Personal web page of Dr. Vinzenz Brendler
Scientific career
Since 2021:Head of Department Thermodynamics of Actinides at HZDR
2013 - 2021:Head of Department Surface Processes at HZDR
2012 - 2013:Acting Director of the Institute of Resource Ecology at HZDR
2006 - 2007:Head of Department Georadiochemistry at Institute of Interdisciplinary Isotope Research Leipzig
2004 - 2012:Head of Department Migration at FZ Dresden-Rossendorf
2000 - 2004:Senior Scientist at FZ Rossendorf
1993 - 2000:Junior Scientist at FZ Rossendorf
1992 - 1993:PostDoc: Norwegian Technical University in Trondheim with the focus on Molecular Dynamics studies
01/1993:TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Ph.D. in natural sciences with degree "Magna cum laude",
Title: "Water activities in the ternary systems MgCl2-ACl-H2O (A = Li, K, Cs) up to very high salt concentrations",
Supervisor: Wolfgang Voigt -
07/1989:TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Diploma in Chemical Engineering with degree "Excellence",
Title: "Application of reaction models to describe activity data in the system LiCl-ZnCl2-H2O"
Research experience
- Thermodynamics of radionuclides in aqueous solutions and at the mineral-water interface, with applications toward nuclear waste repositories
- Experimental capabilities with modern analytical spectroscopic methods based, e.g., on laser-induced fluorescence and X-ray absorption
- Geochemical modelling, radionuclide migration, sorption, risk assessment, database development, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
- EU R&D framework programs
- EURAD: European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management (HORIZON 2020-847593) with active contributions to the work packages DONUT, UMAN & SoK
- CROCK: Crystalline rock retention processes (FP7-269658)
- ACTINET-6: Network for Actinide Sciences (FI6W-CT-2004-508836)
- NF-PRO: Understanding and physical and numerical modelling of the key processes in the near-field and their coupling for different host rocks and repository strategies (FI6W-CT-2003-002389)
- FUNMIG: Fundamental processes of radionuclide migration (FP6-516514)
- ACTAF: Aquatic Chemistry and Thermodynamic of Actinides and Fission Products (FIKW-CT-2000-00035)
- JETDEM: Joint European Thermodynamic Database for Environmental Modelling (FI4W-CT96-0029)
- NNFS: Cooperative Network Matching EU and FSU Activities in the Field of Nuclear Fission Safety (FI4C-CT96-0016)
- RESTRAT: Restoration Strategies for Radioactively Contaminated Sites and their Close Surroundings (FI4P-CT95-0021)
- national
- iCross: Integrity of nuclear waste repository systems - Cross-scale system understanding and analysis (BMBF 02NUK053B & HGF SO-093)
- SMILE: Application of the smart-Kd concept for long-term safety analysis (BMWi 02E11668B)
- EDUKEM: Entwicklung und Durchführung experimenteller Methoden zur verbesserten Modellierbarkeit uranhaltiger salinarer Lösungen (BMWi 02E11334B)
- ThermAc: Aufklärung von Thermodynamik und Speziation von Actiniden bei höheren Temperaturen in Kombination von Schätzmethoden, spektroskopischen und quantenchemischen Methoden (BMBF 02NUK039B)
- VESPA: Verhalten langlebiger Spalt- und Aktivierungsprodukte im Nahfeld eines Endlagers und Möglichkeiten ihrer Rückhaltung - (BMWi 02E10790)
- THEREDA: Thermodynamische Referenzdatenbasis (BMWi 02E10136, BMBF 02C1436, BMU/BfS VA3252 - AN550550 - UA2671)
- WEIMAR: Weiterentwicklung des Smart-Kd-Konzepts für Langzeit¬sicherheits¬analysen (BMWi 02E11072B)
- ESTRAL: Realitätsnahe Einbindung von Sorptionsprozessen in Transportprogramme für die Langzeitsicherheitsanalyse (BMWi 02E10528)
- ISDA: Integriertes Sorptionsdatenbanksystem für Wechselwirkungen chemisch-toxischer und radioaktiver Kontaminanten mit mineralischen Systemen in geologischen Formationen (BMBF 02C1144)
- Entwicklung einer mineralspezifischen Sorptions-Datenbank für Oberflächen-komplexierungsmodelle (BMWA 02E9471)
- Geochemische Prozesse bei der Ausbreitung von Schadstoffen aus einem Endlager für radioaktive Abfälle. Sichtung, Zusammenstellung und Bewertung von Daten zur geochemischen Modellierung (BfS WS 1011)
- Technical Direction Team of the NEA Sorption Project
- Governing Board of the EU 7th framework projects ACTINET-I3
- Scientific Advisory Board of the Migration conference series
- Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Endlagerforschung – DAEF (Vice Chair)
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker - GDCh
Teaching activity
- Lecturer (Honorary Professor) in Radiochemistry at the University of Applied Science Dresden (HTW, since 2008)
Other merits
- Holder of the Agricola medal of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg for an outstanding diploma work
- Referee for 17 international scientific journals (Applied Geochemistry, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Chemical Geology, Chemosphere, Comptes Rendus, Environmental Science & Technology, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Geothermics, Inorganic Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Colloids and Interface Science, Journal of Computational Geology, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Radiochimica Acta)
- Expert evaluator for the Swiss Nagra, the German Research Council (DFG), and the Belgian ONDRAF/NIRAS
Natural and synthetic plagioclases: Surface charge characterization and sorption of trivalent lanthanides (Eu) and actinides (Am, Cm)
Lessing, J.; Neumann, J.; Lützenkirchen, J.; Bok, F.; Moisei-Rabung, S.; Schild, D.; Brendler, V.; Stumpf, T.; Schmidt, M.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 688(2024), 133529
DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2024.133529
A critical review of the solution chemistry, solubility, and thermodynamics of europium: recent advances on the Eu(III) hydrolysis
Jordan, N.; Thoenen, T.; Spahiu, K.; Kelling, J.; Starke, S.; Brendler, V.
