Press release of July 26, 2023
A film says more than a thousand words
For several years, scientists at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) have been pursuing a completely new approach to cure of neurodegenerative diseases, especially amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Via film they want to draw attention to their research project "ThaXonian" (Magnetic Axon Therapy). In this way, they hope to make "ThaXonian" better known and to tap new sources of funding to continue the project.
The scientists want to reactivate impaired nerve cells with magnetic pulses. Having successfully achieved this in cell experiments, the team led by Dr. Thomas Herrmannsdörfer is now working at full speed to develop a prototype therapy system.
The Scientific Director of the HZDR, Prof. Sebastian M. Schmidt, supports the initiative: "This project is exemplary for the HZDR. It combines application-oriented fundamental research at one of our large-scale facilities with interdisciplinarity and collaboration with other research institutions. The idea of reactivating nerve cells with magnetic pulses may be significant for numerous neurodegenerative diseases. In this way, we are living up to our claim of conducting research for future generations. Curing diseases is one of our focal points here. I very much hope that this project can be pursued."
The team involved in the project, led by physicist Herrmannsdörfer and medical scientist Prof. Richard Funk, is familiar with the fine line between optimism and setbacks in this phase of transition from cell experimentation to initial application: "This process is very complex and characterized by numerous imponderables, sometimes also setbacks. In order to make the entire ‘ThaXonian’ project viable for the future and, if necessary, to enable widespread application in a few years, legal and financial framework conditions must be observed and technological challenges must be mastered," Herrmannsdörfer summarizes.
Currently, the project team is busy with the final assembly of the prototype therapy apparatus as well as with further in vitro experiments, writing reports of the past funding phase and publications as well as the acquisition of further third-party funds. In parallel, the approval of the therapy apparatus is being prepared.
The film was produced together with the Dresden film production company AVANGA.
Download video/mp4 - 144,8 MB / 1280x720 px
Download video/mp4 - 562,9 MB / 1920x1080 px
More information about "Thaxonian" and donation opportunities can be found at
Further information:
Dr. Thomas Herrmannsdörfer I HZDR Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Phone: +49 351 260 3320 I Email:
Media Contact “ThaXonian”:
Kim-Astrid Magister | HZDR Department of Communications and Media Relations
Phone: +49 351 260 3406 | Email: