
Prof. Dr. Cornelius Fischer

Head of Department
Reactive Transport
Phone: +49 351 260 4660

Dr. Karsten Franke

Research Associate
Experimental Neurooncological Radiopharmacy
Phone: +49 351 260 4629

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CyClotron "CYCLONE 18/9"

The department of Reactive Transport in Leipzig utilizes the cyclotron CYCLONE 18/9® (Ion Beam Applications, IBA, Belgian) for the generation of radionuclides needed in the ongoing research. This particle accelerator supplies protons with an energy of 18 MeV and deuterons with an energy of 9 MeV and enables (p,x) and (d,x) – nuclear reactions. Two internal ion sources generate negatively charged hydrogen and deuteron ions, which are accelerated and after passing stripper foils are guided as protons and deuterons to the eight possible beam exits. A possible beam splitting enables the irradiation of two beam exits simultaneously. The maximum extractable beam current on target is 100 µA for protons and 40 µA for deuterons.

The eight beam exits are equipped with target stations for the irradiation of gaseous targets (e.g. generation of [11C]CO2, [11C]CH4 and [15O]O2), liquid targets (e.g. generation of [18F]F2)) and solid targets. COSTIS 1 and COSTIS 2 are the two available target station for the irradiation of solid targets. COSTIS 1 allows the irradiation of target capsules (diameter = 24 mm, thickness = 5 mm) and is utilized for the irradiation of powders, like oxides, nanoparticles (NP) and salts. COSTIS 2 handles disc-like targets (diameter = 24 mm, thickness = 2 mm) for the irradiation of foils and electroplated samples.

Established nuclear reactions in solid targets

Nuclear reaction Target material Parameters Applications
natLi(p,n)7Be LiH / nanoparticles
Ep = 2.5 MeV
Ip = 5 µA
Nanosafety research
natMg(d,α)22Na Mg-foil
300 µm
Ed = 8.9 MeV
Id = 10 µA
Tracer for transport studies (PET)

100 µm

Ed = 12 MeV
Id = 20 µA
Nanosafety research

100 µm

Ep = 12 MeV
Ip = 22 µA

Material recycling of metallurgic slags



Ep = 12 MeV
Ip = 7.5 µA
Nanosafety research
natV(p,n)51Cr V-foil
127 µm
Ep = 11 MeV
Ip = 20 µA
Recycling (stainless steel slags, ferrochrome slags)
natFe(p,n)56Co Fe-foil
100 µm
Ep = 13.4 MeV
Ip = 22 µA
Tracer for transport studies (PET)
64Ni(p,n)64Cu 64Ni-clectro plate Ep = 12 MeV
Ip = 22 µA
Tracer for transport studies (PET)
natRb(p,n)85Sr RbCl pellet
300 µm
Ep = 13.4 MeV
Ip = 5 µA
Nuclear waste research (90Sr-analog)
natSr(p,n)88Y SrCO3 pellet
300 µm
Ep = 12 MeV
Ip = 3 µA
Y as analog for REE in transport studies / extraction studies
natY(p,n)89Zr Y-foil
150 µm
Ep = 12 MeV
Ip = 22 µA
REE ore leaching, Zr as major contaminant
natZr(d,n)95Nb Zr-foil
127 µm
Ed = 9 MeV
Id = 10 µA
Tracer for transport studies
135Ba(p,n)135La [135Ba]BaCO3 pellet
600 µm
Ep = 18 MeV
Ip = 12.5 µA
Ore chemistry, separation of Lanthanides
natLa(p,n)139Ce La2O3 pellet
300 µm
Ep = 12.5 MeV
Ip = 22 µA
Ore chemistry, separation of Lanthanides
natCe(p,2n)139Pr CeO2-NP Ep = 18 MeV
Ip = 7.5 µA
Nanosafety research