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 510(2024), 215702
DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2024.215702
Cited 5 times in Scopus
The solubility of oxygen in water and saline solutions
Bok, F.; Moog, H. C.; Brendler, V.
Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering 2(2023), 1158109
DOI: 10.3389/fnuen.2023.1158109
Cited 8 times in Scopus
Capturing the state-of-knowledge in EURAD knowledge management
Knuuti, T.; Tatomir, A.; Göbel, A.; Franzen, C.; Abbasova, D.; Arnold, T.; Brendler, V.; Fuzik, K.
EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies 8(2022), 37
DOI: 10.1051/epjn/2022030
Cited 1 times in Scopus
Combining Batch Experiments and Spectroscopy for realistic Surface Complexation Modelling of the Sorption of Americium, Curium, and Europium onto Muscovite
Bezzina, J. P.; Neumann, J.; Brendler, V.; Schmidt, M.
Water Research 223(2022), 119032
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2022.119032
Cited 4 times in Scopus
Exploring the Reduction Mechanism of ⁹⁹Tc(VII) in NaClO₄: A Spectro-Electrochimical Approach
Rodriguez Hernandez, D. M.; Mayordomo, N.; Parra-Puerto, A.; Schild, D.; Brendler, V.; Stumpf, T.; Müller, K.
Inorganic Chemistry 61(2022)26, 10159-10166
DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c01278
Cited 2 times in Scopus
A critical review of the solution chemistry, solubility, and thermodynamics of europium: recent advances on the Eu3+ aqua ion and the Eu(III) aqueous complexes and solid phases with the sulphate, chloride, and phosphate inorganic ligands
Jordan, N.; Thoenen, T.; Starke, S.; Spahiu, K.; Brendler, V.
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 473(2022), 214608
DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2022.214608
Cited 10 times in Scopus
A community data mining approach for surface complexation database development
Zavarin, M.; Chang, E.; Wainwright, H.; Parham, N.; Kaukuntla, R.; Zouabe, J.; Deinhart, A.; Genetti, V.; Shipman, S.; Bok, F.; Brendler, V.
Environmental Science & Technology 56(2022)4, 2827-2838
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.1c07109
Cited 17 times in Scopus
New insights into U(VI) sorption onto montmorillonite from batch sorption and spectroscopic studies at increased ionic strength
Stockmann, M.; Fritsch, K.; Bok, F.; Marques Fernandes, M.; Baeyens, B.; Steudtner, R.; Müller, K.; Nebelung, C.; Brendler, V.; Stumpf, T.; Schmeide, K.
Science of the Total Environment 806(2022), 150653
Online First (2021) DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150653
Cited 22 times in Scopus
Reductive immobilization of 99Tc(VII) by FeS2: the effect of marcasite
Rodriguez Hernandez, D. M.; Mayordomo, N.; Schild, D.; Shams Aldin Azzam, S.; Brendler, V.; Müller, K.; Stumpf, T.
Chemosphere 281(2021), 130904
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130904
Cited 10 times in Scopus
Analysis of technetium immobilization and its molecular retention mechanisms by Fe(II)-Al(III)-Cl layered double hydroxide.
Mayordomo, N.; Rodriguez Hernandez, D. M.; Roßberg, A.; Foerstendorf, H.; Heim, K.; Brendler, V.; Müller, K.
Involved research facilities
- Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265
Related publications
- DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265 is cited by this (Id 31419) publication
Chemical Engineering Journal 408(2021), 127265
Online First (2020) DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.127265
Cited 37 times in Scopus
A comprehensive study of the sorption mechanism and thermodynamics of f-element sorption onto K-feldspar
Neumann, J.; Brinkmann, H.; Britz, S.; Lützenkirchen, J.; Bok, F.; Stockmann, M.; Brendler, V.; Stumpf, T.; Schmidt, M.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 591(2021), 490-499
Online First (2020) DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2020.11.041
Cited 16 times in Scopus
Dimeric and Trimeric Uranyl(VI)–Citrate Complexes in Aqueous Solution
Kretzschmar, J.; Tsushima, S.; Lucks, C.; Jäckel, E.; Meyer, R.; Steudtner, R.; Müller, K.; Roßberg, A.; Schmeide, K.; Brendler, V.
