Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Thermodynamics of Actinides
Mr. Rodrigo Castro Biondo
PhD developing of high-affinity ligand systems for chelation of f-elements.
Area of responsibility
Joint PhD between the Institute of Resource Ecology and the Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research. I aim the development of high-affinity ligand systems for chelation of f-elements. In this area, aza-crown ethers are the platform for these ligands, with the joint of side functionalities
Competencies, methods, experiences
Organic Chemistry, Analitycal Chemistry, Pharmacy, Drug Discovery, NMR, Medicinal Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Drud Design
Career (education, degrees, important stations)
Bachelor in Pharmacy by the Complutense University of Madrid and Master in Drug Discovery by the Complutense Unversity of Madrid, Alcala de Henares University and San Pablo CEU University
About me (family, hobbies, languages, ...)
Spanish, English, Portuguese and German