Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

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Only approved publications

42024 Publications

Selected vector-meson decay-distributions in reactions of polarized photons with protons

Titov, A. I.; Kämpfer, B.


We develop a formalism for studying vector meson (V ) photo-production at the proton (p) with polarized photons, ~γp ! V p, through an analysis of the decay distribution in the channel V ! π0γ. We show that this decay distribution differs noticeably from the distributions of purely hadronic decays, like φ ! K+K−, ω ! π0π+π−. Formulas for the decay distributions are presented which are suitable for data analysis and interpretation.


In-beam measurements of the HADES-TOF RPC wall

Blanco, A.; Cabanelas, P.; Belver, D.; Castro, E.; Diaz, J.; Fonte, P.; Gil, A.; Gonzalez-Diaz, D.; Heinz, T.; Koenig, W.; Lopes, L.; Muentz, C.; Palka, M.; Pietraszko, J.; Rustamov, A.; Schwab, E.; Sobolev, Y.; Tarantola, A.; Teilab, K.; Traxler, M.; Trebacz, R.; Yurevich, S.; Garzon, J. A.; Wuestenfeld, J.


A full size prototype of the new inner HADES-TOF wall based on Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) was mounted and exposed to secondaries from C reactions on Be and Nb targets at 2 AGeV kinetic energy and typical HADES particle fluxes. The tested sextant is constituted by 187 individual 4-gap glass-aluminium shielded RPC cells distributed in three columns and two layers, covering an area of 1.26 m2.
An average timing resolution of 73 ps σ was measured with 99% intrinsic efficiency, on a random location, and moderate timing tails, along with an average longitudinal position resolution of 7.7 mmσ, in the range from a few Hz/cm2 up to 80 Hz/cm2 without noticeable degradation of performance. Aditionally, the atching efficiency was estimated using the tracking system of HADES, yielding an average value of 97.5%.


Electroproduction of phi mesons

Titov, A.


Electroproduction of phi mesons

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Donnersberg Workshop 2008, 31.03.-03.04.2008, Donnersberg, Deutschland


Strangeness Electroproduction

Dohrmann, F.


Strangeness Electroproduction

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Donnersberg Workshop 2008 A1 Collaboration, 31.03.-03.04.2008, Donnersberg, Deutschland


Attenuation correction of four dimensional (4D) PET using phase-correlated 4D-computed tomography

Pönisch, F.; Richter, C.; Just, U.; Enghardt, W.


The image quality in a conventional positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) scanner is degraded by respiratory motion because of erroneous attenuation correction when three-dimensional image acquisition is used. To overcome this problem, time-resolved data acquisition (4D) is required. For this, a Siemens Biograph 16 PET/CT scanner has been modified and its normal capability has been extended to a true 4D-PET/4D-CT imaging device including phase-correlated attenuation correction. To verify the correct functionality of this device, experiments on a respiratory motion phantom that allowed movement in two dimensions have been performed. The measurements showed good spatial correlation as well as good time synchronization between the PET and CT data. Furthermore, the motion pattern of the phantom and the shape of the activity distribution have been examined, and the volume of the reconstructed PET images has been analyzed. The results demonstrate the feasibility of such a procedure, and we therefore recommend that 4D-PET data should be reconstructed using 4D-CT data, which can be acquired on the same machine.

  • Physics in Medicine and Biology 53(2008), N259-N268


Diagonal and Off-Diagonal Susceptibilities as Diagnostics of the QCD Phase Diagram: A Quasiparticle Perspective

Bluhm, M.


Diagonal and Off-Diagonal Susceptibilities as Diagnostics of the QCD Phase Diagram: A Quasiparticle Perspective

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Hadrons@FAIR, 25.-27.06.2008, Frankfurt, Deutschland


Diagonal and Off-Diagonal Susceptibilities in a Quasiparticle Model of the Quark-Gluon Plasma

Bluhm, M.


Diagonal and Off-Diagonal Susceptibilities in a Quasiparticle Model of the Quark-Gluon Plasma

  • Lecture (Conference)
    DPG Frühjahrstagung, 10.-14.03.2008, Darmstadt, Deutschland


QCD Equation of State

Bluhm, M.


QCD Equation of State

  • Poster
    Quark-Matter 2008, 04.-10.02.2008, Jaipur, India


Tumortherapie mit Ionenstrahlen

Enghardt, W.


Motivation für neue Therapiestrahlen etc.

  • Lecture (others)
    Seminarvortrag Institut für Optik und Quantenelektronik, 11.06.2008, Jena, Deutschland


Hochpräzisions-Strahlentherapie von Tumoren

Enghardt, W.


Die Wechselwirkung ionisierender Strahlung mit (belebter) Materie etc.

  • Lecture (others)
    Urania Seniorenakademie, 25.06.2008, Bernau, Deutschland


Umsetzung biologisch adaptierter Bestrahlungspläne

Enghardt, W.


Umsetzung biologisch adaptierter Bestrahlungspläne

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    DEGRO ÖGRO 2008, 03.05.2008, Wien, Österreich


Erste dosimetrische und strahlenbiologische Experimente an Laser-beschleunigten Elektronenstrahlen

Enghardt, W.


Laser-Beschleuniger für die Strahlentherapie etc.

  • Lecture (others)
    Radioonkologisches Kolloquium, 02.04.2008, München, Deutschland


Medizinische Anwendung laserbeschleunigter Teilchenstrahlen in der Krebstherapie

Enghardt, W.


Strahlentherapie - Einführung, Tumortherapie mit Ionenstrahlen, Beschleuniger und Therapiestrahlführung, Laserbeschleuniger für die Krebtherapie

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Festveranstaltung zum Tag im Land der Ideen 2008, 08.03.2008, Jena, Deutschland


Konzeption der medizinischen Strahlführung bei Laser getriebenen Therapiebeschleunigern

Enghardt, W.


Konventionelle Partikel-Strahlführungen,, Strahführungen für Laser-Beschleuniger, Strahlungs-Quelltherme (DAP 3.1), Konzeption der Therapie-Strahlführung (DAP 3.2), Sekundäre Untergrundstrahlung (DAP 3.3)

  • Lecture (others)
    Verbundprojekt-Treffen "onCOOPtics", 07.03.2008, Jena, Deutschland


Medical Radiation Sciences

Enghardt, W.


Medical Radiation Sciences

  • Lecture (others)
    Weiterbildender Masterstudiengang "Medical Radiation Sciences", 29.01.2008, Dresden, Deutschland


Dosimetry and radiobiology at ultrashortly pulsed, laser accelerated electron beams

Enghardt, W.


Lase particle acceleration, the irradiation device, dosimetry, cell irradiation, direct effects of ultrashortly pulsed beams, conclusions

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    CERRO, 24.01.2008, Les Menuires, France


Stand der experimentellen Arbeiten im Rahmen des TOPFLOW-II Projekts

Beyer, M.; Vallee, C.; Fischer, F.; Danciu, D.-V.; Schütz, P.; Pietruske, H.; Lucas, D.; Carl, H.


Im Vortrag wird der aktuelle Stand der experimentellen Arbeiten, die im Rahmen des TOPFLOW-II Projektes notwendig sind, ausführlich erläutert. Hauptaufgabe dieses wissenschaftlichen Projektes ist die Bereitstellung von qualitativ hochwertigen Daten zur Modellierung von Strömungsphänomenen im CFD Code und deren Validierung.
Nach einer kurzen Vorstellung der TOPFLOW Versuchsanlage werden die erzielten Ergebnisse der Dampf/Wasser-Experimente im Modell eines heißen Stranges eines Konvoi Druckwasserreaktors erörtert. Danach folgt die Beschreibung der zur Vorbereitung der Kondensations- und Druckentlastungsexperimente in einer vertikalen Teststrecke durchgeführten Arbeiten. Hierbei wird besonders auf den Versuchsaufbau und die Spezialmesstechnik (Thermoelementlanze, Doppel-Thermonadelsonden, Hochtemperatur-Gittersensoren) eingegangen. Des Weiteren wird der schnelle Röntgentomograph als nichtinvasives Messverfahren zur Erfassung der Strömungsformen in einem vertikalen DN50 Ti-Rohr vorgestellt und die Anwendung dieses Scanners bei der Durchführung von Experimenten mit auf- bzw. abwärtsgerichteten Strömungen beschrieben.
Zusätzlich zu diesen Arbeiten beinhaltet das TOPFLOW-II Projekt Kondensationsversuche an freien Oberflächen und an einem Wasserstrahl sowie Experimente zum Blasenmitriss beim Auftreffen eines Wasserstrahls auf eine freie Wasseroberfläche. Zu diesem Thema werden Aufbau und Ziele eines kleinskaligen Vorversuches sowie die anlagentechnischen Erweiterungen zum Durchführen derartiger Experimente im TOPFLOW-Drucktank vorgestellt. Abschließend werden kurz die Ergebnisse einer umfangreichen Luft/Wasser-Versuchsserie mit optimierten Randbedingungen zur Validierung der Blasenkoaleszenz- und fragmentationsmodelle im CFD-Code erläutert.

Keywords: CFD; TOPFLOW; two-phase flow; steam-water flow; wire-mesh sensor; ultra-fast X-ray tomograph; vertical test section; stratified flow; condensation; evaporation

  • Lecture (Conference)
    CFD im Containment / CFD für Zweiphasenströmungen (Meilstein-Workshop Sommer 2008), 16.07.2008, Stuttgart, Deutschland


Anisotropic scaling of ion-induced ripple morphologies on Si

Keller, A.; Facsko, S.; Möller, W.; Peverini, L.; Kozhevnikov, I. V.


It is well known that oblique low and medium energy (typically 0.1 - 100 keV) ion erosion of solid surfaces can lead to the formation of periodic ripple patterns with wavelengths ranging from 10 to 1000 nm. The ripples produced in this way are oriented either parallel or normal to the projection of the ion beam and their wavelength scales with ion energy. These structures were found on a large variety of materials, such as semiconductors, metals, and insulating surfaces [1].

The formation of the ripple patterns can be qualitatively explained by continuum models like the Bradley-Harper model [2] which attributes the formation of regular patterns as resulting from the interplay between roughening due to sputter erosion and smoothing by surface diffusion. A surface instability is induced by the curvature dependence of the sputter yield, as the local erosion rate is higher in depressions than on elevations. This leads to an amplification of initial surface modulations and, therefore, to roughening of the surface. The resulting linear continuum equation is able to reproduce the formation and early evolution of the ripple patterns [2]. However, at longer times nonlinear terms have to be taken into account, leading to nonlinear models based on the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation [3].

In this work, Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering (GISAXS) has been used to study the evolution of Si(100) surfaces in-situ during oblique sub-keV ion sputtering. The sputtering has been performed with 500 eV Ar ions at incident angles ranging from 65° to 70°. The observed surface morphologies are dominated by nanoscale ripple patterns at short lateral distances but exhibit kinetic roughening at larger scales. The dynamic scaling properties of the surfaces have been analyzed by evaluating the one-dimensional power spectral density (PSD) functions in the direction normal and parallel to the ripples, respectively, which are extracted from the recorded scattering diagrams. A transition from anisotropic to isotropic scaling is observed with increasing incident angle. In addition, the ripples exhibit wavelength coarsening which is only slightly affected by the angle of incidence.


[1] Chan, W.L. and Chason, E. Making waves: Kinetic processes controlling surface evolution during low energy ion sputtering, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 121301 (2007).
[2] Bradley, R.M. and Harper, J.M.E. Theory of ripple topography induced by ion bombardment, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 5, 2390 (1988).
[3] Makeev, M.A., Cuerno, R. and Barabási, A.-L. Morphology of ion-sputtered surfaces, Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B 197, 185 (2002).

  • Lecture (Conference)
    NanoSteps - Self-organized nanostructures on crystal surfaces, 30.06.-12.07.2008, Cargèse, France


Simulation von Experimenten am Heißstrangmodell der TOPFLOW-Anlage

Höhne, T.


Stratified two-phase flow regimes can occur
-in the main cooling lines of Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR)
-Chemical plants
-Oil pipelines
The slug flow regime is characterized by an acceleration of the gaseous phase and by the transition of fast liquid slugs, which carry a significant amount of liquid with high kinetic energy. It is potentially hazardous to the structure of the system due to the strong oscillating pressure levels formed behind the liquid slugs as well as the mechanical momentum of the slugs.
State of the art:
1D system codes validated, but:
geometry and scale dependent
no access to local parameters

CFD codes for application in multiphase flows:

the investigation of the feasibility of numerical prediction of stratified two phase flow with existing multiphase flow models in ANSYS CFX
to prove the understanding of the general fluid dynamic mechanism
to identify the critical parameters (like e.g. slug length, frequency and propagation velocity, pressure drop, CCFL)
to improve the multiphase flow modeling (interfacial momentum transfer, turbulence at the free surface et.)
experimental data required for the validation

Keywords: hot leg; CFD; stratified flow

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Workshop Strömungssimulation, 25.09.2008, Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany


Electron Beam Diagnostics for a Superconducting Radio Frequency Photoelectron Injector

Kamps, T.; Boehlick, D.; Dirsat, M.; Lipka, D.; Quast, T.; Rudolph, J.; Schenk, M.; Arnold, A.; Staufenbiel, F.; Teichert, J.; Will, I.; Klemz, G.


A superconducting radio frequency photo-electron injector (SRF injector)is currently under construction by a collaboration of BESSY, DESY, FZD and MBI. The project aims at the design and setup of a continuous-wave SRF injector including a diagnostics beamline for the ELBE FEL and to address R&D issues on low emittance injectors for future light sources such as the BESSY FEL. Of critical importance for the injector performance is the control of the electron beam parameters. For this reason a compact diagnostics beamline is under development serving a multitude of operation settings. In this paper the layout and the rationale of the diagnostics beamline is described. Furthermore detailed information on specific components is given, together with results from laboratory tests and data taking.

Involved research facilities

  • SRF Gun
  • Review of Scientific Instruments 79(2008), 093301


Rückgewinnung von Neptunium aus Probelösungen zur radioökologischen Forschung

Knobel, M.; Wagner, M.


Beitrag zum 10. Sächsischen Landeswettbewerb zur Umsetzung der Agenda21 in der beruflichen Ausbildung, 2007/2008

Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht in der Auswahl geeigneter Trennverfahren, Abtrennung und Rückgewinnung des Neptuniums aus einer Vielzahl verschiedener nicht charakterisierbarer Lösungen und Feststoffe unter Beachtung strahlenschutz-technischer Aspekte, der Charakterisierung der zurückgewonnenen Neptuniumlösung sowie der Erstellung einer Vorschrift für die Rückgewinnung.

  • Other report
    Dresden: FZD, 2008
    28 Seiten
  • Poster
    10. Sächsischer Landeswettbewerb zur Umsetzung der Agenda 21 in der beruflichen Ausbildung 2007/2008, 07.07.2008, Dresden, Deutschland


Uranium(VI) Uptake by Calcium Silicate Hydrates

Tits, J.; Macé, N.; Eilzer, M.; Geipel, G.; Wieland, E.


Batch sorption studies show strong retention of U(VI) by C-S-H phases
U(VI) retention by C-S-H phases may be controlled by the formation of a Ca-U(VI) solid-solution
TRLFS studies indicate the presence of sorbed U(VI) species in an uranate-like coordination environment at high loadings and sorbed U(VI) species in an Ca-UO2-silicate-like coordination environment at low loadings.

  • Poster
    Goldschmidt 2008, 13.-18.07.2008, Vancouver, Canada
  • Abstract in refereed journal
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72(2008)12, A948


Commissioning of the Diagnostics Beamline for the SRF Photoinjector Project at Rossendorf

Kamps, T.; Böhlick, D.; Dirsat, M.; Quast, T.; Rudolph, J.; Schenk, M.; Arnold, A.; Michel, P.; Staufenbiel, F.; Teichert, J.; Will, I.


A superconducting radio frequency photo electron injector (SRF injector) has been developed by a collaboration of BESSY, DESY, FZD and MBI and is in operation since late 2007. After the initial commissioning in late 2007 with a Copper photocathode a Caesium-Telluride cathode was installed early 2008 to allow for high charge production. The longitudinal and transverse electron beam parameters are measured in a compact diagnostics beamline. This paper describes results from beam commissioning of the main diagnostic tools. Special emphasis is given on the bunch length measurement system for the 15 ps FWHM electron bunches. The system is based on the conversion of the electron pulses into radiation pulses by Cherenkov radiation. These radiation pulses are transported in a novel fully-reflective, relay imaging optical beamline to a streak camera, where the temporal properties of the pulses are measured. Results from beam measurements at 2pC (Copper cathode) and 1nC (Cesium-Telluride cathode) bunch charge are presented and discussed.

Involved research facilities

  • SRF Gun
  • Poster
    11th biennial European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC'08, 23.-27.06.2008, Genoa, Italy
  • Contribution to proceedings
    11th biennial European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC'08, 23.-27.06.2008, Genoa, Italy
    Proceedings of the EPAC'08, 1158


First Operation Results of the Superconducting Photoinjector at ELBE

Teichert, J.; Arnold, A.; Buechner, A.; Buettig, H.; Janssen, D.; Lehnert, U.; Michel, P.; Murcek, P.; Schurig, R.; Staats, G.; Staufenbiel, F.; Xiang, R.; Kamps, T.; Matheisen, A.; Klemz, G.; Will, I.


In November 2007 the first electron beam was generated from the superconducting RF photo electron gun installed at the ELBE linear accelerator facility. The injector together with a sophisticated laser system and a diagnostic beam line were developed and constructed within a collaboration of BESSY, DESY, MBI and FZD. Delivering a CW beam with up to 1 mA average current, a significant improvement of the beam quality like an increase of the bunch charge up to 1 nC and a reduced transverse emittance will be obtained. After the cool-down of the cryostat the RF properties of the 3½-cell niobium cavity like pass band mode frequencies, unloaded quality factor versus accelerating gradient, Lorentz force detuning, and He pressure influence were measured. The first beam was extracted of a Cu photo cathode using a 262 nm UV laser system with a repetition rate of 100 kHz and about 0.4 W laser power. Later, caesium telluride photo cathodes will be applied. The installed diagnostics allow beam current, energy, energy spread, transverse emittance and bunch length measurements of the beam. The results of these measurements and the operational experiences with the gun will be presented.

Involved research facilities

  • SRF Gun
  • Poster
    11th biennial European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC'08, 23.-27.06.2008, Genoa, Italy


Nano-structures for sensors on SOI by writing FIB implantation and subsequent anisotropic wet chemical etching

Bischoff, L.; Schmidt, B.; Lange, H.; Donzev, D.


Nanowires, nanocantilevers and nanobridges will be important components for future micro- and nanoelectronic devices as well as for nano-electro-mechanical systems (NEMS).
A modern technique to fabricate three-dimensional (3D) nanostructures is the combination of high-concentration p-type doping of silicon by writing implantation using a focused ion beam (FIB) with subsequent wet chemical anisotropic and selective etching. Free-standing FIB-patterned and chemically etched 3D Si structures with nanoscale thickness and width have been fabricated on 4 inch Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) substrates using 30 keV Ga+ ion implantation and subsequent anisotropic etching in KOH/H2O solution. This technology is combined with classical microelectronic processing steps of photolithographic patterning and broad beam ion implantation to position and integrate 3D nanostructures into current technological platforms and therefore to increase the fabrication efficiency. Design, performance and fabrication considerations to achieve free-standing Si structures, like wires, bridges and cantilevers are discussed and some typical examples are shown. Static and dynamic electrical measurements are presented, including I-V characteristics and displacements after AC excitation.
The temperature dependence of the electrical resistance of nanostructures is demonstrated, which reveal, for example, the applications as nanowire thermal sensors.

Keywords: Nanostructures; 3D-nanostructures; sensor; displacement; anisotropic wet chemical etching; FIB

  • Lecture (Conference)
    16th International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials (IBMM 08), 30.08.-05.09.2008, Dresden, Deutschland
  • Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 267(2009), 1372-1375


Nachrechnung eines Vollhub-Feder-Sicherheitsventils mit ANSYS CFX

Höhne, T.; Moncalvo, D.; Friedel, L.; Jörgensen, B.


Sicherheitsventile schützen druckbeaufschlagte Räume oder Druckbehälter (z. B. Dampfkessel, Druckbehälter, Rohrleitungen, Transportbehälter) vor einem unzulässigen Druckanstieg, der zu einer Schädigung des angeschlossenen Druckgerätes führen kann. Sicherheitsventile leiten bei Überschreiten des Ansprechdruckes Gase, Dämpfe oder Flüssigkeiten in die Atmosphäre ab. Das Sicherheitsventil wird verwendet, wenn der Druck in einem Druckbehälter den zulässigen Betriebsdruck bei vorhersehbaren Störungen um mehr als 10 % übersteigen kann. Bei richtiger Dimensionierung des Sicherheitsventils bleibt der Druckaufbau beherrschbar. Nach dem Ansprechen des Sicherheitsventils und Abbau des zu hohen Druckes durch Abblasen in die Umgebung oder über eine Rohrleitung schließt das Ventil wieder; und die Anlage kann weiter betrieben werden.
Numerische Strömungs-berechnungsprogramme (CFD-Codes) können bei Auslegungsberechnungen, Optimierungen und Sicherheitsanalysen von Sicherheitsventilen helfen. Um Leistungsparameter zu studieren, wurden Experi-mente am Institut für Strömungsmechanik der Technischen Universität Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH) für die CFD-Code-Validierung genutzt. Durch die konstante Weiterentwicklung der Numerik bzw. der physikalischen Modelle ist es nun möglich, die relativ komplexen Strömungsvorgänge in einem Sicherheitsventil (Jets, Umströmung von Hindernissen, Strömungsseparation, Stagnationsgebiete, Zonen mit hohen Ma-Zahlen) zu simulieren.
Mit dem ANSYS CFX-Code erfolgten Nachrechnungen von Durchsatzparametern eines LESER-Sicherheitsventils auf einem numerischen Gitter von einer Million Hexaederzellen (Abb. 1). Am Ein- bzw. Austritt des Strömungsgebietes wurden Druckrandbedingungen definiert. Die Turbulenzmodellierung erfolgte unter Nutzung des k-ε und k-ω basierten SST-Modellansatzes. Eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung zwischen Messung und CFD-Rechnung ist für die Durchsatzkennlinien der Charakteristiken für die Medien Luft bzw. Wasser bis 5 bar Stagnationsdruck erreicht worden, es existierte jedoch eine systematische Abweichung bei Luft im Falle hoher Ansprechdrücke (über 20 bar) durch Realgasverhalten und das Auftreten hoher Ma-Zahlen. CFD-Rechnungen mit Luft/Wasser-Zweiphasengemischen bei 5 - 9 bar Überdruck und 79 - 93 % Gasanteil ergaben realistische Durchsatzraten. Hierbei wurde das monodisperse Modell des homogenen Euler-Euler-Ansatzes für Zweiphasengemische genutzt. Weitere numerische Untersuchungen, insbesondere das Verhalten von Stoffgemischen (Glukoselösung) bzw. der Einfluss des Hubs des Sicherheitsventils (Stellung des Ventiltellers zwischen Sitz und maximaler Öffnung) auf den Durchsatz im Vergleich mit Experimenten werden vorgestellt.

Keywords: safety valve; CFD

  • Contribution to proceedings
    9. Fachtagung "Anlagen-, Arbeits- und Umweltsicherheit", 06.-07.11.2008, Köthen, Deutschland
  • Lecture (Conference)
    9. Fachtagung "Anlagen-, Arbeits- und Umweltsicherheit", 06.-07.11.2008, Köthen, Deutschland


Quercetin and other flavonoids bind to actin and affect its biological activity

Gutzeit, H.-O.; Boehl, M.; Pfennig, F.; Richter, S.; Tietze, S.; Sokoll, A.; Madathil, S.; Fahmy, K.; Apostolakis, J.


In a screen for flavonoid target proteins we identified actin as a quercetin-binding protein. This interaction was studied using fluorescence and infrared spectroscopy and compared with the binding parameters of related flavonoids. The biological relevance of the flavonoid/actin interaction in the cytoplasm and the nucleus was assayed using an actin polymerization and a transcription assay, respectively. While some flavonols inhibit actin functions, the structurally related epigallocatechin tends to promote actin functions in the chosen in vitro assays. Furthermore, cellular test systems were used to evaluate the biological consequences of the flavonoid/actin interaction. The flavonoid – induced conformational changes of actin were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy. The obtained data and in silico docking studies gave further insights into possible modes of protein-ligand interactions and helped to understand the molecular basis of the observed biological effects.

Keywords: flavonoids; FTIR-spectroscopy; docking

  • Contribution to proceedings
    32nd FEBS Congress, 07.-12.07.2007, Vienna, Austria
    Abstracts of the 32nd FEBS Congress, England: Wiley-Blackwell, 236-236


CFD validation against slug mixing experiment

Moretti, F.; Melideo, D.; Del Nevo, A.; D’Auria, F.; Höhne, T.; Lisenkov, E.


A commercial CFD code was applied, for validation purposes, to the simulation of a slug mixing experiment carried out at OKB “Gidropress” scaled facility in the framework of a TACIS project: “Development of safety analysis capabilities for VVER-1000 transients involving spatial variations of coolant properties (temperature or boron concentration) at core inlet”. Such experimental model reproduces a VVER-1000 nuclear reactor and is aimed at investigating the in-vessel mixing phenomena. The addressed experiment involves the start-up of one of the four reactor coolant pumps (the other three remaining idle), and the presence of a tracer slug on the starting loop, which is thus transported to the reactor pressure vessel where it mixes with the clear water. Such conditions may occur in a boron dilution scenario, hence the relevance of the addressed phenomena for the nuclear reactor safety.
Both a pre-test and a post-test CFD simulation of the mentioned experiment were performed, which differ in the definition of the boundary conditions (based either on nominal quantities or on measured quantities, respectively). The numerical results are qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed and compared against the measured data in terms of space and time tracer distribution at the core inlet. The improvement of the results due to the optimization of the boundary conditions is evidenced, and a quantification of the simulation accuracy is proposed.

Keywords: CFD; Validation; Slug; Mixing; Experiment


Deep level defects in a nitrogen-implanted ZnO homogeneous p-n junction

Gu, Q.; Ling, C.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Skorupa, W.; Hsu, Y.; Djurisic, A.; Zhu, C.; Fung, S.; Lu, L.


Nitrogen ions were implanted into undoped melt grown ZnO single crystals. A light-emitting p-n junction was subsequently formed by postimplantation annealing in air. Deep level transient spectroscopy was used to investigate deep level defects induced by N+ implantation and the effect of air annealing. The N+ implantation enhanced the electron trap at E-C-(0.31 +/- 0.01) eV (E3) and introduced another one at E-C-(0.95 +/- 0.02) eV (D1), which were removed after annealing at 900 and 750 degrees C, respectively. Another trap D2 (E-a = 0.17 +/- 0.01 eV) was formed after the 750 degrees C annealing and persisted at 1200 degrees C.

  • Applied Physics Letters 92(2008)22, 222109


CFD post test calculation of pressurized air / water TOPFLOW hotleg experiments

Höhne, T.; Vallée, C.; Beyer, M.


Stratified two-phase flow regimes can occur
-in the main cooling lines of Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR)
-Chemical plants
-Oil pipelines
The slug flow regime is characterized by an acceleration of the gaseous phase and by the transition of fast liquid slugs, which carry a significant amount of liquid with high kinetic energy. It is potentially hazardous to the structure of the system due to the strong oscillating pressure levels formed behind the liquid slugs as well as the mechanical momentum of the slugs.
State of the art:
1D system codes validated, but:
geometry and scale dependant
no access to local parameters

CFD codes for application in multiphase flows:

the investigation of the feasibility of numerical prediction of stratified two phase flow with existing multiphase flow models in ANSYS CFX
to prove the understanding of the general fluid dynamic mechanism
to identify the critical parameters (like e.g. slug length, frequency and propagation velocity, pressure drop, CCFL)
to improve the multiphase flow modeling (interfacial momentum transfer, turbulence at the free surface et.)
experimental data required for the validation

Keywords: slug flow; Hot leg; CFD; stratified flow

  • Lecture (Conference)
    6th Workshop Multiphase Flows Simulation, Experiment and Application, 24.-26.06.2008, Dresden, Deutschland


Dielectron Production in 12C + 12C Collisions at 1 GeV/u and the Solution to the DLS Puzzle

Pachmayer, Y. C.; Dohrmann, F.; Grosse, E.; Kanaki, K.; Kaempfer, B.; Kotte, R.; Naumann, L.; Sadovsky, A.; Wüstenfeld, J.; Zhou, P.; Hades Collaboration


The production of e+e− pairs in 12C + 12C collisions at 1 GeV/u was investigated with the HADES experiment at GSI, Darmstadt. In the invariant-mass region 0.15GeV/c2 Mee 0.5GeV/c2 the measured pair yield shows a strong excess above the contribution expected from hadron decays after freeze-out. The data are in good agreement with the results of the former DLS experiment for the same system and energy.


Chapter 7 - Growth Mechanisms and Structure of Fullerene-like Carbon-based Thin Films: Superelastic Materials for Tribological Applications, in Fullerene Research Advances

Gago, R.; Abrasonis, G.; Jimenez, I.; Möller, W.


In this chapter we review our findings on the bonding structure and growth mechanisms of carbon-based thin solid films with fullerene-like (FL) microstructure. The so-called FL arrangements arise from the curvature and cross-linking of basal planes in graphitic-like structures, partially resembling that of molecular fullerenes. This three-dimensional superstructure takes advantage of the strength of planar pi bonds in sp2 hybrids and confers the material interesting mechanical properties, such as high hardness, high elastic recovery, low-friction and wear-resistance. These properties can be tailored by controlling the curvature, size and connectivity of the FL arrangements, making these materials promising coatings for tribological applications. We have focused our interest mostly on carbon nitride (CNx) since nitrogen promotes the formation of FL arrangements at low substrate temperatures and they are emerging over pure carbon coatings in tribological applications such as protective overcoats in magnetic hard disks. We address structural issues such as origin of plane curvature, nature of the cross-linking sites and sp2 clustering, together with growth mechanisms based on the role of film-forming precursors, chemical re-sputtering or concurrent ion assistance during growth.

  • Contribution to external collection
    Carl N. Kramer: Fullerene Research Advances, New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers, 2007, 1-60021-824-5, 145-181


Origin of ferromagnetism in iron implanted rutile single crystals

Talut, G.; Reuther, H.; Grenzer, J.; Zhou, S.


57Fe doped titanium oxide monocrystals, prepared by ion implantation at different temperatures and subsequent thermal treatment, were characterized by conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy, synchrotron radiation x-ray diffraction and superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry. After implantation at 240 K and room temperature Fe is present in divalent state. Upon annealing in high vacuum Fe2+ is reduced to metallic Fe, while during annealing on air Fe2+ is oxidized to Fe3+. After implantation at 623 K most iron is in metallic state. During annealing on air Fe is gradually oxidized from Fe2+ to Fe3+.
Depending on preparation conditions and thermal treatment the role of different nanosized secondary phases is discussed in terms of their influence on the magnetic properties of Fe:TiO2. α-Fe nanoparticles are found to be responsible for ferromagnetism observed in TiO2.

Keywords: conversion electron Mössbauer cpectroscopy (CEMS); diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS); Fe doping of Ti oxide; ion beam implantation

  • Contribution to proceedings
    International Symposium on the Industrial Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, 17.-22.08.2008, Budapest, Hungary
    Hyperfine Interactions: Springer
  • Poster
    International Symposium on the Industrial Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, 17.-22.08.2008, Budapest, Hungary


Digitale Signalverarbeitung von Bariumfluorid- und Germaniumdetektorsignalen am nELBE-Experiment

Hannaske, R.; Beyer, R.; Dammrau, A.; Grosse, E.; Junghans, A.; Wagner, A.


Am supraleitenden Elektronen-Linearbeschleuniger ELBE des Forschungszentrums Dresden-Rossendorf induzieren Elektronen in einem Radiator aus flüssigem Blei (γ,n)-Reaktionen und erzeugen Neutronen mit Energien von 50 keV bis 10 MeV [1,2] zur Messung Neutronen-induzierter Reaktionen mit einer Energieauflösung von besser als 1 % (bei 1 MeV) [3]. Die Bestimmung der Wirkungsquerschnitte von (n,γ)- oder (n,n'γ)-Reaktionen dient hierbei der Transmutationsforschung, der nuklearen Astrophysik sowie Anwendungen für Fusions- und Spaltreaktoren. Zum Nachweis der Photonen aus Neutronen-induzierten Reaktionen ist das Target von 42 Bariumfluorid-Szintillationsdetektoren umgeben, die 80 % des gesamten Raumwinkels abdecken.
Ein Hochgeschwindigkeitsabtastsystem (2 GS/s, 10 bit Auflösung) wurde in Betrieb genommen und bezüglich Energie- und Zeitauflösung charakterisiert. Erste Resultate zur digitalen Pulsformanalyse werden vorgestellt.
[1] E.Altstadt, et al., Ann. Nucl. Energy 34, 36 (2007)
[2] J.Klug, et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 577, 641 (2007)
[3] R.Beyer, et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 575, 449 (2007)
* gefördert durch EU-FP6 / EFNUDAT

  • Lecture (Conference)
    DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 14.03.2008, Darmstadt, Deutschland


Sächsische Forschung im Herzen Europas: Zu Ursprüngen und Befindlichkeiten

Skorupa, W.


Es werden Ausführungen zur aktuellen Forschungslandschaft in Sachsen mit Ausrichtung auf Aktivitäten am Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf gemacht.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Treffen des Bundesausschusses der FDP zu Fragen der Technologie, 05.07.2008, Dresden, Deutschland


Enhanced Hot Electron Localization and Heating in High-Contrast Ultra-Intense Laser Irradiation of Sharp Micro-Cone Targets

Rassuchine, J.; D’Humières, E.; Baton, S. D.; Guillou, P.; Koenig, M.; Fuchs, J.; Audebert, P.; Kodama, R.; Nakatsutsumi, M.; Ozaki, N.; Batani, D.; Morace, A.; Redaelli, R.; Gremillet, L.; Rousseaux, C.; Dorchies, F.; Fourment, C.; Santos, J. J.; Adams, J.; Korgan, G.; Malekos, S.; Hansen, S. B.; Shepherd, R.; Flippo, K.; Gaillard, S.; Sentoku, Y.; Cowan, T. E.


We report experiments demonstrating enhanced coupling efficiencies employing high contrast laser irradiation of nano-fabricated conical targets. Peak temperatures near 200 eV are observed with modest laser energy (10 J), revealing similarities in hot electron localization and material heating to reduced mass targets. Collisional particle-in-cell simulations attribute this enhancement to self-generated resistive magnetic fields forming within the cone wall, which effectively confine the energetic electrons to heat a reduced volume at the cone tip.

  • Physical Review E 79(2009)3, 036408


Electrons in Strong Laser Fields: Compton Backscattering

Seipt, D.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Ultra High-Intensity Laser Nuclear/Particle Physics, 23.-27.06.2008, Trento, Italy


Non-linear theory of deformable superconductors

Lipavský, P.; Morawetz, K.; Kolácek, J.; Brandt, E. H.


The interaction of the superconducting condensate with deformations of the crystal lattice is formulated assuming the electrostatic potential to be of Bernoulli type and the effect of strain on material parameters. In the isotropic approximation it is shown that within the Ginzburg-Landau theory both contributions can be recast into the local but non-linear interaction term of the free energy.


Generation of Stable, Low-Divergence Electron Beams by Laser Wakefield Acceleration in a Steady-State-Flow Gas Cell

Osterhoff, J.; Popp, A.; Major, Z.; Marx, B.; Rowlands-Rees, T. P.; Fuchs, M.; Geissler, M.; Hörlein, R.; Hidding, B.; Becker, S.; Peralta, E. A.; Schramm, U.; Grüner, F.; Habs, D.; Krausz, F.; Hooker, S. M.; Karsch, S.


Laser-driven, quasi-monoenergetic electron beams of up to ~200 MeV in energy have been observed from steady-state-flow gas cells. These beams emitted within a low-divergence cone of 2.1± 0.5 mrad FWHM display unprecedented shot-to-shot stability in energy (2.5% RMS), pointing (1.4 mrad RMS) and charge (16% RMS) owing to a highly reproducible gas-density profile within the interaction volume. Laser-wakefield acceleration in gas cells of this type provides a simple and reliable source of relativistic electrons potentially suitable for applications such as the production of XUV-undulator radiation.

Keywords: Stable electron acceleration in gas cells; relativistic laser plasma; PACS numbers: 52.38.Kd; 52.38.Hb; 41.75.Jv



Results of a modified PROMISE experiment

Stefani, F.; Gerbeth, G.; Gundrum, T.; Hollerbach, R.; Rüdiger, G.; Szklarski, J.


The PROMISE experiment relies on the fact that the critical Reynolds number for the appearance of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) in liquid metal flows drastically decreases when the purely axial magnetic field is replaced by a helical one. We report the results of a modified version of this experiments in which the radial electrical boundary conditions are changed. Special focus is laid on the role of the radial jet region where the two Ekman vortices from the top and the bottom meet each other.

  • Astronomische Nachrichten 329(2008)7, 652-658


Magnetohydrodynamic experiments on cosmic magnetic fields

Stefani, F.; Gailitis, A.; Gerbeth, G.


It is widely known that cosmic magnetic fields, including the fields of planets, stars, and galaxies, are produced by the hydromagnetic dynamo effect in moving electrically conducting fluids. It is less well known that cosmic magnetic fields play also an active role in cosmic structure formation by enabling outward transport of angular momentum in accretion disks via the magnetorotational instability (MRI). Considerable theoretical and computational progress has been made in understanding both processes. In addition to this, the last ten years have seen tremendous efforts in studying both effects in liquid metal experiments. In 1999, magnetic field self-excitation was observed in the large scale liquid sodium facilities in Riga and Karlsruhe. Recently, self-excitation was also obtained in the French "von Karmann sodium" (VKS) experiment. An MRI-like mode was found on the background of a turbulent spherical Couette flow at the University of Maryland. Evidence for MRI as the first instability of an hydrodynamically stable flow was obtained in the "Potsdam Rossendorf Magnetic Instability Experiment" (PROMISE). In this review, the history of dynamo and MRI related experiments is delineated, and some directions of future work are discussed.

  • Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 88(2008)12, 930-954


History and results of the Riga dynamo experiments

Gailitis, A.; Gerbeth, G.; Gundrum, T.; Lielausis, O.; Platacis, E.; Stefani, F.


On 11 November 1999, a self-exciting magnetic eigenfield was detected for the first time in the Riga liquid sodium dynamo experiment. We report on the long history leading to this event, and on the subsequent experimental campaigns which provided a wealth of data on the kinematic and the saturated regime of this dynamo. The present state of the theoretical understanding of both regimes is delineated, and some comparisons with other laboratory dynamo experiments are made.

  • Comptes Rendus Physique 9(2008), 721-728


Führungsverhalten als Einflussfaktor auf Qualität und Effektivität in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen in Deutschland und in der Slowakei

Kozikova, O.


Das Hauptthema der vorgelegten Dissertation betrifft das Führungsverhalten als Einflussfaktor auf Qualität und Effektivität in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, die im Rahmen der Untersuchung zufällig in Deutschland und in der Slowakei angesprochen wurden. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde die Führungssituation zwischen beiden Ländern verglichen. Obwohl der Titel der Arbeit nur kleine und mittlere Unternehmen behandelt, wurde die Führungssituation auch in einigen großen Unternehmen, Forschungszentren und Einrichtungen der Staatsverwaltung bzw. im öffentlichen Dienst untersucht, um die Richtung der Führung auch in diesen Organisationen festzustellen und diese Tendenz mit der in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen zu vergleichen. Die vorgelegte Dissertation mit 29 Abbildungen, 79 Diagrammen und 15 Tabellen konzentriert sich im Wesentlichen auf zwei Hauptteile – Theorie und Praxis. Neben dem Inhaltsverzeichnis befinden sich Verzeichnisse aller Abbildungen, Diagrammen und Tabellen sowie alle in der Arbeit verwendeten Abkürzungen vor der Theorie. Der theoretische Teil umfasst die ersten vier Kapitel. In der Einführung wird eine kurze Übersicht über die Dissertation mit ihren einzelnen Kapiteln gegeben. Im zweiten Kapitel wird die Recherche über die Ergebnisse einiger Studien bzw. Dissertationen dargestellt, um auf die Bedeutung des Themas, mit der sich diese Dissertation beschäftigt, hinzuweisen. Das Ziel der Dissertation und die Methode zur Aufbereitung des praktischen Teils werden im dritten Kapitel beschrieben. Bestandteil dieses Kapitels ist zugleich die Beschreibung der Befragung mittels Fragebogen, durch die die Untersuchung durchgeführt wurde. Vorliegende theoretische Kenntnisse aus der Literatur werden im vierten Kapitel dargestellt. Der praktische Teil der vorgelegten Dissertation beginnt mit dem fünften Kapitel. Hier wird die Bearbeitung der entwickelten Fragebogen beschrieben und die daraus abgeleiteten Ergebnisse dargestellt. Die Auswertung aller erhobenen Daten, deren Darstellung in grafischer Form sowie deren Interpretationen sind Inhalt des sechsten Kapitels. Der Vergleich der Situation in Deutschland und der Slowakei erfolgt im siebten Kapitel. Der praktische Teil wird durch die Zusammenfassung und den Ausblick im achten Kapitel abgeschlossen. Anschließend an den Untersuchungsteil ist das Verzeichnis aller verwendeten Literaturquellen angegeben. Zur Dissertationsarbeit gehört auch der Anhang (233 S.), der wegen seines großen Umfanges (1194 S.) nur einen kleinen Teil des Verfahrens, durch das die ganze Dissertationsarbeit bearbeitet wurde, darstellt.

  • Article, self-published (no contribution to HZDR-Annual report)
    Forschungszentrum Rossendorf 2007
    Dissertationsarbeit, Fakultät für Werkstoffe und Technologien Trnava
    223 Seiten
    ISSN: 1437-322X



Pygmy dipole strength in 90Zr

Schwengner, R.; Rusev, G.; Tsoneva, N.; Benouaret, N.; Beyer, R.; Erhard, M.; Grosse, E.; Junghans, A. R.; Klug, J.; Kosev, K.; Lenske, H.; Nair, C.; Schilling, K. D.; Wagner, A.


The dipole response of the N=50 nucleus {90}Zr was studied in photon-scattering experiments at the electron linear accelerator ELBE with bremsstrahlung produced at kinetic electron energies of 7.9, 9.0, and 13.2 MeV.
We identified 190 levels up to an excitation energy of 12.9 MeV. Statistical methods were applied in order to estimate intensities of inelastic transitions and to correct the intensities of the ground-state transitions for their branching ratios. In this way we derived the photoabsorption cross section up to the neutron-separation energy. This cross section matches well the photoabsorption cross section obtained from (\gamma,n) data and thus provides information about the extension of the dipole-strength distribution towards energies below the neutron-separation energy. An enhancement of E1 strength has been found in the range of 6 MeV to 11 MeV. Calculations within the framework of the Quasi-Particle-Phonon Model ascribe this strength to a vibration of the excessive neutrons against the N = Z neutron-proton core, giving rise to a pygmy dipole resonance.

Keywords: Nuclear Structure; statistical nuclear physics; photon scattering; QRPA; QPM

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Thomson scattering at the ELBE linac - status and perspectives

Schramm, U.


Invited talk on the status of the Thomson scattering experiment at ELBE

Keywords: Thomsons scattering; ELBE

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    ECT* Workshop on Ultra High-Intensity Laser Nuclear and Particle Physics, 23.-27.6.2008, Trento, Italy


Few-Cycle-Laser-Driven Electron Acceleration

Schmid, K.; Veisz, L.; Tavella, F.; Benavides, S.; Tautz, R.; Herrmann, D.; Buck, A.; Hidding, B.; Marcinkevicius, A.; Schramm, U.; Geissler, M.; Meyer-Ter-Vehn, J.; Habs, D.; Krausz, F.


Laser-driven plasma waves were proposed as compact electron accelerators [1] owing to their ability to produce longitudinal accelerating ¯elds several orders of magnitude higher than those attainable in conventional accelerators. A promising implementation relies on "broken" plasma waves driven by a laser pulse shorter than half the plasma period [2]. In the absence of intense laser pulses of the required duration, previous experiments [3] - [13] drew on longer (several-10-fs) driver pulses. Under these circumstances, monoenergetic electron acceleration is preceded by a nonlinear interaction of the laser pulse with the relativistic plasma [14], which shortens its duration into the required domain. Longer-than-optimal driver pulses compromise e±ciency as well as reproducibility, and result in copious amounts of low-energy electrons accompanying the monoenergetic emission with an exponentially-decaying spectrum, forming a "thermal" background.
Here, we report the first electron accelerator based on high-density plasma waves driven with laser pulses ¯tting in one half of the plasma period. Direct excitation of a broken plasma wave permits monoenergetic electron acceleration virtually free of thermal background for the first time. In our experiments, 5-terawatt, 8-femtosecond laser pulses yield electron bunches up to energies of 25 MeV.
The dramatically reduced °ux of low-energy electrons as compared to earlier experiments also manifests itself in a strongly-reduced secondary radiation emerging from the accelerator and o®ers the potential for enhancing e±ciency and stability with more intense driver pulses.

Keywords: Laser plasma electron acceleration; few cycle laser pulses; bubble regime



Nanoskalige Biokompositmaterialien zur Eliminierung von Arzneimittelrückständen

Raff, J.; Pollmann, K.


Bis zu 95 % der verabreichten Wirkstoffe von Arzneimitteln werden vom menschlichen Körper wieder ausgeschieden und gelangen über das Abwasser in den Wasserkreislauf. Für gewöhnlich sind die Wirkstoffkonzentrationen sehr gering und werden schnell abgebaut. In einzelnen Fällen handelt es sich jedoch um schwer abbaubare Verbindungen, die in größeren Mengen anfallen und bei denen bereits eine negative Langzeitwirkung umweltrelevanter Konzentrationen auf die Fischgesundheit nachgewiesen wurde. Ein Beispiel dafür ist der Wirkstoff Diclofenac. Derzeit ist kein kostengünstiges Verfahren verfügbar, mit dem derartige Stoffe aus dem Wasser entfernt werden können. Neuartige nanostrukturierte Biokompositmaterialien auf der Basis bakterieller Hüllproteinschichten, sogenannte S-Layer, können hier Abhilfe schaffen. Alle bakteriellen Hüllproteine besitzen die Fähigkeit, an Grenz- und Oberflächen monolagige hochgeordnete Schichten mit zum Teil hoher Stabilität auszubilden. Diese Eigenschaften in Kombination mit der hohen Metallbindungskapazität der Hüllproteine mancher Naturisolate ermöglicht die einfache Herstellung verschiedener dotierter und nicht dotierter Edelmetall- und Metalloxidnanocluster mit hoher katalytischer und fotokatalytischer Aktivität. Ziel ist die Herstellung fotokatalytisch aktiver Biokompositschichten, die bereits bei Tageslicht eine ausreichende hohe Aktivität besitzen, um die Spaltung organischer Reststoffe zu bewirken. Dieses Projekt wird vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert.

  • Poster
    Biotechnica 2008, 07.-09.10.2008, Hannover, Deutschland


Probing 3d-4f exchange interactions by high-field magnetization measurements

Skourski, Y.; Kuz’Min, M.; Müller, K.-H.; Wosnitza, J.


In a 4f-3d ferrimagnet the molecular field (a net value expressing the relevant exchange interactions) can be determined from high-field magnetization measurements. If the field is high enough, it breaks the ferrimagnetic ground state and drives the system towards ferromagnetic order via non-collinear intermediate phases. Magnetization curves of Er2Fe17 singe crystal have been measured along the [100] and [001] crystallographic directions in magnetic fields up to 50 Tesla. An unfixed sample, free to rotate, was measured as well. The magnetization measured along the easy magnetization direction shows jumps at 37.5 and 44 Tesla. The first jump was used for the determination of the molecular field (66.4 Tesla). This agrees with the data for the unfixed sample where a kink in the magnetization at 33.5 Tesla yields a molecular field of 65.7 Tesla. The obtained values are in a good agreement with literature data.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Physics of Magnetism ´08, 24.-27.06.2008, Poznan, Poland
  • Open Access Logo Acta Physica Polonica A 115(2009), 178


Observation of dendritic growth and fragmentation in Ga-In alloys by X-ray radioscopy

Boden, S.; Willers, B.; Eckert, S.; Gerbeth, G.


Capabilities of the X-ray attenuation contrast radioscopy were utilised to provide a real-time diagnostic technique for observations of dendritic growth and fragmentation during solidification of a Ga-30wt%In alloy. The solidification process was visualised by means of a microfocus X-ray tube providing shadow radiographs at spatial resolutions of about 10 µm. Experiments have been carried out to solidify the Ga-In alloy unidirectional either starting from the bottom or the top of the specimen. The first case is significantly affected by solutal convection, which governs a redistribution of solute concentration. A detachment of dendrite side arms, which is unambiguously caused by melt flow, was not observed. Dendritic fragmentation occurs during the solidification in the reverse top-down direction. Variations of the applied cooling rate excited a transition from a columnar to an equiaxed dendritic growth (CET).

Keywords: solidification; X-ray radioscopy; dendrite growth; dendrite fragmentation

  • International Journal of Cast Metals Research 22(2009), 30-33


Spectral singularities, brachistochrone dilation and the relevance of the Hessenberg type

Günther, U.; Graefe, E.-M.; Korsch, H.-J.; Niederle, A.; Samsonov, B.


In the first 1/3 of the talk a brief overview over some mathematical aspects connected with the occurrence of spectral singularities (exceptional points, EPs) will be presented. Based on simple matrix models we discuss stratified manifolds in parameter spaces on which the matrix eigenvalues degenerate. We comment on discriminant sets and similarity relations to canonical Jordan structures, demonstrate the mechanism underlying the formation of self-orthogonal (isotropic) eigenvectors, relate it to corresponding projectors.
In the second 1/3, we sketch the basics of some recent findings on the brachistochrone problem of PT-symmetric quantum mechanics (PTSQM) and its embedding into a setup of standard quantum mechanics (SQM) in a higher dimensional Hilbert space. The embedding uses a Naimark dilation/extension technique for positive operator valued measures (POVMs) built over the nonorthogonal eigenvectors of the PT-symmetric Hamiltonian and its adjoint. We demonstrate that in the SQM model the zero-passage time is preserved for a subsystem which is entangled with a second subsystem of strongly dominant type. Applications towards ultrafast quantum computation processes are hypothesized.
In the last 1/3 of the talk, we sketch the specific mathematical structures underlying the unfolding mechanisms of higher-order exceptional points (EPs) in PT-symmetric Bose-Hubbard models as they can be used for the description of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) localized in symmetrically coupled gain/loss potentials. We demonstrate that the basic structure is connected with a nontrivial Jordan block in the spectral decomposition of the Hamiltonian which is perturbed by a small matrix term of a specific upper Hessenberg type. The concrete Hessenberg type of this matrix defines how the spectral branches merge at the EPs and which types of cycles (rings) they form in the vicinity of the EPs. Once this unfolding mechanism of EPs is generic its fundamental role in many other physical models can be anticipated. A few technical aspects of the used Newton polygon technique are discussed.

Keywords: spectral singularity; exceptional point; stratified manifold; PT-symmetric quantum mechanics; quantum brachistochrone problem; Naimark dilation; positive operator valued measure; Bose-Hubbard model; Bose-Einstein condensate; Jordan block; perturbation technique; Hessenberg type; Newton polygon technique

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Quantum Physics with Non-Hermitian Operators (PHHQP VII), 29.06.-11.07.2008, Benasque, Spain


Thermal Analysis of EPOS components

Werner, M.; Altstadt, E.; Jungmann, M.; Brauer, G.; Noack, K.; Rogov, A.; Krause-Rehberg, R.


We present a simulation study of the thermal behaviour of essential parts of the electron-positron converter of the positron source EPOS at the Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf. The positron moderator foil and the upper tube element of the electrostatic extraction einzellens are directly exposed to the primary electron beam (40 MeV, 40 kW). Thus, it was necessary to prove by sophisticated simulations that the construction can stand the evolving temperatures. It was found that thin moderator foils (< 20…40 µm) will not show a too strong heating. Moreover, the temperature can be varied in a wide range by choosing an appropriate thickness. Thus, the radiation-induced lattice defects can at least partly be annealed during operation. The wall of the extraction lens which is made from a stainless steel tube must be distinctly thinned to avoid damage temperatures. The simulations were performed time dependent. We found that the critical parts reach their final temperature after less than a minute.



Congenital hyperinsulinism: [18F]DOPA PET/CT scan of a focal lesion in the head of the pancreas

Kapoor, R. R.; Gilbert, C.; Mohnike, K.; Blankenstein, O.; Füchtner, F.; Hussain, K.


Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a cause of severe hypoglycaemia in the neonatal period.(1) The histological differentiation of CHI into focal and diffuse disease has radically changed the surgical management of patients with the disease. (2) Correct localisation and limited excision of the focal lesion results in complete cure of the patient. Recent advances in fluorine-18 L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine ([18F]DOPA) positron emission tomography (PET) scanning are beginning to provide greater accuracy in preoperative differentiation of focal and diffuse disease and correct localisation of focal lesions.(3–5) The principle of this test is that, pancreatic islets take up L-3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA), and convert it to dopamine by DOPA decarboxylase, present in the islet cells. However, the role of dopamine in pancreatic ß-cells remains unclear.

A 3-day-old neonate presented with severe hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia. He failed to respond to all forms of treatment and required further investigations to differentiate diffuse from focal disease. He underwent an integrated [18F]DOPA PET/CT scan. Figure 1 shows more than twofold uptake of [18F]DOPA in the head of the pancreas compared with the body and tail of the pancreas, proving focal disease.(4) A computed tomography (CT) scan combined with the PET scan colocalised the focal lesion in the head of the pancreas at the junction of the portal vein and superior vena cava (size 6.1 mm). At the time of surgery the focal lesion was found exactly where the PET/CT localisation suggested and was excised with complete resolution of the hyperinsulinism. [18F]DOPA PET/CT scanning is now the preferred method for differentiating diffuse and focal CHI.

