Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
Dr. Thomas Herrmannsdörfer
Head of department
Photo: Copyright: HZDR / Amac Garbe
+49 351 260 3320
Publons Researcher ID: K-5888-2015
ORCID: 0000-0001-6706-4541
Bautzner Landstraße 400 - 01328 Dresden
Scientific career:
2021-2024-2027 | Elected associate of the Scientific Technical Advisory Board of the HZDR |
2021 | Research award - recognition award, HZDR |
2014-2018 | Member of the Advisory Board of the 'Physik Journal' |
2012-2018 | Elected associate of the Scientific Technical Advisory Board of the HZDR |
2011- | Head of department, Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) |
2010 | Research award, FZD |
2006 | Science communication award, FZD |
2004 | Head of project team 'High Magnetic Field Laboratory', FZD |
2003 | Deputy head of project team 'High Magnetic Field Laboratory', FZD |
2001- | Scientist, FZD |
1999-2001 | Habilitation grants, German Science Foundation (DFG), Bayreuth University |
1999 | Walter-Schottky Award for Solid-State Physics, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (Paper) |
1998 | Postdoc, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD) |
1995-1998 | Postdoc, Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin |
1995 | Research Award of the Emil-Warburg Foundation |
1994-1995 | Postdoc, Bayreuth University, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg "Materials and phenomena at very low temperatures" |
1990-1994 | PhD work, experimental physics, Bayreuth University "Kernspinordnung und Spinglasverhalten bei ultratiefen Temperaturen" |
1989 | Diploma, physics, Bayreuth University, Germany |
Scientific focus:
- Magnetic and superconducting properties, transport and ordering phenomena in complex correlated quantum materials
- Experimental techniques (e.g. SQUID and Hall magnetometry, AC susceptometry) at extreme sample conditions, e.g. high magnetic fields and low temperatures
- Numerical-assisted design of pulsed-power supplies, magnets, cryotechnical equipment
- Interdisciplinary research, e.g. neurology, cell biology, medical technology, laboratory astrophysics
- Project planning of research facilities and complex technical installations
Scientific publications:
(examples picked from the list of about 170 papers during 1994 - 2021)
- Cells 12, 1502 (2023): Restoring Axonal Organelle Motility and Regeneration in Cultured FUS-ALS Motoneurons through Magnetic Field Stimulation Suggests an Alternative Therapeutic Approach
- PRL 127, 275001 (2021): Mode Conversion and Period Doubling in a Liquid Rubidium Alfvén-Wave Experiment with Coinciding Sound and Alfvén Speeds
- PRB 95, 184418 (2017): Evolution of antiferromagnetic domains in the all-in-all-out ordered pyrochlore Nd2Zr2O7
- Nature Physics 3826 (2016): Physical realization of a quantum spin liquid based on a complex frustration mechanism
- Science 346, 325 (2014): Laboratory formation of a scaled protostellar jet by coaligned poloidal magnetic field
- PRL 109, 247203 (2012): Strong paramagnetism of Au nanoparticles deposited on a Sulfolobus acidocaldarius S layer
- PRB 83, 140501(R) (2011): Structure-induced coexistence of ferromagnetic and superconducting states of single-phase Bi3Ni ...
- APL 97, 192505 (2010): On-chip superconductivity via gallium overdoping of silicon
- PRL 102, 217003 (2009): Superconducting State in a Gallium-Doped Germanium Layer at Low Temperatures
- PRL 102, 037205 (2009): Magnetic Structure of RuSr2GdCu2O8 Determined by Resonant X-Ray Diffraction
- PRL 82, 4528 (1999): Superconductivity of Compacted Platinum Powder at Very Low Temperatures
- PRL 80, 4787 (1998): Magnetization of Ag Sinters Made of Compressed Particles of Nanometer Grain Size and Their Coupling to Liquid 3He
- PRL 78, 1122 (1997): Interplay of Nuclear Magnetism and Superconductivity in AuIn2
- PRL 74, 1665 (1995): Spontaneous Nuclear Ferromagnetic Ordering of In Nuclei in AuIn2
- PRL 72, 148 (1994): Nuclear Ferromagnetic Ordering of 141Pr in the Diluted Van Vleck Paramagnets Pr1-xYxNi5
Further works of Dr. Thomas Herrmannsdörfer are also available on the list of publications of the HLD.