Involved research facilities
- Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265
Related publications
Dimeric and Trimeric Uranyl(VI)–Citrate Complexes: ¹⁷O-, ²³Na-, and ¹³⁹La-NMR …
ROBIS: 32805 cites this (Id 28980) publication -
Dimeric and Trimeric Uranyl(VI)–Citrate Complexes: ¹⁷O-, ²³Na-, and ¹³⁹La-NMR …
DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265 is cited by this (Id 28980) publication -
NMR spectroscopy of selected aqueous systems investigated at HZDR–IRE
ROBIS: 35617 references this (Id 28980) publication
Inorganic Chemistry 60(2021)11, 7998-8010
DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c00522
Cited 13 times in Scopus
Technetium retention by gamma alumina nanoparticles and the effect of sorbed Fe²⁺
Mayordomo, N.; Rodriguez Hernandez, D. M.; Schild, D.; Molodtsov, K.; Johnstone, E. V.; Hübner, R.; Shams Aldin Azzam, S.; Brendler, V.; Müller, K.
Journal of Hazardous Materials 833(2020), 122066
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.122066
Cited 14 times in Scopus
New insights into 99Tc(VII) removal by pyrite: A spectroscopic approach
Rodriguez Hernandez, D. M.; Mayordomo, N.; Scheinost, A.; Schild, D.; Brendler, V.; Müller, K.; Stumpf, T.
Environmental Science & Technology 54(2020)5, 2678-2687
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b05341
Cited 27 times in Scopus
Uranium(VI) Complexes of Glutathione Disulfide Forming in Aqueous Solution
Kretzschmar, J.; Strobel, A.; Haubitz, T.; Drobot, B.; Steudtner, R.; Barkleit, A.; Brendler, V.; Stumpf, T.
Related publications
NMR spectroscopy of selected aqueous systems investigated at HZDR–IRE
ROBIS: 35617 references this (Id 28981) publication
Inorganic Chemistry 59(2020)7, 4244-4254
DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b02921
Cited 5 times in Scopus
Thermodynamic and structural aspects of the aqueous uranium(IV) system – hydrolysis vs. sulfate complexation
Lehmann, S.; Foerstendorf, H.; Zimmermann, T.; Patzschke, M.; Bok, F.; Brendler, V.; Stumpf, T.; Steudtner, R.
Dalton Transactions 48(2019), 17898-17907
DOI: 10.1039/C9DT02886B
ISSN: 1477-9226
Cited 2 times in Scopus
Strong Uranium(VI) Binding onto Bovine Milk Proteins, Selected Protein Sequences and Model Peptides
Zänker, H.; Heine, K.; Weiss, S.; Brendler, V.; Husar, R.; Bernhard, G.; Gloe, K.; Henle, T.; Barkleit, A.
Inorganic Chemistry 58(2019), 4173-4189
DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b03231
Cited 23 times in Scopus
Multidentate extracting agents based on calix[4]arene scaffold – UVI/EuIII separation studies
Bauer, A.; Jäschke, A.; Shams Aldin Azzam, S.; Glasneck, F.; Ullmann, S.; Kersting, B.; Brendler, V.; Schmeide, K.; Stumpf, T.
Separation and Purification Technology 213(2019), 246-254
Online First (2018) DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2018.12.041
Cited 8 times in Scopus
Stability of U(VI) doped calcium silicate hydrate gel in repository-relevant brines studied by leaching experiments and spectroscopy
Wolter, J.-M.; Schmeide, K.; Weiss, S.; Bok, F.; Brendler, V.; Stumpf, T.
Chemosphere 218(2019), 241-251
Online First (2018) DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.11.074
Cited 5 times in Scopus
Adsorption of selenium(VI) onto nano transition alumina
Jordan, N.; Franzen, C.; Lützenkirchen, J.; Foerstendorf, H.; Hering, D.; Weiss, S.; Heim, K.; Brendler, V.
Environmental Science: Nano 5(2018)7, 1661-1669
DOI: 10.1039/c8en00293b
Cited 19 times in Scopus
Complexation of trivalent lanthanides (Eu) and actinides (Cm) with aqueous phosphates at elevated temperatures
Jordan, N.; Demnitz, M.; Lösch, H.; Starke, S.; Brendler, V.; Huittinen, N.