1. Hussain K. Congenital hyperinsulinism. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med 2005;10:369–76.
2. Rahier J, Guiot Y, Sempoux C. Persistent hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia of infancy: a heterogeneous syndrome unrelated to nesidioblastosis. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2002;82 F108–12.
3. Otonkoski T, Nanto-Salonen K, Seppanen M, et al. Diagnosis of focal hyperinsulinism of infancy with [18F]-DOPA positron emission tomography. Diabetes 2006;55:13–8.
4. Mohnike K, Blankenstein O, Christesen HT, et al. Proposal for a standardized protocol for F-DOPA-PET
(PET/CT) in congenital hyperinsulinism. Horm Res 2006;66:40–2.
5. Hardy OT, Hernandez-Pampaloni M, Saffer JR, et al. Diagnosis and localization of focal congenital
hyperinsulinism by (18)F-fluorodopa PET scan. J Pediatr


Star-shaped molecule of (Mn4O6)-O-II core with an S-t=10 high-spin state. A theoretical and experimental study with XPS, XMCD, and other magnetic methods

Khanra, S.; Kuepper, K.; Weyhermuller, T.; Prinz, M.; Raekers, M.; Voget, S.; Postnikov, A. V.; de Groot, F.; George, S. J.; Coldea, M.; Neumann, M.; Chaudhuri, P.


We report a comprehensive study of the electronic and magnetic properties of a star-shaped molecule comprising a (Mn4O6)-O-II core. One feature of this compound is weak magnetic coupling constants compared to other similar polyoxo compounds. This leads to complicated low-lying magnetic states in which the ground state is not well separated from the upper-lying states, yielding a high-spin molecule with a giant magnetic moment of up to 20 mu(B)/formula unit. We apply X-ray diffraction and magnetometry as well as other X-ray spectroscopic techniques, namely, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism, and X-ray emission spectroscopy. We compare our experimental results with ab initio electronic band structure calculations as well as the localized electronic structure around the Mn2+ ions with charge-transfer multiplet calculations.

Keywords: Molecular magnetism; x-ray magnetic circular dichroism; x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; electronic structure calculations

  • Inorganic Chemistry 47(2008)11, 4605-4617


In-situ Measurements on suspended Nanoparticles with X-rays, Visible Laser Light and Infra-red Light

Zänker, H.


One of the aims of the Institute of Radiochemistry, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, is to investigate the transport of environmental contaminants as colloids (nanoparticles). The methods established in the institute that refer to colloid research are:

Characterization of colloids: Photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS), laser-induced breakdown detection (LIBD), microfiltration/ultrafiltration, ultracentrifugation, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
Studying colloid composition/mineralogy and in-situ binding states of contaminants on colloids: X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) with synchrotron radiation (Rossendorf Beamline at the ESRF, Grenoble), attenuated total reflection (ATR) FTIR and time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy TRLFS.
Noninvasive methods (i.e. in-situ measurements) are normally preferred to invasive methods. Such non-invasive methods often rely on high energy radiation. Two methods of colloid characterization, PCS and LIBD, and two methods of binding state in-vestigation, EXAFS and ATR-FTIR, are presented in greater detail.
We used PCS to investigate extremely small natural nanoparticles of high concentration as they occur in acid rock drainage solutions. It was shown that the ultrafine nanoparticles are masked by tiny traces of larger particles that dominate light scattering. They can be unmasked by separation steps which makes the small particles detectable. Colloids of extreme low concentration can be detected by LIBD. LIBD on four commercial mineral waters serves as an example.. In the third example the binding state of arsenate onto the small nanoparticles of the acid rock drainage solution mentioned above was studied by EXAFS. It is demonstrated that the arsenate is initially bound as a bidentate binuclear inner-sphere surface complex to the iron-rich ultrafine nanoparticles of the solution. However, the gradual transformation of the colloidal material to a more aggregated precipitate (within months) results in the incorporation of the arsenate into the interior of the Fe hydroxy sulphate crystal structures. Finally, an example is given where the adsorption of uranium(VI) on ferrihydrite colloids in near-neutral mine water in the presence of carbonate, i.e. the formation of uranyl-ferrihydrite and uranyl-carbonate-ferrihydrite surface complexes, was tested by ATR-FTIR.

Keywords: Nanoparticles; environmental contaminants; EXAFS; LIBD; ATR-FTIR

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Ladenburger Diskurs der Gottlieb Daimler-Und Karl Benz-Stiftung "Engineered Nanoparticles in the Aquatic Environment", 30.06.-01.07.2008, Ladenburg, Deutschland


Anwendung des Laser-Doppler-Geschwindigkeitsprofilsensors zur Vermessung elektromagnetisch beeinflusster Elektrolytströmungen

Büttner, L.; Shirai, K.; Voigt, A.; Neumann, M.; Czarske, J.; Weier, T.; Cierpka, C.


In diesem Beitrag wird erstmals über die Anwendung des Laser-Doppler-Geschwindigkeitsprofilsensors zur Untersuchung von elektromagnetisch beeinflussten Grenzschichten in schwach leitfähigen Fluiden berichtet. Die elektromagnetische Strömungsbeeinflussung wird in Industrie und Forschung mit großem Interesse verfolgt, da damit Strömungsablösungen kontrolliert und Strömungswiderstände reduziert werden können. Da elektromagnetische Kräfte hauptsächlich in den Grenzschichten wirken, ist eine präzise Untersuchung der Grenzschicht für das Verständnis der auftretenden Effekte unerlässlich. In der hier vorgestellten Arbeit kommt der Laser-Doppler-Geschwindigkeitsprofilsensor zum Einsatz, der eine Erweiterung des konventionellen Laser-Doppler-Anemometers (LDA) darstellt, aber zwei überlagerte, entgegengesetzt fächerförmige Streifensystemen verwendet. Dadurch kann zusätzlich die axiale Position von Streuteilchen im Messvolumen aufgelöst und somit eine deutlich höhere Ortsauflösung bei gleichzeitig geringerer Messunsicherheit der Geschwindigkeit erzielt werden, was gerade für Grenzschichtuntersuchungen deutliche Vorteile gegenüber konventionellen LDA bietet. In diesem Beitrag wird über die Untersuchung der ebenen Plattengrenzschicht einer Natronlaugen-Strömung berichtet, deren Geschwindigkeitsprofil durch Lorentzkräfte modifiziert wird. Es werden die generellen Anforderungen an die Messaufgabe und die Adaption des Profilsensors an den Aufbau dargestellt. Die Ergebnisse der Grenzschichtprofilmessungen werden diskutiert und mit PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry)-Daten verglichen.

Keywords: LDA; LDA Profile Sensor; electromagnetic flow control

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Fachtagung "Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik", 09.-11.09.2008, Karlsruhe, BRD, 978-3-9805613-4-1, 4.1-4.8


Colloidal Carbon Nanotubes and their Influence on Dissolved Uranium

Schierz, A.; Zänker, H.


A rapid increase in the application of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in science, technology, medicine and every day life is anticipated. Currently, there is still relatively little knowledge on the behaviour of ENPs in the aquatic environment. Our study was aimed at gaining information on the behaviour of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as potential carriers of pollutants in the case of accidental CNT release to the environment. The experiments showed that pristine CNTs possess little colloidal stability in aquatic suspensions. Also the sorption capacity of the pristine CNTs for uranium is low. However, modification of the CNTs by surface oxidation with HNO3/H2SO4 increased the colloidal stability of the CNTs in near-neutral waters dramatically. Moreover, also the sorption capacity for uranium, which served as an example of a toxic heavy metal, was strongly increased by the surface treatment. Uranium sorption data could best be fit by a Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The increase in colloidal stability and in sorption capacity was due to the generation of new sorption sites (carboxylic groups) on the surface of CNTs by surface oxidation. These groups could also be detected by FTIR. Another way to elevate colloidal stability is to add small amounts of humic acid to suspensions of the pristine

Keywords: carbon nanotubes; surface oxidation; uranium; sorption; colloidal stability

  • Lecture (Conference)
    3rd International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, 15.-16.09.2008, Birmingham, United Kingdom


Neue Verfahren der Präzisions-Strahlentherapie

Baumann, M.; Enghardt, W.; Herrmann, T.; Lehmann, D.; Pawelke, J.; Poenisch, F.; Sauerbrey, R.


Das Ziel strahlentherapeutischer Behandlung ist es, Tumoren zu vernichten und dabei das gesunde Gewebe weitgehend zu schonen. Eine Präzisions-Radiotherapie erfordert eine möglichst konforme Bestrahlung des Tumors mit der für die Heilung notwendigen Dosis. Für die heute gebräuchlichsten therapeutischen Strahlenquellen - Elektronen-Linearbeschleuniger, welche Elektronen- und harte Röntgenstrahlen bereitstellen - wurden dafür die Methoden der intensitätsmodulierten und bildgeführten Radiotherapie entwickelt. Der nächste Schritt zur Verbesserung der Tumorkonformität ist die klinische Anwendung von Partikelstrahlen (Protonen, leichte Ionen). Entsprechende Anlagen erfordern einen hohen Investitionsaufwand. Eine Reduktion dieses Aufwandes könnte der Einsatz außerordentlich kompakter Beschleunigungsstrukturen eröffnen, welche auf der Wechselwirkung hochintensiver Laserstrahlen mit Materie beruhen.

Keywords: Strahlentherapie; Präzisionsstrahlentherapie

  • Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden 57(2008)1-2, 127-133


PET imaging for treatment verification of ion therapy: implementation and experience at GSI Darmstadt and MGH Boston

Parodi, K.; Bortfeld, T.; Enghardt, W.; Fiedler, F.; Knopf, A.; Paganetti, H.; Pawelke, J.; Shakirin, G.; Shih, H.


Ion beams offer the possibility of improved conformation of the dose delivered to the tumour with better sparing of surrounding tissue and critical structures in comparison to conventional photon and electron external radiation treatment modalities. Full clinical exploitation of this advantage can benefit from in-vivo confirmation of the actual beam delivery and, in particular, of the ion range in the patient. During irradiation, positron emitters like 15O (half-life T1/2 » 2 min) and 11C (T1/2 » 20 min) are formed in nuclear interactions between the ions and the tissue. Detection of this transient radioactivity via Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and comparison with the expectation based on the prescribed beam application may serve as an in-vivo, non-invasive range validation method of the whole treatment planning and delivery chain. For technical implementation, PET imaging during irradiation (in-beam) requires the development of customized, limited angle detectors with data acquisition synchronized with the beam delivery. Alternatively, commercial PET or PET/CT scanners in close proximity to the treatment site enable detection of the residual activation from long-lived emitters shortly after treatment (offline). This paper reviews two clinical examples using a dedicated in-beam PET scanner for verification of carbon ion therapy at GSI Darmstadt, Germany, as well as a commercial offline PET/CT tomograph for post-radiation imaging of proton treatments at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA. Challenges as well as pros and cons of the two imaging approaches in dependence of the different ion type and beam delivery system are discussed.

Keywords: in-beam PET; PET; ion therapy; proton therapy


New THz/VUV Pump Probe Beamline at VUV FEL FLASH

Gensch, M.; Fruehling, U.; Seidel, W.; Wieland, M.; Stojanovic, N.; Schade, U.; Lee, J. S.; Hübers, H.-W.; Semenov, A.; Ploenjes-Palm, E.; Düsterer, S.; Grimm, O.; Hahn, U.; Saldin, E. L.; Kocharyan, V.; Schneidmiller, E.; Rossbach, J.; Feldhaus, J.; Drescher, M.; Yurkov, M. V.


At the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) free electron laser in Hamburg (FLASH) an infrared (IR) beamline is currently being comissioned that will allow novel pump-and-probe experiments combining coherent IR pulses with the FEL radiation in the VUV spectral range. It provides useful IR, respectively THz, radiation generated by a purpose built undulator over the wavelength range from 200 micron to presently 14 micron. The undulator is implemented “in series” to the VUV undulators of FLASH and the length of the IR beamline can be matched to that of an existing VUV beamline so that overlap with VUV pulses generated by the same electron bunch can be achieved. Hence natural synchronization of the two pulses is expected. First results of the comissioning are shown and an outlook on future experiments and upgrades of the beamline as well as its photondiagnostics will be given.

  • Poster
    MEDSI/Pan-American SRI 2008 Meeting, 10.-13.06.2008, Saskatoon, Saskatchewa, Canada
  • Contribution to proceedings
    MEDSI/Pan-American SRI 2008 Meeting, 10.-13.06.2008, Saskatoon, Saskatchewa, Canada


Buried melting in germanium implanted silicon by millisecond flash lamp annealing

Voelskow, M.; Yankov, R.; Kups, T.; Pezoldt, J.; Skorupa, W.


Doping of semiconductors by ion implantation is generally associated with the formation of Gaussian-like concentration/depth profiles. This letter describes a method to achieve localized buried melting at a predetermined depth as the basis for the formation of either a pronounced dopant segregation peak or a homogeneous plateau-like dopant distribution. More specifically, Ge ion implantation was used to lower the melting temperature of the implanted zone, and subsequent flash lamp annealing (FLA) to selectively melt this zone.

Keywords: flash lamp annealing; melting; silicon; doping

  • Applied Physics Letters 93(2008)15, 151903-1-151903-3


The prediabetic and diabetic in vivo modification of circulating low density lipoproteins decreases their potential to stimulate adrenal steroidogenesis

Kopprasch, S.; Ansurudeen, I.; Pietzsch, J.; Graessler, J.; Bornstein, S. R.

  • Poster
    114. Internistenkongress, 29.03.-02.04.2008, Wiesbaden, Deutschland
  • Abstract in refereed journal
    Medizinische Klinik 103(2008), 42
    ISSN: 0723-5003


Precise measurement of the beta decay and electron capture of Na-22, Au-198, and Au-196 in low-temperature metal hosts, and reexamination of lifetime modifications

Ruprecht, G.; Vockenhuber, C.; Buchmann, L.; Woods, R.; Ruiz, C.; Lapi, S.; Bemmerer, D.


We investigated half-life changes with temperature of 22Na embedded in Al and 198Au/196Au embedded in Au. We do not find any change of the half-life between room temperature and 10 K on the level of 0.04% for 22Na, 0.03% for 198Au, and 0.5% for 196Au in striking disagreement with the first experimental works and predictions. Additionally, the absolute half-life for 198Au has been determined to 2.6937±0.0003 d which is 5 standard deviations below the recommended NIST value but in agreement with other high-precision measurements.

Keywords: Half-life Au-198 Au-196 Na-22 Debye-Hückel model Salpeter screening weakly coupled plasma


Results of ELBE Window and Coupler Tests with a Resonant Ring

Büchner, A.; Büttig, H.; Schurig, R.; Staats, G.; Winter, A.


A new test bench based on a resonant ring has been built at ELBE to run window as well as coupler tests. The resonant ring is driven by a 10 kW klystron and allows tests with RF power up to 100 kW in CW mode and about 200 kW in pulsed mode. Coupler tests are done with liquid Nitrogen cooling under almost real conditions. The results of warm window and coupler tests in pulsed and CW mode will be presented. Also details about the ring and a special designed coupler tip to rectangular waveguide transition are given.


  • Contribution to proceedings
    EPAC 2008, 23.-27.06.2008, Genua, Italy
    Proceedings of EPAC 2008, 978-92-9083-315-4


Analysis of hydrogen passivation by sputtered silicon nitride

Catoir, J.; Grisshammer, M.; Wolke, W.; Preu, R.; Trassl, R.; Grambole, D.


An important parameter for a good bulk passivation of silicon solar cells is the hydrogen content of the silicon nitride anti reflexion layer [1,2]. Several studies [3,4] show that the hydrogen diffuses during the silicon nitride (SiN:H) deposion and the contact formation process into the bulk of the solar cell and passivates impurities and defects. In this work we present some results showing the benefit of an optimal hydrogen rate and a plasma pretreatment of the SiN especially for the bulk passivation. Additionally Nuclear Reaction Resonance Analysis measurements and effusion measurements were carried out for a better understanding of the hydrogen diffusion in the silicon nitride and at the boundary layer.

  • Poster
    23th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 01.-05.09.2008, Valencia, Spain
  • Contribution to proceedings
    23th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 01.-05.09.2008, Valencia, Spain
    Proceedings of the 23th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 1530-1533


New sub-\mu s isomers in 125,127,129Sn and isomer systematics of 124-130 Sn

Lozeva, R. L.; Simpson, G. S.; Grawe, H.; Neyens, G.; Atanasova, L. A.; Balabanski, D. L.; Bazzacco, D.; Becker, F.; Bednarczyk, P.; Benzoni, G.; Blasi, N.; Blazhev, A.; Bracco, A.; Brandau, C.; Caceres, L.; Camera, F.; Chamoli, S. K.; Crespi, F. C. L.; Daugas, J.-M.; Detistov, P.; de Rydt, M.; Doornenbal, P.; Fahlander, C.; Farnea, E.; Georgiev, G.; Gerl, J.; Gladnishki, K. A.; Gorska, M.; Grebosz, J.; Hass, M.; Hoischen, R.; Ilie, G.; Ionescu-Bujor, M.; Iordachescu, A.; Jolie, J.; Jungclaus, A.; Kmiecik, M.; Kojouharov, I.; Kurz, N.; Lakshmi, S. P.; Lo Bianco, G.; Mallion, S.; Maj, A.; Montanari, D.; Perru, O.; Pfützner, M.; Pietri, S.; Pinston, J. A.; Podolyak, Z.; Prokopowicz, W.; Rudolph, D.; Rusev, G.; Saitoh, T. R.; Saltarelli, A.; Schaffner, H.; Schwengner, R.; Tashenov, S.; Turzo, K.; Valiente-Dobon, J. J.; Vermeulen, N.; Walker, J.; Werner-Malento, E.; Wieland, O.; Wollersheim, H.-J.


New sub-\mu s isomers have been observed in the neutron-rich Sn isotopes. 125,127,129Sn nuclei have been produced in a relativistic fission reaction of 238U on a 9Be target at 750 A MeV and by the fragmentation of 136Xe at 600 A MeV populating high-spin yrast states. In addition to the already known \mu s isomers, three new ones -1 with sub-\mu s half-lives have been observed. These yrast isomers are the high-spin members
of the \nu (d_3/2^-1 h_11/2^-2 ) and \nu h_11/2 ^-n, seniority v = 3 multiplets leading to isomeric (23/2+) and (27/2-) states, respectively. Added to the already known 19/2+ \mu s isomers in this region the current work completes the systematic information of neutron-hole excitations toward the filling of the last h_11/2 orbital a t N = 82.
The results are discussed in the framework of state-of-the -art shell-model calculations using realistic interactions.

Keywords: Nuclear structure; isomers; radioactive ion beams; shell model


New Insights into the Formation of Radiohaloes: Effects of Artificial Alpha–Irradiation on Cordierite

Krickl, R.; Nasdala, L.; Wildner, M.; Grambole, D.


Radiohaloes showing a markedly altered light absorption behaviour caused by the action of alpha particles are found in a number of minerals, surrounding radioactive inclusions (Ramdohr, 1960). In order to shed light on the processes of radiohalo formation, a study on artificially produced analogues of natural radiohaloes was conducted: Oriented cordierite crystals were implanted with 8.8 MeV He2+ ions, which corresponds to the highest alpha energy commonly encountered in nature. The irradiated areas are characterised by yellow colouration, which is strongly polarised parallel to the crystallographic c axis. Optical absorption spectra show that the colour is mainly caused by the low-wavelength slope of an intense absorption band in the ultraviolet region. Furthermore, the relative changes of metal–metal charge transfer and d–d band intensities as compared to the un-irradiated host reveal significant oxidation of the Fe2+ ions in the cordierite structure.
Monte Carlo simulations show that the observed alteration depth of ~48 µm is in very good agreement with the calculated ranges of the injected particles. However, total intensity and radial intensity distribution of the radio-induced absorption change with increasing irradiation dose. The colouration intensity increases up to doses of 1014 He2+/cm² but fades at higher doses, i.e. a radio-induced colouration reversal is observed.
The change in colour is accompanied by structural damage, caused by the impact of the He2+ ions: Raman spectra show increased broadening of vibrational bands when approaching the penetration depth of the injected particles, indicating a decrease of the short range order due to the accumulation of point defects. However, no indication of amorphisation was observed in cordierite irradiated with up to 1016 He2+/cm². This seems to be in apparent contrast to He-irradiated α-quartz where local amorphisation was detected after implantation with only 1015 He2+/cm² (Krickl et al., 2008).
Furthermore, Raman and infrared spectroscopic investigations yield evidence for a radiochemical transformation of molecular species incorporated in the structural channels of the cordierite structure. Especially the transformation CO2→CO, which was also found in natural radiohaloes, was reproduced artificially and experimentally confirmed. The presence of CO in cordierite may therefore not only be caused by reducing conditions during formation (Khomenko & Langer, 2005) but also by the action of radioactivity.

Khomenko VM, Langer K (2005) Carbon oxides in cordierite channels: Determination of CO2 isotopic species and CO by single crystal IR spectroscopy. Am Mineral 90: 1913-1917
Krickl R, Nasdala L, Götze J, Grambole D, Wirth R (2008) Alpha-irradiation effects in SiO2. Eur J Mineral 20 (accepted)
Ramdohr P (1960) Neue Beobachtungen an radioaktiven Höfen in verschiedenen Mineralien mit kritischen Bemerkungen zur Auswertung der Höfe zur Altersbestimmung. Geol Rundschau 49: 253-263

  • Lecture (Conference)
    86th Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society, 14.-17.09.2008, Berlin, Germany


Plasma-Based Ion Implantation Treatments Under Industrially Relevant Conditions

Ueda, M.; Wei, R.; Reuther, H.


Industrially relevant PIII conditions were applied to H13 and CrNiMo 316 steel as well as in CrCoMo and Ti6Al4V metal alloys. Typically, nitrogen ions were implanted at peak voltages of 10 to 15 kV, 50 to 80 (s pulse durations, and 1 to 2 kHz frequencies, for treatment times of 1 to12h. Case thicknesses of more than 20 μm were achieved in treated H13 steel which resulted in reduced friction and wear. For CrNiMo steel, a wear reduction of as high as 160 times was obtained besides a significant reduction of the coefficient of friction. Much thinner modified layer was obtained for Ti6Al4V but sufficient for an important improvement of the surface hardness.

  • Solid State Phenomena 107(2005), 31-36


In vitro and in vivo evaluation of 64Cu-labeled bispidine ligands

Juran, S.



The synthesis, characterization and evaluation of novel hexadentate bispidine derivatives containing pyridine and/or imidazole units as donor groups are presented. Bispidine ligands (bispidine = 3,7-diazabicyclo[3.3.1]-nonane) show unique complexation behaviour towards transition metals [1,2]. The high thermodynamic stability of the complexes of these structurally reinforced ligands with Cu(II) offers the possibility to apply such complexes for diagnostic (64Cu) and therapeutic (67Cu) purposes [3]. Moreover the bispidine structure opens suitable chemical approaches to connect bio-molecules onto the skeleton, an important feature in view of the targeting of such complexes.


The ligands were prepared by two consecutive Mannich condensations according to the known procedure [1]. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) measurements were recorded on a BAS 100B instrument with a standard three-electrode cell (glassy carbon electrode, AgNO3/Ag reference electrode, Pt wire with auxiliary electrode) at 25 °C in degassed water in an Ar atmosphere. Bispidines were labelled with 67Cu using 67CuCl2. To 200 µl of the ligand solution (10-4 M ligand in 0.05 M MES/NaOH buffer, pH = 5.4) 250 kBq of 67CuCl2 were added. 67Cu-labelling yields were studied by TLC using RP18 TLC plates which were developed in acetonitrile /water (0.1%TFA) = 4/1.

Results and Discussion:

CV measurements were performed in order to estimate the stability of the copper(II) bispidine complexes. Strongly negative redox potentials were found for all compounds investigated indicating the high stability of the Cu(II) complexes [2]. Labelling experiments of the new bispidines with 67Cu and 64Cu indicate the rapid formation of radiocopper complexes under mild conditions in almost quantitatively yields.


The radiocopper complexes were found to be stable in the presence of a high excess of competing ligands, and showed a high in vitro stability in rat plasma up to 24 h. Studies on the bioconjugation of the bispidine 64Cu complexes are now in progress.


Roger Schibli (Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland) is gratefully acknowledged for providing copper-67.

[1] P. Comba, W. Schiek, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2003, 238-239, 21-29.
[2] C. Bleiholder et al. Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44, 8145-8155.
[3] M. J. Welch, C. S. Redvanly, Eds., Handbook of Radiopharmaceuticals: Radiochemistry and Applications, J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 2003

  • Lecture (Conference)
    15th Workshop "The Synthesis and Applications of Isotopes and Isotopically Labelled Compounds", 12.-13.06.2008, Bad Soden, Deutschland


Controlled transport and focusing of laser-accelerated protons with miniature magnetic devices

Schollmeier, M.; Becker, S.; Geißel, M.; Flippo, K. A.; Blazevic, A.; Gaillard, S. A.; Cort Gautier, D.; Grüner, F.; Harres, K.; Kimmel, M.; Nürnberg, F.; Rambo, P.; Schramm, U.; Schreiber, J.; Schütrumpf, J.; Schwarz, J.; Tahir, N. A.; Atherton, B.; Habs, D.; Hegelich, B. M.; Roth, M.


This letter demonstrates the transporting and focusing of laser-accelerated 14 MeV protons by permanent magnet mini quadrupole lenses providing field gradients as high as 500 T/m. The approach is highly reproducible and predictable, leading to a focal spot of (286 × 173) μm full width at half maximum 50 cm behind the source. It decouples the relativistic laser-proton acceleration from the beam transport, paving the way to optimize both separately. The collimation and the subsequent energy selection obtained is perfectly applicable for upcoming high-energy high-repetition rate laser systems.

Keywords: Laser ion acceleration; beam focusing; permanent magnets; miniature magnetic lenses; PACS numbers: 41.75.Jv,52.38.Kd,41.85.Lc,52.59.-f



ALD of YF3 thin films from TiF4 and Y(thd)3 precursors

Pilvi, T.; Puukilainen, E.; Munnik, F.; Leskelä, M.; Ritala, M.


Yttrium fluoride is a dielectric material with good light transmittance between ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) range of wavelengths. In this paper we introduce the first use of atomic layer deposition (ALD) process of YF3 thin films. The films were grown at 175–325 °C. Y(thd)3 (thd = 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato) was used as a cation source and TiF4 as a fluorine precursor. YF3 film growth characteristics as well as structural, optical, and electrical properties were studied. Different methods, such as spectrophotometry, X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and elastic recoil detection analysis were applied to characterize the films. Electrical properties were analyzed from Al/YF3/indium-tin-oxide capacitor structures at room temperature. The growth rates of the films were between 1.1 and 1.7 Å/cycle. The films grown below 225 °C were amorphous, otherwise they were polycrystalline. Permittivities of the films were around 6. The surface roughness of the YF3 films increased with the deposition temperatures. The refractive indices were 1.51–1.59 (at λ = 580 nm), and high light transmittance was achieved from UV to IR region with the sample grown at 300 °C.

Keywords: Atomic layer deposition (ALD); Yttrium fluoride (YF3); Optical materials; Thin films


Applications of cavity transverse modes in accelerators

Janssen, D.; Volkov, V.


