Older news from the division of nuclear physics
Older news from the division of nuclear physics (before 2022)
- Marcel Grieger successfully defended 19.11.2021 his PhD thesis on "Neutronenfluss in Untertagelaboren" at Technical University Dresden. Congratulations to Marcel and all the best wishes fro your future endeavours!
- Unfortunately, we had to learn painfully that our former colleague Dr. Robert Greifenhagen died in an accident on 20.10.2021. With him, we lose a very clever, friendly and helpful colleague and we are full of sympathy for his bereaved.
- Felix Ludwig successfully defended 23.09.2021 his PhD thesis on "Underground measurements and simulations on the muon intensity and 12C-induced nuclear reactions at low energies" at Technical University Dresden. Congratulations Felix and all the best from us!
- Maik Butterling prepared and conducted online the 12.5th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry (30.8.-3.9.2021) as member of the international organizing committee. Many thanks for your effort, Maik!
- Roland Beyer and others received the HZDR price 2020 for science communications and Robert Greifenhagen has been awarded with a recognition reward for outstanding dissertations of HZDR in 2020. Congratulations to you, Roland and Robert!
- Martin Rauch has been awarded with the 4th physics prize in the 56th national competition of jugend forscht on 2.6.2021, having already been the state winner in Saxony-Anhalt. Martin also received a prize from the Adolf Martens Fund e. V. and a special prize from the Ernst A.C. Lange Foundation which comes with an invitation to the London International Youth Science Forum. Reinhard Krause-Rehberg and Eric Hirschmann supported his project "Präziser Blick ins Material - Laterale Auflösung in der Positronen-Lebensdauerspektroskopie". Congratulations to you, Martin!
- Klaus Stöckel successfully defended his Dissertation 9.3.2021 on "Präzise Vermessung des Wirkungsquerschnitts der 2H(p,gamma)3He-Reaktion im Gran Sasso Untertagelabor" at Technische Universität Dresden.Congratulations to you, Klaus!
- We teamed up with scientists from Technical University Darmstadt and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology on defect studies in ZnO resulting in a cover profile in Chemistry - a European Journal. Delighted.
- Eric Hirschmann successfully defended his Dissertation 11.01.2021 on "Analyse der Porenstruktur in Schichtsystemen von kontrolliert extrahierten Natrium-Borosilikat-Glasplatten am digital optimierten monoenergetischen Positronen-Strahl des HZDR" at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg with summa cum laude. Congratulations, Eric!
- Robert Greifenhagen successfully defended his Dissertation 11.12.2020 on "Two-Pion Intensity-Interferometry in Collisions of Au+Au at 2.41 GeV measured with HADES" summa cum laude at Technische Universität Dresden. Super, Robert!
- Martin Becker finished best (Kammerbester Auszubildender im Stadtgebiet Dresden) his vocational training and he became
an electronics technician for automation technology. Congratulations, Martin and thanks to his instructors Maik Görler, Paul Petring, Daniel Stach, and David Weinberger.
- Maciej Oskar Liedke, Maik Butterling und Andreas Wagner are co-authors of a paper on "Voltage‐driven motion of nitrogen ions: a new paradigm for magneto‐ionics", published in Nature Communications 11, 5871 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-19758-x. Congratulations!
- Klaus Stöckel, Daniel Bemmerer Tamas Szücs and Marcell Takács co-authored (Klaus is 2nd author) a publication on deuterium burning and its implication on the cosmological baryonic density of the universe, published in Nature 587, 210–213 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2878-4. Heartfelt congratulations to you on this sucess! Click here for the press release.
- Robert Greifenhagen, Burkhard Kämpfer, Roland Kotte and Lothar Naumann co-authored as members of the HADES-collaboration a publication on "Probing dense baryon-rich matter with virtual photons" in Nature Physics 15, 1040-1045 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-019-0583-8. With great respect!
- Xingming Fan successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Testing RPC Performance with Discharges Ignited by UV Laser Pulses: Precise measurement of gas parameters in approximately realistic RPC configurations" with magna cum laude October 21th, 2019 at the Technische Universität Dresden. Congratulations and Gōngxǐ, Xingming.
