
·         2005    Habilitation in Earth Sciences (DHDR), Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France

·         1994    Dr. agr. (summa cum laude) TUM, München, Germany

·         1989    Dipl. ing. agr. TUM, München, Germany

Professional Experience

·         since 2003:      Director of The Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF, Grenoble, France

·         since 2003:      Head of Molecular Structures Division, HZDR Inst. of Resource 
                                   Ecology, Dresden, Germany

·         2000-2002:      Oberassistent, Inst. of Terrestrial Ecology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

·         1994-1999:      Postdoctoral Researcher at TUM, Purdue University, Univ. of Delaware

Research fields

·         Molecular-scale processes and kinetics of retention and redox reactions at the mineral/water interface (clays, Fe oxides, LDH, cement phases) with synchrotron methods

·         Geochemistry of metals/metalloids/actinides with focus on the deep geological disposal of radioactive waste

·         Environmental (nano-)mineralogy