Inorganic Chemistry 57(2018)12, 7915-7024
DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b00647
Cited 21 times in Scopus
Uranium(VI) complexes with a calix[4]arene-based 8-hydroxyquinoline ligand: Thermodynamic and structural characterization based on calorimetry, spectroscopy, and liquid-liquid extraction
Bauer, A.; Jäschke, A.; Schöne, S.; Barthen, R.; März, J.; Schmeide, K.; Patzschke, M.; Kersting, B.; Fahmy, K.; Oertel, J.; Brendler, V.; Stumpf, T.
ChemistryOpen 7(2018)6, 467-474
DOI: 10.1002/open.201800085
Cited 9 times in Scopus
Network-like arrangement of mixed-valence uranium oxide nanoparticles after glutathione-induced reduction of uranium(VI)
Kretzschmar, J.; Haubitz, T.; Hübner, R.; Weiss, S.; Husar, R.; Brendler, V.; Stumpf, T.
Related publications
NMR spectroscopy of selected aqueous systems investigated at HZDR–IRE
ROBIS: 35617 references this (Id 22173) publication
Chemical Communications 54(2018)63, 8697-8700
DOI: 10.1039/c8cc02070a
Cited 7 times in Scopus
Long-term diffusion of U(VI) in bentonite: Dependence on density
Joseph, C.; Mibus, J.; Trepte, P.; Müller, C.; Brendler, V.; Park, D. M.; Jiao, Y.; Kersting, A. B.; Zavarin, M.
Science of the Total Environment 575(2017), 207-218
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.005
ISSN: 0048-9697
Cited 28 times in Scopus
Smart Kd-values, their uncertainties and sensitivities - Applying a new approach for realistic distribution coefficients in geochemical modeling of complex systems
Stockmann, M.; Schikora, J.; Becker, D.-A.; Flügge, J.; Noseck, U.; Brendler, V.
Chemosphere 187(2017), 277-285
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.08.115
Cited 27 times in Scopus
The Sorption Processes of U(VI) onto SiO2 in the Presence of Phosphate: from Binary Surface Species to Precipitation
Comarmond, M. J.; Steudtner, R.; Stockmann, M.; Heim, K.; Müller, K.; Brendler, V.; Payne, T. E.; Foerstendorf, H.
Environmental Science & Technology 50(2016)21, 11610-11618
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b02075
ISSN: 0013-936X
Cited 28 times in Scopus
Oxyhydroxy silicate colloids: A new type of waterborne actinide(IV) colloids
Zänker, H.; Weiss, S.; Hennig, C.; Brendler, V.; Ikeda-Ohno, A.
Involved research facilities
- Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265
Related publications
- DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265 is cited by this (Id 22532) publication
ChemistryOpen 5(2016), 174-182
DOI: 10.1002/open.201500207
Cited 15 times in Scopus
Speciation Studies of Metals in Trace Concentrations: The Mononuclear Uranyl(VI) Hydroxo Complexes
Drobot, B.; Bauer, A.; Steudtner, R.; Tsushima, S.; Bok, F.; Patzschke, M.; Raff, J.; Brendler, V.
Analytical Chemistry 88(2016)7, 3548-3555
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b03958
Cited 38 times in Scopus
Macroscopic and spectroscopic characterization of uranium(VI) sorption onto orthoclase and muscovite and the influence of competing Ca2+
Richter, C.; Müller, K.; Drobot, B.; Steudtner, R.; Großmann, K.; Stockmann, M.; Brendler, V.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 189(2016), 143-157
DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2016.05.045
Cited 36 times in Scopus
The interaction of Eu(III) with organoborates – a further approach to understand the complexation in the An/Ln(III)–borate system
Schott, J.; Kretzschmar, J.; Tsushima, S.; Drobot, B.; Acker, M.; Barkleit, A.; Taut, S.; Brendler, V.; Stumpf, T.
Dalton Transactions 44(2015)24, 11095-11108
DOI: 10.1039/c5dt00213c
Cited 12 times in Scopus
In situ spectroscopic identification of neptunium(V) inner-sphere complexes on the hematite-water interface
Müller, K.; Gröschel, A.; Rossberg, A.; Bok, F.; Franzen, C.; Brendler, V.; Foerstendorf, H.
Involved research facilities
- Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265
Related publications
- DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265 is cited by this (Id 21722) publication
Environmental Science & Technology 49(2015)4, 2560-2567
DOI: 10.1021/es5051925
Cited 22 times in Scopus
Spectroscopic evidence for selenium(IV) dimerization in aqueous solution
Kretzschmar, J.; Jordan, N.; Brendler, E.; Tsushima, S.; Franzen, C.; Foerstendorf, H.; Stockmann, M.; Heim, K.; Brendler, V.
Dalton Transactions 44(2015), 10508
DOI: 10.1039/c5dt00730e
Cited 28 times in Scopus
Combining Luminescence Spectroscopy, Parallel Factor Analysis and Quantum Chemistry to Reveal Metal Speciation - a Case Study of Uranyl (VI) Hydrolysis
Drobot, B.; Steudtner, R.; Raff, J.; Geipel, G.; Brendler, V.; Tsushima, S.
Chemical Science 6(2015), 964-972
Online First (2014) DOI: 10.1039/C4SC02022G
Cited 73 times in Scopus
Disposal of nuclear waste in host rock formations featuring high-saline solutions – Implementation of a thermodynamic reference database (THEREDA)
Moog, H. C.; Bok, F.; Marquardt, C. M.; Brendler, V.
Applied Geochemistry 55(2015), 72-84
DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.12.016
Cited 38 times in Scopus
Formation of a Eu(III) borate solid species from a weak Eu(III) borate complex in aqueous solution
Schott, J.; Kretzschmar, J.; Acker, M.; Eidner, S.; Kumke, M. U.; Drobot, B.; Barkleit, A.; Taut, S.; Brendler, V.; Stumpf, T.
Dalton Transactions 43(2014)30, 11516-11528
DOI: 10.1039/C4DT00843J
Cited 49 times in Scopus
Influence of speciation during membrane treatment of uranium contaminated water
Hoyer, M.; Zabelt, D.; Steudtner, R.; Brendler, V.; Haseneder, R.; Repke, J.
Separation and Purification Technology 132(2014), 413-421
DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2014.05.044
Cited 70 times in Scopus
Interaction of U(VI) with Äspö diorite: A batch and in situ ATR FT-IR sorption study
Schmeide, K.; Gürtler, S.; Müller, K.; Steudtner, R.; Joseph, C.; Bok, F.; Brendler, V.
Applied Geochemistry 49(2014), 116-125
DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.05.003
Cited 28 times in Scopus
Interaction of Europium and Nickel with calcite studied by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry and Time-Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Sabau, A.; Pipon, Y.; Toulhoat, N.; Lomenech, C.; Jordan, N.; Moncoffre, N.; Barkleit, A.; Marmier, N.; Brendler, V.; Surblé, S.; Giffaut, E.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 332(2014)111, 116
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2014.02.041
Cited 1 times in Scopus
Spectroscopic identification of binary and ternary surface complexes of Np(V) on gibbsite
Gückel, K.; Rossberg, A.; Müller, K.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G.; Foerstendorf, H.
Involved research facilities
- Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265
Related publications
- DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265 is cited by this (Id 18968) publication
Environmental Science & Technology 47(2013)24, 14418-14425
DOI: 10.1021/es4034183
ISSN: 1520-5851
Cited 23 times in Scopus
The surface reactions of U(VI) on γ-Al2O3 - In situ spectroscopic evaluation of the transition from sorption complexation to surface precipitation
Müller, K.; Foerstendorf, H.; Brendler, V.; Rossberg, A.; Stolze, K.; Gröschel, A.
Involved research facilities
- Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265
Related publications
- DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265 is cited by this (Id 18753) publication
Chemical Geology 357(2013), 75-84
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.08.033
Cited 38 times in Scopus
Guidelines for Thermodynamic Sorption Modelling in the Context of Radioactive Waste Disposal
Payne, T. E.; Brendler, V.; Ochs, M.; Baeyens, B.; Brown, P. L.; Davis, J. A.; Ekberg, C.; Kulik, D. A.; Lützenkirchen, J.; Missana, T.; Tachi, Y.; van Loon, L. R.; Altmann, S.
Environmental Modelling & Software 42(2013), 143-156
DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.01.002
Cited 80 times in Scopus
Temperature impact on the sorption of selenium(VI) onto anatase
Jordan, N.; Müller, K.; Franzen, C.; Brendler, V.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 390(2013), 170-175
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2012.09.021
Cited 15 times in Scopus
Sorption of U(VI) onto Opalinus Clay: Effects of pH and humic acid
Joseph, C.; Stockmann, M.; Schmeide, K.; Sachs, S.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G.
Applied Geochemistry 36(2013), 104-117
DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.06.016
Cited 44 times in Scopus
Binary and ternary surface complexes of U(VI) on the gibbsite/water interface studied by vibrational and EXAFS spectroscopy
Gückel, K.; Rossberg, A.; Brendler, V.; Foerstendorf, H.
Involved research facilities
- Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265
Related publications
- DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265 is cited by this (Id 16862) publication
Chemical Geology 326-327(2012), 27-35
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.07.015
Cited 29 times in Scopus
Immobilization of uranium in biofilm microorganisms exposed to groundwater seeps over granitic rock tunnel walls in Olkiluoto, Finland
Krawczyk-Bärsch, E.; Lünsdorf, H.; Arnold, T.; Bok, F.; Steudtner, R.; Pedersen, K.; Lehtinen, A.; Brendler, V.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 96(2012), 94-104
DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.08.012
Cited 21 times in Scopus
The influence of temperature and small organic ligands on the sorption of Eu(III) on Opalinus Clay
Schott, J.; Acker, M.; Barkleit, A.; Brendler, V.; Taut, S.; Bernhard, G.