Different applications of TE modes in accelerator physics are discussed. In this discussion, the Fourier transform of the squared axial component of magnetic field, Bz2(z), plays an important role. If it turns to be zero, the RF field-particle energy transfer is negligible and the focal length of the TE mode lens is phase independent. Such RF lens focuses continuous beams just as a solenoid. In order to compensate spherical aberrations and emittance growth caused by field nonlinearities of a focusing solenoid, the RF focusing is used also even if the beam space charge is taken into account. If the transform has its maximum, excitations of TE mode resonances and electron beam self-focussing are possible. Furthermore, the RF field of the TE mode can be used to expand the radial acceptance of a FEL for the THz region.

Involved research facilities

  • SRF Gun
  • Open Access Logo Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 11(2008), 061302


Beam Diagnostics around the ELBE LINAC at FZD

Schurig, R.; Buechner, A.; Buettig, H.; Gabriel, F.; Jainsch, R.; Justus, M.; Lehnert, U.; Michel, P.; Proehl, D.; Schneider, C.; Teichert, J.


The ELBE linear electron accelerator (LINAC) was put into operation in 2001. It now consists of a thermionic injector and two superconducting modules, each employing two niobium 9 cell TESLA type cavities. The LINAC is capable of accelerating 1 mA up to 40 MeV. The electron beam is used to generate various types of secondary radiation (IR, Bremsstrahlung, x-rays) and particle beams (neutrons, positrons). Being a multi purpose machine with high demands on beam precision and stability and given the high average cw beam power, sophisticated beam instrumentation and machine protection systems had to be developed. Systems and methods to measure beam position, -loss, -energy and -current, energy spread, bunch length and emittance are described in this paper.

Involved research facilities

  • SRF Gun
  • Lecture (Conference)
    IEEE Dresden 2008, 19.-25.10.2008, Dresden, Deutschland


The ELBE Free-Electron Lasers – a user facility for the mid- to far infrared

Lehnert, U.; Michel, P.; Seidel, W.; Teichert, J.; Wünsch, R.


The Radiation Source ELBE at the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf in is centered around a superconducting Electron Linear accelerator of high Brilliance and low Emittance (ELBE), constructed to deliver a CW electron beam with up to 1 mA beam current at 40 MeV. The electron beam is used to generate various kinds of secondary radiation, mainly to drive free-electron lasers in the infrared.

First lasing of the mid-IR free-electron laser (U27) at ELBE was achieved in May, 2004. Since then, using electron beam energies from 15 to 35 MeV infrared radiation from 3 to 22 µm wavelength has been produced. At all wavelengths below 20 µm a CW optical power higher than 1 W can be produced with an electron beam of 50 pC bunch charge. The optical pulse width at its minimum was measured to 0.9 ps at 11 µm and could be increased to 4 ps by detuning the optical cavity. The optical bandwidth was in all cases close to the Fourier limit.

In August, 2006 the long-wavelength (U100) FEL was installed and lasing was achieved within a few hours from first beam injection. Equipped with a partially waveguided resonator this FEL covers a range of wavelengths from 20 µm to above 230 µm. Its output power reaches some 10 watts in CW operation.

Since 2005, the FEL is operated as a user facility, being open to users worldwide, provided their scientific proposals have been favorably evaluated by the panel responsible for distribution of beam time. Under the name "FELBE" the facility is a member of the EC funded "Integrating Activity on Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Science (IA-SFS)", which comprises most synchrotron and FEL facilities in Europe and provides financial support to users from the EC and associated states. A unique scientific opportunity is opened with the beamline coupling the ELBE FELs to the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory allowing magneto-optical experiments with IR and THz radiation under fields that will reach 100 T in the near future.

Involved research facilities

  • SRF Gun
  • Lecture (Conference)
    IEEE Dresden 2008, 19.-25.10.2008, Dresden, Deutschland


New Structures for High Resolution THz-Imaging in Medical Applications

Staats, G.; Schade, U.


In the past years new methods for medical and biochemical imaging and microspectroscopy in the THz-range were developed. Naturally in imaging and also in microspectroscopy high spatial resolutions are requested. This is contrary to the relatively long wavelengths in the THz-range and has been lead to nearfield microscopy methods with resolution in the sub-wavelength range. For this method special structures, called coupling structures, are needed to focus the incident Gaussian beam or free space mode on a probe, as shown at Figure 1. At the beginning cones are used for this purpose. This was connected with high transmission losses due the sub-wavelength-regime and the evanescent wave propagation inside the cones.
In a first step invented by Keilmann et al [1] the transmission losses are lowered using a wire in the centre of the cone. With this method it is possible to transform the incident wave in a TEM (transversal electro-magnetic) wave without lower cut-off fre-quency.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    IEEE Dresden 2008, 19.-25.10.2008, Dresden, Deutschland


Investigation and improvement of beam stability at the ELBE FEL's

Michel, P.; Justus, M.; Lehnert, U.; Schurig, R.; Teichert, J.


At the radiation source ELBE in the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf two free electron lasers (3-20 µm and 20-230 µm) are in routine user operation for a wide range of IR experiments for some years. The lasers are driven by a superconducting RF Linac which permits the generation of a cw-beam with high average beam power. For many experiments the frequency and power stability of the laser beam is of outstanding importance. Therefore studies on fluctuations and drifts in different time scales (from µs to hours) were accomplished and possible causes for these instabilities were investigated. To improve the long and short term stability we developed and implemented active feed back controls for electron energy and thus laser wavelength and out-coupled IR-beam power at ELBE.

Involved research facilities

  • SRF Gun
  • Lecture (Conference)
    30th International Free Electron Laser Conference, 24.-29.08.2008, Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea


Initial Commissioning Experience with the Superconducting RF Photoinjector at ELBE

Teichert, J.; Arnold, A.; Buettig, H.; Janssen, D.; Justus, M.; Lehnert, U.; Michel, P.; Murcek, P.; Schamlott, A.; Schneider, C.; Schurig, R.; Staufenbiel, F.; Xiang, R.; Kamps, T.; Rudolph, J.; Schenk, M.; Klemz, G.; Will, I.


A radio frequency photo injector with a superconducting acceleration cavity (SRF gun) for installation at the Radiation Source ELBE was developed within a collaboration of BESSY, DESY, FZD, and MBI. The aim of the project is to improve the electron beam quality and to extend the parameter range of the ELBE accelerator. Especially the bunch charge will be increased up to 1 nC and the transverse emittance will be reduced to 1 - 3 mm mrad. At present, the thermionic injector at ELBE delivers bunches of 77 pC at about 8 mm mrad. Furthermore, the SRF gun together with its diagnostic beam line is an excellent test bench for extended studies and improvements of this new and promising injector type. The gun cryostat, the electron diagnostic beamline, and the driver laser with optical beamline were installed in summer and fall 2007. In November the first beam was produced. It will be reported on the experience gained at the first phase of commissioning. Results of rf and beam parameter measurements with Cu and Cs2Te photo cathodes will be presented.

Involved research facilities

  • SRF Gun
  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    30th International Free Electron Laser Conference, 24.-29.08.2008, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea
  • Contribution to proceedings
    30th International Free Electron Laser Conference, 24.-29.08.2008, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea
    Proceedings of the FEL2008, 467-472


A surface structural model for ferrihydrite II: Adsorption of uranyl and carbonate

Hiemstra, T.; van Riemsdijk, W. H.; Rossberg, A.; Ulrich, K.-U.


A multisite surface complexation (MUSIC) model for ferrihydrite has been developed. The surface structure and composition are described for ferrihydrite in terms of site densities, molar mass, bulk density and reactive surface area, all linked to ion binding and surface charge development. Singly coordinated surface groups dominate the surface of ferrihydrite. These groups are present in two structural configurations, each linked to different surface patches. The configurations either form bidentate complexes by edge sharing coordination or form double-corner complexes. Both types of configurations react differently in terms of binding of ions such as uranyl and carbonate.
The adsorption of uranyl (UO22+) on ferrihydrite has been evaluated with the Charge Distribution (CD) model. Modeling shows that uranyl forms bidentate innersphere complexes at binding sites that do not react with carbonate ions. This observation is used to develop a surface structural model for ferrihydrite. Uranyl is bound by singly coordinated surface groups present at particular edges of Fe-octahedrons of ferrihydrite while another set of singly coordinated surface groups may form double-corner bidentate complexes with for instance carbonate ions. The uranyl surface speciation strongly changes in the presence of carbonate due to the specific adsorption of carbonate ions as well as the formation of ternary uranyl-carbonate surface complexes. The CD model reveals the formation of a uranyl-triscarbonato surface complex, i.e. ≡ (UO2)(CO3)34-, particularly present in systems with a high pH and carbonate concentration. This finding remarkably differs from results from previous interpretations made in literature. The presence of this surface species agrees quantitatively with a recent interpretation of EXAFS data (Rossberg et al. 2008). In the specific case of a high pH value, but at low carbonate level, as can be prepared in CO2-closed systems, the model suggests the presence of a ternary uranyl-monocarbonato complex. The binding mode (type A or type B complex) is uncertain. At high uranyl concentrations, uranyl will polymerize at the surface of ferrihydrite. The differences and similarities in U(VI) adsorption behavior of goethite and ferrihydrite is discussed from a structural point of view.

Keywords: uranium; uranyl; carbonate; triscarbonato; HFO; ferrihydrite; goethite; hematite; iron; oxide; EXAFS; FTIR; edge; double-corner; adsorption; surface; competition; CD model; MUSIC model

  • Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73(2009)15, 4437-4451


Identification of uranyl surface complexes on ferrihydrite: Advanced EXAFS data analysis and CD-MUSIC modeling

Rossberg, A.; Ulrich, K.-U.; Weiss, S.; Tsushima, S.; Hiemstra, T.; Scheinost, A. C.


Previous spectroscopic research suggested that uranium(VI) adsorption to iron oxides is dominated by ternary uranyl-carbonato surface complexes across an unexpectedly wide pH range. Formation of such complexes would have significant impact on the sorption behavior and mobility of uranium in aqueous environments. We therefore re-investigated the identity and structural coordination of uranyl sorption complexes using a combination of U LIII-edge Extended X-ray Absorption Fine-Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy and Iterative Transformation Factor Analysis, which enhances the resolution in comparison to conventional EXAFS analysis. A range of conditions (pH, CO2 partial pressure, ionic strength) made it possible to quantify the variations in surface speciation. In the resulting set of spectral data (N=11), the variance is explained by only two components, which represent two structurally different types of surface complexes: (1) a binary uranyl surface complex with a bidentate coordination to edges of Fe(O,OH)6 octahedra, and (2) a uranyl triscarbonato surface complex where one carbonate ion bridges uranyl to the surface. This ternary type B complex differs from a type A complex where uranyl is directly attached to surface atoms, and carbonate is bridged by uranyl to the surface. Both surface complexes agree qualitatively and quantitatively with predictions by a charge distribution (CD) model. According to this model, the edge-sharing uranyl complex has equatorial ligands (–OH2, -OH or one -CO3 group) that point away from the surface. The monodentate uranyl triscarbonato surface complex (type B) is relevant only at high pH and elevated pCO2. At these conditions, however, it is responsible for significant uranyl sorption, whereas standard models would predict only weak sorption. This paper presents the first spectroscopic evidence of this ternary surface complex, which has significant implications for the immobilization of uranyl in carbonate-rich aqueous environments.

Keywords: uranyl; carbonate; sorption; surface complexation; ferrihydrite; EXAFS; X-ray absorption spectroscopy; factor analysis; VARIMAX; CD model

  • Environmental Science & Technology 43(2009)5, 1400-1406
  • Lecture (Conference)
    12th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, 20.-25.09.2009, Kennewick,, USA


Beam Stabilization at the ELBE electron accelerator and the FELBE infrared user facility

Jainsch, R.; Proehl, D.; Seidel, W.; Lehnert, U.; Justus, M.; Gabriel, F.; Michel, P.


Abstract. The high current SRF electron accelerator facility ELBE started user operation at the Bremsstrahlung facility in 2003, followed straight-line by channelling X-rays and the infrared FEL laboratories. Since then, automated beam stabilization in terms of energy, intensity and also trajectory became a clear necessity for a number of experiments carried out. This contribution describes observed instabilities of the electron beam and the infrared beam at FELBE and alludes to their certain or possible sources. For slow (mHz) beam energy drift compensation, a dispersion based feedback loop was developed and implemented, using strip line beam position monitors and the accelerating RF gradient. Further, the IR beam intensity is measured by a newly developed scatter wire detector system and stabilized via the electron beam current up to the few Hz range. Control theory aspects used to design both solutions are shown, also their implementation into the existing ELBE control landscape and performance characteristics.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    IEEE Dresden 2008, 19.-25.10.2008, Dresden, Deutschland


The New Superconducting RF Photoinjector at the ELBE Linac

Teichert, J.; Arnold, A.; Buettig, H.; Janssen, D.; Justus, M.; Lehnert, U.; Michel, P.; Murcek, P.; Schamlott, A.; Schneider, C.; Schurig, R.; Staufenbiel, F.; Xiang, R.; Kamps, T.; Rudolph, J.; Schenk, M.; Matheisen, A.; Klemz, G.; Will, I.; vom Stein, P.


Most of the proposed electron accelerator projects for future FELs, ERLs, or 4th generation light sources require electron beams with an unprecedented combination of high-brightness, low emittance and high average current. For that reason existing electron injectors must be considerably improved or new injector concepts developed. One very promising approach represents the superconducting radio frequency photoinjector (SRF gun). This injector type combines the advantages of a conventional photoelectron injector with that of superconducting acceleration, i.e. the very low RF losses and simple continuous wave operation. Within a collaboration of BESSY, DESY, FZD and MBI a SRF gun was developed and installed at the FZD for operation at the ELBE superconducting linear accelerator. In November the first beam was produced. First commissioning results have been collected. Besides an improvement of beam quality and parameter range the SRF gun serves as a test bench for further development, evaluation and optimization since it is the first injector of its type which is operating at an accelerator worldwide.