- At the Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics IX conference in Castle Waldthausen, close to Mainz, from September 15th to 20th 2019, Franziska Schoger won the poster award for her work on 22Ne(p,γ)23Na resonances at HZDR's 3 MV tandetron accelerator. Congratulations to you, Franziska!
- Eric Hirschmann won the second poster award at the 15th International Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques & Applications (SLOPOS-15) which took place from September 2. to September 6. in Prague. Congratulations, Eric!
- Our underground laboratory in the Felsenkeller saw his first accelerated beam with the Pelletron on 3.7.2019. Prof. Takaaki Kajita (Univ. Tokio, Nobel laureate in physics 2015) started scientific operations one day later. Congratulations and many, many thanks to all who have contributed to this success in PD. Dr. Daniel Bemmerer's team!
- Thu Trang Trinh successfully defendend here PhD thesis on "The microscopic effects of transition metal based hydrogen storing and sensing thin films" with magna cum laude December 17th, 2018 at the Technische Universität Dresden. Chúc mừng, Trang.
- Stefan Reinicke successfully defendend his PhD thesis on "Solar hydrogen burning in the sun: The 12C(p,γ)13N-reaction and a radio-frequency ion-source for the Felsenkeller-accelerator" with magna cum laude November 2nd, 2018 at the Technische Universität Dresden. Congratulations, Stefan.
- The June 2018 edition of HZDR's inhouse journal Insider contains an article about materials research with positrons: "Signale aus der ANTI-WELT. Positronenforschung am HZDR".
- Daniel Gehre successfully defendend his PhD thesis on "Investigations on CdZnTe-Semiconductor-Detectors for the Search of the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay" with magna cum laude June 21st, 2018 at the Technische Universität Dresden. Congratulations, Daniel.
- Louis Wagner successfully defendend his PhD thesis on "Precise nuclear data of the 14N(p,γ)15O reaction for solar neutrino predictions" with magna cum laude June 7th , 2018 at the Technische Universität Dresden. Cheerio, Louis!
- The publication "The γ-ray angular distribution in fast neutron inelastic scattering from iron" by Roland Beyer, et al. has been selected to illustrate the front cover of the European Physical Journal, issue 54/4, 2018. A wounderful recognition of your work, Roland!
- Maik Butterling finished the 42. Leipzig half-marathon distance in remarkable 1 h 53 m 3 s, hitting almost exactly 5:11 m / km - a positron annihilators special number. Congratulations, Maik.
- The new beamline connecting the upcoming AIDA-II setup, short for Apparatus for In-situ Defect Analysis, with the MePS positron beam line has been commissioned successfully April 18th, 2018. Deep thanks go to Maik Görler, Andreas Hartmann, Daniel Stach, and Stefan Findeisen for design and construction, hours spent winding coils and installation of all components.
- Boyana Deneva received the best poster award at the annual PhD seminar 2017 for her contribution on "Single-plane Compton Imaging". Congratulations, Boyana!
- Marcell Takács defendend his PhD thesis on "Hydrogen burning: Study of the 22Ne(p,γ)23Na, 3He(α,γ)7Be, and 7Be(p,γ)8B reactions at ultra-low energies" with magna cum laude September 12th , 2017 at the Technische Universität Dresden. All the best for you, Marcell!
- Daniel Bemmerer received a Helmholtz Recognition Award for his grant proposal at the European Research Commission targeting nuclear astrophysics measurements at Felsenkellerlabor. Very good news, Daniel!
- The accelerator tank and the first beamline magnet of the 5 MV Pelletron TANDEM had been succesfully inserted April 27th 2017 into the new underground laboratory Felsenkeller. Congratulations to Bernd Rimarzig and Daniel Bemmerer.
- Daniel Bemmerer and Marcell Takács co-authored a publication about the impact of LUNA measurements of the proton capture reaction in 17O on the isotopic composition of instellar dust grains in the new Journal Nature Astronomy. Best regards to both of you.
- Toni Kögler defendend his PhD thesis (about the neutron-induced fission cross section of Pu-242) with distinction (summa cum laude) January 23rd, 2017 at the Technische Universität Dresden. Cheerio, Toni!
- Maciej Oskar Liedke is one of the co-aouthors of a publication on a new type of magneto-electric random-access memory material in Nature Communications. You deserve our utmost respect, Oskar!
- Mirco Dietz won the Best Poster Award for his contribution to the ND 2016 (International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology). Congratulations to Mirco!
- Several hundreds of visitors during Dresden's "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften" found their way to the upcoming underground laboratory Felsenkeller. Thanks go to Marcel Grieger, Felix Ludwig, Stefan Reinicke, Stefan Schulz, Louis Wagner, and Daniel Bemmerer for their enthusiasm and their effort during the presentations.
- We published an article with the title Alles im Fluss about the facility ELBE in the member magazine Physik Journal of the German Physical Society.
- Mirco Dietz received the "Best Poster Presentation award" at the ICTP-IAEA School on "Nuclear data measurements for science and applications" from 19 - 30 October 2015 for his contribution "γ-angular distributions af 56Fe(n,n'γ) @ nELBE Time-of-Flight facility". Congratulations, Mirco!
- The positron group organized an international workshop with 55 participants on "Methods and Applicatons of Porosimetry" from 21. - 23. October, 2015.
- Konrad Schmidt defendend his PhD thesis (about experimental studies of the 40Ca(α,γ)44Ti reaction) with distinction (summa cum laude) June 29th, 2015 at the Technische Universität Dresden. Super, Konrad!
- Marco Jungmann successfully defendend his PhD thesis (about the monoenergetic positron source at ELBE and porosity of thin low-k films) June 1st, 2015 at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. All the best, Marco!
- Roland Hannaske defended his PhD thesis (about deuteron break-up experiments for the big bang nucleosynthesis) with distinction (summa cum laude) May 26st, 2015 at the Technische Universität Dresden. Congratulations, Roland!
- Georg Schramm (diploma thesis in nuclear physics) defended his PhD thesis (Dr. rer. medic) with distinction (summa cum laude) January 21st, 2015. Congratulations, Georg!
- Arnd Junghans organized the WINS 2014 - International Workshop on Elastic and Inelastic Neutron Scattering at HZDR from Dec. 3 - 5, 2014.
- Roland Beyer and Marko Röder, both successfully defended their PhD theses in November 2014 at TU Dresden. Congratulations, Roland and Marko!
- Ralph Massarczyk very successfully defended his PhD thesis October 14, 2014 at TU Dresden. He now accepted a post-doc position at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. We wish you all the best for the future, Ralph!
- Louis Wagner and Thu Trang Trinh landed the 2nd and the 3rd place in the "Best Poster" contest at the 2014 PhD day of the HZDR in Altenberg. Congratualtions to both of you!
- Ronald Schwengner organized the Fifteenth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics
(CGS15) from August 23 to 29, 2015 in Dresden.
- Michael Anders is first author of an article in "Physical Review Letters" on the confirmation of a persistent problem of the abundance of Lithium isotops generated in the Big Bang. Great work, Micha!
- Wolfgang Anwand is a coauthor of an article which appeared in "Applied Physics Letters" (highest impact factor of applied physics journals) on red luminescence in Zinc Oxide. Imagine a life without zinc, Wolfgang!
- Konrad Schmidt is one of the poster price laureates of the conference Nuclei in the Cosmos XIII (July 2014, Debrecen, Hungary). Congratulations Konrad!
- Maik Butterling defended his PhD thesis summa cum laude July 3rd, 2014 at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Congratulations Maik!
- Ralph Massarczyk is the first author of the paper "Nuclear Deformation and Neutron Excess as Competing Effects for Dipole Strength in the Pygmy Region" which presents a part of his PhD thesis work in "Physical Review Letters". Congratulations Ralph!
- Klaus Heidel, Manfred Sobiella and members of the Oncoray team now (21.01.2014) hold a patent on a special contacting technology for CdZnTe semiconductor detectors. Congratulations!