Radiochimica Acta 100(2012), 315-324
DOI: 10.1524/ract.2012.1921
Cited 14 times in Scopus
Sorption of U(VI) at the TiO2 – water interface: An in situ vibrational spectroscopic study.
Müller, K.; Foerstendorf, H.; Meusel, T.; Brendler, V.; Comarmond, M. J.; Lefèvre, G.; Payne, T. E.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 76(2012), 191-205
DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.10.004
Cited 50 times in Scopus
The influence of biofilms on the migration of uranium in acid mine drainage (AMD) waters
Krawczyk-Bärsch, E.; Lünsdorf, H.; Arnold, T.; Brendler, V.; Eisbein, E.; Jenk, U.; Zimmermann, U.
Science of the Total Environment 409(2011), 3059-3065
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.04.051
Cited 17 times in Scopus
Ternary uranium(VI) carbonato humate complex studied by cryo-TRLFS
Steudtner, R.; Sachs, S.; Schmeide, K.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G.
Radiochimica Acta 99(2011), 687-692
DOI: 10.1524/ract.2011.1861
Cited 26 times in Scopus
Aqueous curium(III) phosphate species characterized by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy
Moll, H.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G.
Radiochimica Acta 99(2011), 775-782
DOI: 10.1524/ract.2011.1878
Cited 14 times in Scopus
Sorption of selenium(VI) onto anatase: macroscopic and microscopic characterization
Jordan, N.; Foerstendorf, H.; Weiß, S.; Heim, K.; Schild, D.; Brendler, V.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75(2011), 1519-1530
DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.01.012
Cited 60 times in Scopus
Sorption of uranium(VI) onto Opalinus Clay in the absence and presence of humic acid in Opalinus Clay pore water
Joseph, C.; Schmeide, K.; Sachs, S.; Brendler, V.; Geipel, G.; Bernhard, G.
Chemical Geology 284(2011), 240-250
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.03.001
ISSN: 0009-2541
Cited 77 times in Scopus
Assessment of surface area normalisation for interpreting distribution coefficients (K(d)) for uranium sorption
Payne, T. E.; Brendler, V.; Comarmond, M. J.; Nebelung, C.
Lecture (Conference)
SPERA'08 - 10th South Pacific Environmental Radioactivity Conference, 24.-27.11.2008, Christchurch, New Sealand -
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 102(2011), 888-895
DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2010.04.005
Cited 36 times in Scopus
Aqueous coordination chemistry and photochemistry of uranyl(VI) oxalate revisited: a density functional theory study
Tsushima, S.; Brendler, V.; Fahmy, K.
Dalton Transactions 39(2010)45, 10953-10958
DOI: 10.1039/C0DT00974A
Cited 28 times in Scopus
U(VI) sorption on granite: prediction and experiments
Nebelung, C.; Brendler, V.
Lecture (Conference)
Migration '09 12th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, 20.-25.09.2009, Kennewick, Washington,, USA - Radiochimica Acta 98(2010)9-11, 621-625
Sorption of Np(V) onto TiO2, SiO2, and ZnO: An in situ ATR FT-IR spectroscopic study.
Müller, K.; Foerstendorf, H.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G.
- Environmental Science & Technology 43(2009)20, 7665-7670
Spectroscopic comparison of aqueous Np(VI) and U(VI) species
Müller, K.; Foerstendorf, H.; Tsushima, S.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G.
Lecture (Conference)
Goldschmidt 2009 - "Challenges to Our Volatile Planet", 21.-26.06.2009, Davos, Schweiz - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73(2009)13S, A914
Direct spectroscopic characterization of aqueous actinyl(VI) species: A Comparative Study of Np and U
Müller, K.; Foerstendorf, H.; Tsushima, S.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113(2009)24, 6626-6632
DOI: 10.1021/jp9008948
Cited 36 times in Scopus
THEREDA - Ein Beitrag zur Langzeitsicherheit von Endlagern für nukleare und nichtnukleare Abfälle
Altmaier, M.; Brendler, V.; Hagemann, S.; Herbert, H.-J.; Marquardt, C.; Moog, H.; Neck, V.; Richter, A.; Voigt, W.; Wilhelm, S.
- atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power 54(2008)4, 249-253
The relationship of monodentate and bidentate coordinated uranium(VI) sulfate in aqueous solution
Hennig, C.; Ikeda, A.; Schmeide, K.; Brendler, V.; Moll, H.; Tsushima, S.; Scheinost, A. C.; Skanthakumar, S.; Wilson, R.; Soderholm, L.; Servaes, K.; Görrler-Walrand, C.; van Deun, R.
Radiochimica Acta 96(2008), 607-611
DOI: 10.1524/ract.2008.1543
Cited 31 times in Scopus
Aqueous Uranium(VI) Hydrolysis Species Characterized by Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Müller, K.; Brendler, V.; Foerstendorf, H.
