Radiation Safety Information for building 540/542 - ELBE, High Power Laser, Neutron Lab
Contact for all questions or problems regarding radiation safety is the radiation safety officer (German abbreviation: SSB).
Usually Isabel Kösterke is the SSB. During her absence a deputy SSB is responsible.
Here you can see the current SSB on duty.
1) Basic radiation safety rules in building 540/542
Access to building 540/542 is only allowed for persons who
- wear dosimeters
- have a valid radiation safety training
- (in case of women) are not pregnant or nursing.
Visitors have to be permanently attended by a staff member who works in building 540/542 and knows about the radiation safety rules. The staff member has to inform the visitor about the radiation safety rules by a short briefing.
For controlled areas: Off limits to unauthorised personnel!
In the whole building eating, drinking and smoking is not allowed. You can eat and drink in the rooms 201 to 206, 231, 237, 239, part of room 124, in room 101a and in the entrance area T101.
You can enter the ELBE building through one of the two entrance doors by using your active HZDR identity card or HZDR guest card. The card activation is done by the SSB after the radiation safety training.
2) Radiation safety training
Everyone who wants to work in building 540/542 has to first complete the "primary briefing for general radiation protection building 540/542" via the instruction portal on HZDR homepage. The instruction certificate has to be printed and signed and sent via email to the SSB Isabel Kösterke. The training including a test takes about 30 to 60 minutes and is valid for one year.
An annual presentation in December (invitation per email) refreshes the validity for another year. All persons who work in building 540/542 should take part in that presentation. If a participation is not possible, you have to complete the "repeated briefing for general radiation protection building 540/542" to refresh the training status.
If you don´t have access to the instruction portal or GATE portal on HZDR homepage, you will get the radiation safety training from the SSB.
Persons who want to work in the Neutron Lab of TUD have to complete the primary or repeated briefing for "radiation protection building 540/542 - Neutron lab".
3) Application for a personal Albedo dosimeter
HZDR staff members working in building 540/542 get a personal albedo dosimeter. Please arrange a time with the SSB Isabel Kösterke for the application for the albedo dosimeter.
Please bring the following documentation with you:
- your German Sozialversicherungsnummer or a social security number
- original of the instruction certificate
- information about possible dose values from former employers
4) Special Radiation safety directive
The special radiation safety directive (German abbreviation: SSA) contains all radiation safety rules for building 540/542 in a written form. Currently the SSA exists only in German language. But an English version will be available soon here.
Here you can find a leaflet for the basic radiation safety rules.
5) Information for external guests
To get access to the radiation safety areas in our building 540/542, there are two things to do:
- Please fill in the form "dose attestation" to attest your received individual dose in the current calendar year and also of your lifetime dose. Afterwards sign the form and send it as a scan back to the SSB Isabel Kösterke. With this information we decide which kind of dosimeter(s) and radiation safety terms are neccessary during your stay in building 540/542.
- Please do the radiation safety training via your HZDR- GATE-login. Before your first access to building 540/542 please do the "primary briefing for general radiation protection building 540/542", and before a repeated access please do the "repeated briefing for general radiation protection building 540/542". The instruction certificate has to be printed and signed and sent via email to the SSB Isabel Kösterke. The training including a test takes about 30 to 60 minutes and is valid for one year.
For questions regarding your GATE-login please turn to the responsible beamline scientists or your local HZDR contact. If you don´t have access to the instruction portal or GATE portal on HZDR homepage, you will get the radiation safety training from the SSB.
The mentioned documents have to be available at the latest 2 weeks before the beginning of your stay. Only if the documents are complete will you get access with your HZDR guest card to building 540/542. If the documents are incomplete, you will not get access to building 540/542.