
Tobias Huste

Head Group of Software Engineering
Phone: +49 351 260 3604

HIFIS - Helmholtz Federated IT Services

The top position of Helmholtz research is increasingly based on cross-centre and international cooperation and common access to data treasure and -services. At the same time, the significance of a sustainable software development for the research process is recognised.

Logo HIFIS - Helmholtz Federated IT Services ©Copyright: HIFIS - Helmholtz Federated IT Services

HIFIS Logo - Helmholtz Federated IT Services

Foto: HIFIS - Helmholtz Federated IT Services


HIFIS aims to ensure an excellent information environment for outstanding research in all Helmholtz research fields and a seamless and performant IT-infrastructure connecting knowledge from all centres. HIFIS operates a secure and easy-to-use collaborative environment with efficiently accessible digital services from anywhere. HIFIS also supports the development of research software with a high level of quality, visibility and sustainability.

To achieve this, HIFIS is organized in 3 Competence Clusters which are distributed throughout different Helmholtz research centers:

  • a Cloud Services Cluster - a federated platform for proven first class cloud services,
  • a Backbone Services Cluster - high-performance trusted network infrastructure with unified basic services and
  • a Software Services Cluster - platform, training and support for high-quality, sustainable software development.

Mission Statement

HIFIS' mission at HZDR is to empower scientists of any domain to implement and to perpetuate modern scientific software development principles in order to make research software engineering more sustainable. By making Helmholtz-wide cloud solutions seamlessly accessible, scientists are provided with a modern digital research environment.


Together with colleagues from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) and the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ), our goal in the HIFIS Software Cluster is to enable scientists to implement and perpetuate modern software development principles in order to make scientific software engineering more sustainable. The HZDR coordinates the HIFIS Software Cluster.

The HZDR is also actively involved in the HIFIS Backbone Cluster and Cloud Cluster and participates in the implementation of a common authorization and authentication infrastructure and the provision of Helmholtz-wide cloud services.

The Team

The central information portal of the HIFIS Software Cluster can be found at: There you will also find an overview of the HIFIS Software Team as well as upcoming events and trainings. The HIFIS colleagues will be located in the HZDR departments Application Services, IT Infrastructure and Computational Science.

NameBld./Office+49 351 260Email
Huste, Tobias270/2193604


Get in touch with us for questions or assistance

  • around the topic "research software engineering",
  • for courses and further education on the subject of software engineering or
  • around technology offerings like GitLab or Mattermost.

The central point of contact for such inquiries is the HIFIS Helpdesk.

Helmholtz Cloud Services by HZDR

The HZDR offers services within the Helmholtz Cloud. Currently, 3 services are in the service portfolio:

Over the course of 2022, additional services will be integrated:

  • Overleaf, for collaborative editing of latex documents.
  • HIFIS-GPU, Jupyter Notebook Service with GPUs on board.

Important Links