Inorganic Chemistry 47(2008)21, 10127-10134
DOI: 10.1021/ic8005103
ISSN: 0020-1669
Cited 101 times in Scopus
THEREDA Ein Beitrag zur Langzeitsicherheit von Endlagern nuklearer und nichtnuklearer Abfälle
Altmaier, M.; Brendler, V.; Hagemann, S.; Herbert, H.-J.; Kienzler, B.; Marquardt, C. M.; Moog, H. C.; Neck, V.; Richter, A.; Voigt, W.; Wilhelm, S.
- atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power 53(2008)4, 249-253
TRLFS: Analysing Spectra with an Expectation-Maximization (EM) Algorithm
Steinborn, A.; Taut, S.; Brendler, V.; Geipel, G.; Flach, B.
- Spectrochimica Acta Part A 71(2008)4, 1425-1432
Quality assurance in thermodynamic databases for performance assessment studies in waste disposal
Voigt, W.; Brendler, V.; Marsh, K.; Rarey, R.; Wanner, H.; Gaune-Escard, M.; Cloke, P.; Vercouter, T.; Bastrakov, E.; Hagemann, S.
Pure and Applied Chemistry 79(2007)5, 883-894
DOI: 10.1351/pac200779050883
Cited 27 times in Scopus
U(VI)-Kaolinite Surface Complexation in Absence and Presence of Humic Acid Studied by TRLFS
Krepelova, A.; Brendler, V.; Sachs, S.; Baumann, N.; Bernhard, G.
Environmental Science & Technology 41(2007)17, 6142-6147
ISSN: 0013-936X
EXAFS investigation of U(VI), U(IV) and Th(IV) sulfato complexes in aqueous solution
Hennig, C.; Schmeide, K.; Brendler, V.; Moll, H.; Tsushima, S.; Scheinost, A.
- Inorganic Chemistry 46(2007)15, 5882-5892
Actinide XAS 2006, 18.-20.09.2006, Karlsruhe, Germany -
Contribution to proceedings
Actinide XAS 2006, 18.-20.09.2006, Karlsruhe, Germany
Speciation Techniques and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources: OECD, 978-92-64-99006-7, 219-224
Uranium(VI) Complexation by Humic Acid under Neutral pH Conditions Studied by Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Sachs, S.; Brendler, V.; Geipel, G.
Radiochimica Acta 95(2007), 103-110
DOI: 10.1524/ract.2007.95.2.103
Cited 71 times in Scopus
Luminescence spectrum of uranyl(V) in 2-propanol perchlorate solution
Steudtner, R.; Arnold, T.; Großmann, K.; Geipel, G.; Brendler, V.
- Inorganic Chemistry Communications 9(2006)9, 939-941
Adsorbed U(VI) surface species on muscovite identified by laser fluorescence spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy
Arnold, T.; Utsunomiya, S.; Geipel, G.; Ewing, T. C.; Baumann, N.; Brendler, V.
- Environmental Science & Technology 40(2006)15, 4646-4652
The effect of parameter uncertainty on blind prediction of Np(V) sorption onto hematite using the Diffuse Double Layer Model
Richter, A.; Brendler, V.; Nebelung, C.
- Radiochimica Acta 93(2005)9/10, 527-532
Uranyl Sorption Onto Gibbsite Studied by Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TRLFS)
Baumann, N.; Brendler, V.; Arnold, T.; Geipel, G.; Bernhard, G.
- Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 290(2005)2, 318-324
Blind prediction of Cu(II) sorption onto goethite: Current capabilities of surface complexation modeling
Richter, A.; Brendler, V.; Nebelung, C.
- Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69(2005), 2725-2734
EXAFS Study on the Neptunium(V) Complexation by Various Humic Acids under Neutral pH Conditions
Sachs, S.; Schmeide, K.; Reich, T.; Brendler, V.; Heise, K. H.; Bernhard, G.
- Radiochimica Acta 93(2005), 17-25
Neptunium(IV) complexation by humic substances studied by X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
Schmeide, K.; Reich, T.; Sachs, S.; Brendler, V.; Heise, K. H.; Bernhard, G.
- Radiochimica Acta 93(2005), 187-196
RES3T-Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics
Brendler, V.; Arnold, T.; Bernhard, G.; Fanghänel, T.
- Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (2003)61, 281-291
The Colloid Chemistry of Acid Rock Drainage Solution from an Abandoned Zn-Pb-Ag Mine
Zänker, H.; Moll, H.; Richter, W.; Brendler, V.; Hennig, C.; Reich, T.; Kluge, A.; Hüttig, G.
- Applied Geochemistry 17 (2002) 633-648
Uranyl(VI) carbonate complex formation: Validation of the Ca2UO2(CO3)(3)(aq.) species
Bernhard, G.; Geipel, G.; Reich, T.; Brendler, V.; Amayri, S.; Nitsche, H.
