

  • The first one showing the ceremonial opening.
  • The second one also including some photos of the poster session of the scientific workshop.
Feierliches Richtfest für das Beschleunigerlabor im Felsenkeller. V.l.n.r.: Dirk Hilbert, Prof. Peter Joehnk, Prof. Hans Müller-Steinhagen, Dr. Eva-Maria Stange, Nobelpreisträger Prof. Arthur McDonald und Dr. Michael Stötzel durchschneiden symbolisch das rote Band am Eingang des Felsenkellerlabors.

Dirk Hilbert (Mayor of Dresden), Peter Joehnk (Financial Director of HZDR), Hans Müller-Steinhagen (Rector of TU Dresden), Eva-Maria Stange (Saxonian State Minister of Science and the Arts), Physics Nobel Laureate Arthur B. McDonald, Michael Stötzel (German Federal Ministry for Education and Science).

Photo: TU Dresden/Robert Lohse

Scientific advisory committee

  • Zsolt Fülöp, MTA ATOMKI Debrecen, Hungary
  • Brian Fulton, University of York, UK
  • Alessandra Guglielmetti, Milano University, INFN, and LUNA collaboration, Italy
  • Jordi José, UPC Barcelona, Spain

Time and venue

Practical information

  • Dresden can be conveniently reached by air (Dresden international airport, many connections to Frankfurt, Munich, and Düsseldorf) or within two hours by train or by bus from Berlin.
  • Participants should book their own accommodation using the link given below. 
  • Bus transfer from the hotels (i.e. the three pre-reserved hotels) to the venue and back will be provided.


  • The registration deadline has expired on 7 June 2017.
  • If you wish to register even though the deadline has passed, please enquire with the organizers.
  • Please register by e-mail to Anne Varga stating the title of your contribution (if applicable), your accommodation, travel dates, and whether you will attend the ceremonial opening.
  • There is no registration fee, but we do require registration by e-mail in order to be able to plan ahead.
  • Participants are responsible for their own hotel booking, preferably using the accommodation info at this link (with special prices reserved until 9 June).



Accommodation link