- Radiochimica Acta 89(2001)8, 511-518
Evaluation and ranking of restoration strategies for radioactively contaminated sites
Zeevaert, T.; Bousher, A.; Brendler, V.; Hedemann Jensen, P.; Nordlinder, S.
- Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 56 (1-2), 33-50 (2001)
Uranyl(VI) Carbonate Complex Formation: Validation of the Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq.) Species
Bernhard, G.; Geipel, G.; Brendler, V.; Reich, T.; Amayri, S.; Nitsche, H.
- Radiochimica Acta 89, 511-518 (2001)
Spectroscopic properties of uranium(VI) minerals studied by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS)
Geipel, G.; Bernhard, G.; Rutsch, M.; Brendler, V.; Nitsche, H.
- Radiochimica Acta 88, 757-762 (2000)
Colloid-Borne Uranium and Other Heavy Metals in the Water of a Mine Drainage Gallery
Zänker, H.; Richter, W.; Brendler, V.; Nitsche, H.
Lecture (Conference)
Vortrag auf "Migration 99", Incline Village, USA - Radiochimica Acta 88, 619-624 (2000)
ROBL - a CRG Beamline for Radiochemistry and Materials Research at the ESRF
Matz, W.; Schell, N.; Bernhard, G.; Schlenk, R.; Pröhl, D.; Funke, H.; Betzl, M.; Brendler, V.; Claußner, J.; Dienel, S.; Eichhorn, F.; Hüttig, G.; Krug, H.; Neumann, W.; Nitsche, H.; Oehme, W.; Prokert, F.; Reich, T.; Reichel, P.; Strauch, U.; Denecke, M. A.
Lecture (Conference)
SR50 - Highlights in X-ray Synchrotron Radiation Research, Grenoble, France, Oct. 17 - 20, 1997 - Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (1999) 6, 1076-1085
ROBL - a CRG Beamline for Radiochemistry and Materials Research at the ESRF
Matz, W.; Schell, N.; Bernhard, G.; Claußner, J.; Oehme, W.; Prokert, F.; Reich, T.; Schlenk, R.; Pröhl, D.; Funke, H.; Eichhorn, F.; Betzl, M.; Dienel, S.; Brendler, V.; Denecke, M. A.; Krug, H.; Neumann, W.; Hüttig, G.; Reichel, P.; Strauch, U.
- Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 6 (1999) 1076-1085
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte; FZR-256 April 1999
ISSN: 1437-322X
Complex formation between UO2+2 and CO2-3: Studied by laser-inducted photoacoustic spectroscopy (LIPAS)
Geipel, G.; Bernhard, G.; Brendler, V.; Nitsche, H.
- Radiochimica Acta 82(1998), 59-62
Complex formation between UO22+ and CO32- studied by Laser-Induced photoacoustic Spectroscopy
Geipel, G.; Bernhard, G.; Brendler, V.; Nitsche, H.
Lecture (Conference)
MIGRATION '97, Konferenz vom 26.-31. Oktober 1997 in Sendoi, Japan - Radiochimica Acta 82, 59 (1998)
Interaction of uranium(VI) with silicic acid in aqueous solutions by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS)
Moll, H.; Geipel, G.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G.; Nitsche, H.
Actinides '97 International Conference, 21.-26.9.1997, Baden-Baden -
J. Alloys and Compounds 271-273, 765 (1998)
DOI: 10.1016/S0925-8388(98)00203-5
Cited 82 times in Scopus
Uranium speciation in waters of different uranium mining areas
Bernhard, G.; Geipel, G.; Brendler, V.; Nitsche, H.
Actinides '97 International Conference, 21.-26.9.1997, Baden-Baden -
J. AlloysCompounds 271-273, 201 (1998)
DOI: 10.1016/S0925-8388(98)00054-1
Cited 129 times in Scopus
Laser and X-ray spectroscopic studies of uranium-calcite interface phenomena
Geipel, G.; Reich, T.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G.; Nitsche, H.
Lecture (Conference)
Workshop JAERT, Japan - Journal of Nuclear Materials 248 (1997) 408-411
Complexation in the System UO22+/PO43-/OH-(aq): potentiometric and spectroscopic investigations at very low ionic strenghts
Brendler, V.; Geipel, G.; Bernhard, G.; Nitsche, H.
- Radiochimica Acta 74(1996), 75-80
Speciation of uranium in seepage waters from a mine tailing pile studied by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS)
Bernhard, G.; Geipel, G.; Brendler, V.; Nitsche, H.
- Radiochimica Acta 74(1996), 87-91
Sorption of Uranium(VI) on Rock Material of a Mine Tailing Pile: Solution Speciation by Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Geipel, G.; Bernhard, G.; Brendler, V.; Nitsche, H.
- Radiochimica Acta 74 (1996) pp. 235-238
Migration '95
Uranium (VI) Sulfate Complexation studied by Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TRLFS)
Geipel, G.; Brachmann, A.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G.; Nitsche, H.
- Radiochimica Acta 75, 199-204 (1996)