Involved research facilities

  • SRF Gun
  • Lecture (Conference)
    IEEE Dresden 2008, 19.-25.10.2008, Dresden, Deutschland
  • Contribution to proceedings
    The IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Conference Record 3066, 19.-25.10.2008, Dresden, Deutschland


It's a matter of cores

Raabe, J.; Quitmann, C.; Buess, M.; Kuepper, K.; Fassbender, J.


Using time-resolved X-ray microscopy, it is possible to get an insight into the dynamics of magnetic micro- and nanostructures. A fascinating property of micro-magnetism comes from the possibility to control the domain and vortex configuration through the sample's shape and size. For instance, in a rectangular platelet a configuration containing a stable combinatio of vortices and an antivortex can be created. Such a single crosstie wall contains three vortex cores that can each point either up or down resulting in a total of 2^3 (=eight) configurations only distinguishable when their dynamics are investigated.

Keywords: magnetism; magnetization dynamics; PEEM; vortex; antivortex; synchrotron

  • Contribution to external collection
    Scott Capper, Fribourg: PSI Scientific Report 2007, Villigen: Paul Scherrer Institut, 2008, ISSN 1662-1719, 12


LIF based hydrodynamic studies in pilot-scale electrolytic cells

Kryk, H.; Schubert, M.; Hessel, G.; Hristov, H. V.; Friedrich, H.-J.


Carrying out electrochemical processes at high efficiency would require having optimal hydrodynamic conditions of the electrolyte liquids within the cell, forcing high mass transfer rates of the relevant components at the electrodes as well as through the membrane. Hence, the electrolyte residence time distribution (RTD) in the individual compartments is one of the key issues, affecting the performance. For the investigation of RTD and spatially resolved velocity profiles at different compartment levels of technical electrolytic cells, a new laser induced fluorescence (LIF) visualization method has been developed. Back-mixing effects of the electrolytes are quantified by axial dispersion coefficients using adequate dispersion models. Among the description of the measurement setup, the contribution mainly discusses the effects of liquid flow rate, spacer grids and pressure conditions in the compartments as well as the effect of gas evolution on RTD. The measurements provide an informative basis for optimization of the flow textures that diverge from expected symmetric flows. The aim of the research is to get a better understanding regarding the RTD behaviour and to draw conclusions on the cell behaviour as basis for optimization of the cell design as well as of the process parameters. Moreover, the experimental results can prove to be useful to evaluate modelling and simulation of hydrodynamics using CFD methods which is also shown by means of selected examples.

  • Abstract in refereed journal
    Chemie Ingenieur Technik 80(2008)9, 1314-1314
  • Poster
    ProcessNet Jahrestagung, 07.-09.10.2008, Karlsruhe, Germany


Nuclear Astrophysics At LUNA: Status And Perspectives

Prati, P.; Bemmerer, D.; Bonetti, R.; Broggini, C.; Corvisiero, P.; Confortola, F.; Conti, E.; Costantini, H.; Elekes, Z.; Formicola, A.; Fülöp, Z.; Gervino, G.; Guglielmetti, A.; Gyürky, G.; Gustavino, C.; Imbriani, G.; Junker, M.; Lemut, A.; Limata, B.; Marta, M.; Mazzocchi, C.; Menegazzo, R.; Roca, V.; Rolfs, C.; Alvarez, C. R.; Somorjai, E.; Straniero, O.; Strieder, F.; Terrasi, F.; Trautvetter, H. P.


The talk will be mainly devoted to the measurement of the cross section of the 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be reaction which belongs to the p-p chain. Actually, solar neutrino fluxes depend both on astrophysical and on nuclear physics inputs, namely on the cross sections of the reactions responsible for neutrino production inside the Solar core. While the flux of solar 8B neutrinos has been recently measured at Superkamiokande with a 3.5% uncertainty and a precise measurement of 7Be neutrino flux is foreseen in the next future, the predicted fluxes are still affected by larger errors. The largest nuclear physics uncertainty to determine the fluxes of 8B and 7Be neutrinos comes from the 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be reaction. The uncertainty on its S-factor is due to an average discrepancy in results obtained using two different experimental approaches: the detection of the delayed gamma rays from 7Be decay and the measurement of the prompt gamma emission. The LUNA Collaboration has performed a new high precision experiment with both techniques at the same time. Thanks to the low background conditions of the Gran Sasso LUNA accelerator facility, the cross section has been measured down to 93 keV, the lowest interaction energy ever reached. The S-factors from the two methods do not show any discrepancy within the experimental errors. An extrapolated S(0) = 0.560±0.017 keV barn is obtained. Moreover, branching ratios between the two prompt gamma -transitions have been measured with 3\u20138% accuracy. Recently, the LUNA Collaboration has presented to the Scientific Board of Gran Sasso Laboratory its experimental program for the next five years based on the existing 400 kV accelerator facility. A Letter of Intent addressing the possibility to install a 3 MV machine at Gran Sasso has also been submitted to the Board. The LUNA scientific programs with both the 400 kV and 3 MV accelerator facilities will be illustrated in the final part of the talk.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    International Conference on Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions, 10.-14.09.2007, Crete, Greece
    AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1012: American Institute of Physics, 305-312


Rhenium and technetium complexes bearing quinazoline derivatives: progress towards a 99mTc biomarker for EGFR-TK imaging

Fernandes, C.; Santos, I. C.; Santos, I.; Pietzsch, H.-J.; Künstler, J.-U.; Kraus, W.; Rey, A.; Margaritis, N.; Bourkoula, A.; Chiotellis, A.; Paravatou-Petsotase, M.; Pirmettis, I.


The quinazoline derivatives (3-chloro-4-fluorophenyl)quinazoline-4,6-diamine (2) and (3-bromophenyl)quinazoline-4,6-diamine (3) were labelled with 99mTc using the “4 + 1” mixed-ligand system [Tc(NS3)(CN-R)] and the tricarbonyl moiety fac-[Tc(CO)3]+. In the “4 + 1” approach the technetium(III) is stabilized by a monodentate isocyanide bearing a quinazoline fragment (L1, L2) and by the tetradentate tripodal ligand tris(2-mercaptoethyl)-amine (NS3). In the “4 + 1” approach, 99mTc-labelling was performed in a two-step procedure, the complexes [Tc(NS3)(L1)] (7a) and [Tc(NS3)(L2)] (8a) being obtained in about 50–70% yield. In the tricarbonyl approach, the fac-[Tc(CO)3]+ unit is anchored by two different monoanionic chelators bearing the quinazoline derivatives (3-chloro-4-fluorophenyl)quinazoline-4,6-diamine (2) and (3-bromophenyl)quinazoline-4,6-diamine (3). Both chelators have a N2O donor atom set, but one contains a pyrazolyl ring (L5H) and the other contains a pyridine unit (L6H). In both cases the conjugation of the quinazoline to the chelator was done through the secondary amine of the potentially tridentate and monoanionic chelators, the corresponding 99mTc-complexes (10a, 11a) being obtained in quantitative yield. The identities of the 99mTc-labelled quinazolines (7a, 8a, 10a, 11a) were confirmed by comparison with the HPLC profiles of the analogous Re compounds (7, 8, 10, 11). All these Re complexes were characterized by NMR and IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis and in some cases by MS and X-ray diffraction analysis. In vitro studies indicate that the quinazoline fragments, after conjugation to the cyano group (L1, L2) or to the pyrazolyl containing chelator (L5H), as well as the corresponding Re complexes (7, 8, 10) inhibit significantly the EGFR autophosphorylation and also inhibit A431 cell growth. These two effects were also found for the pyridine-containing chelator (L6H) and corresponding Re complex (11), although to a lesser extent.


Sternentwicklung und Elementsynthese

Wagner, A.


Sternentwicklung und Elementsynthese

  • Lecture (others)
    Hauptseminar Kosmologie, TU Dresden, 13.06.2007, Dresden, Deutschland


Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics: Where do the chemical elements come from?

Wagner, A.

  • Lecture (others)
    FZD Lecture, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, 13.06.2007, Dresden, Deutschland


Effect of substrate temperature on Al-doping of ZnO films

Vinnichenko, M.; Gago, R.; Rogozin, A.; Shevchenko, N.; Cornelius, S.; Jimenez, I.; Kolitsch, A.; Möller, W.


Al-doping of ZnO is routinely used to create transparent electrodes, although the mechanisms of incorporation and electrical activation of the doping impurity are not well understood. In order to have a deeper insight into these processes, polycrystalline ZnO and ZnO:Al films were grown by reactive pulsed magnetron sputtering of Zn and Zn:Al targets, respectively. The substrate temperatures (Ts) were spanning in the 40-580 °C range. The films were characterized by spectroscopic ellipsometry, Hall effect measurements, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES). The electrical resistivity of ZnO:Al films shows a clear minimum at Ts=350 °C, which correlates with a maximum in crystallinity (grain size). The lower resistivity is due to the increased density and mobility of free electrons according to the Hall effect measurements. At Ts>350 °C, the ZnO:Al film crystallinity significantly deteriorates, while the crystallinity of undoped ZnO films grown at identical conditions always improves by increasing Ts. XANES results show that the poorer film crystallinity and higher resistivity at high Ts can be related to AlOx segregation. Further, the electrical properties correlate with changes in the O(1s) absorption edge, whereas the Zn(2p) edge shows no modification with respect to undoped ZnO films. This result suggests that the Al incorporation increases charge carrier density due to oxygen vacancy formation in ZnO lattice.

Keywords: Al-doped ZnO; reactive pulsed magnetron sputtering; film structure; electrical properties; optical properties

  • Lecture (Conference)
    E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting, 26.-30.05.08, Strasbourg, France


Salty neutrinos from the sun

Wagner, A.

  • Lecture (others)
    Astrophysical Journal Club, FZD, 05.12.2007, Dresden, Deutschland


Digitizer Data Acquisition at nELBE

Wagner, A.


Works on modern methods using fast neutrons for research related to the transmutation of nuclear waste

  • Lecture (others)
    FZD Lectures, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, 14.02.2008, Dresden, Deutschland


Kerne und Sterne

Wagner, A.


Kerne und Sterne - Vom Urknall, der Entstehung der chemischen Elemente und Experimenten im FZD

  • Lecture (others)
    Besuch des Albert-Schweizer-Gymnasiums Erfurt, 29.05.2008, Erfurt, Deutschland


Investigation of planar electron channeling radiation generated in quartz single crystals

Azadegan, B.; Grigoryan, L. S.; Pawelke, J.; Wagner, W.


Measurements of planar channeling radiation generated in a variety of crystallographic planes of a quartz single crystal have been performed at the radiation source ELBE at electron energies of 17, 25 and 32 MeV. The quantum theory of channeling radiation has been applied for the interpretation of the observed spectra. Planar continuum potentials, transverse electron states, transition energies and line widths have been calculated. Taking the population dynamics of states during channeling into account, spectral distributions of the channeling radiation could be simulated, which reveal a good quantitative agreement with the measured spectra.

Keywords: channeling radiation; quartz single crystal

  • Journal of Physics B 41(2008), 235101


LUNA and the neutrinos from the Sun

Bemmerer, D.


Nuclear reactions that generate energy and synthesize elements take place inside the stars in a relatively narrow energy window: the Gamowpeak. The extremely low value of the cross-section inside the Gamowpeak has always prevented its measurement in a laboratory at the Earth's surface, where the signal to background ratio is too small because of cosmic ray interactions. In order to explore this new domain of nuclear astrophysics LUNA (Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics) started in 1991 its activity by installing a 50 kV electrostatic accelerator underground at the GranSassoLaboratory in central Italy, followed in the year 2000 by a 400 kV one. LUNA still remains the only underground accelerator facility existing in the world. In the seminar I will describe the main
contributions given by LUNA to the study of the pp-chain and the CNO cycle in the Sun, in particular to the precise determination of the solar neutrino spectrum.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    DESY-Seminar, 10.06.2008, Hamburg, Deutschland
  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Seminar des DESY-Zeuthen, 11.06.2008, Zeuthen, Deutschland
  • Lecture (others)
    TU Berlin, Seminar Nukleare Astrophysik, 03.11.2008, Berlin, Deutschland


RPC Prototype Development

Bemmerer, D.; Yakorev, D.; Stach, D.; Wagner, A.


The NeuLAND detector at FAIR is designed to detect neutrons of up to 1 GeV kinetic energy with high efficiency. It consists of a layered structure of iron converter material and MRPC units to detect the secondary charged particles. The talk reports on the status of the MRPC prototyping effort for NeuLAND at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Joint R3B/EXL/ELISe Collaboration Meeting on Technical Issues, 21.-24.04.2008, Darmstadt, Deutschland


Irradiation-induced copper precipitation in the FeCu system including vacancy absorption: the V3C model

Birkenheuer, U.; Bergner, F.; Ulbricht, A.


Rate theory (RT) simulations for two different FeCu model alloys, Fe-0.1%Cu and Fe-0.3%Cu, are reported which have been performed in conjunction with small angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments for samples neutron-irradiated at four different neutron doses. The newly developed Vacancy Coupled Copper Clustering (V3C) model is introduced and it is demonstrated what with only two fit parameters the whole set of sixteen independent experimental data points could be reproduced. It is also shown that our V3C model allows (in contrast to the RT models discussed in the literature) assessing the chemical composition of the mixed copper-vacancies clusters which are formed, especially in the Fe-0.1%Cu alloy. The experimental trends could be reproduced this way without any re-calibration of the V3C model.

Keywords: rate theory; neutron irradiation; FeCu model alloys; SANS experiments; mixed copper-vacancy clusters

  • Poster
    Final PERFECT Workshop (a project within the 6th European framework program, FP6), 16.-19-06.2008, Moret sur Loing, France


Terahertz-Strahlung auf der Basis beschleunigter Ladungsträger in GaAs

Dreyhaupt, A.

  • Open Access Logo Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte / Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf; FZD-498 2008
    ISSN: 1437-322X



SANS results of neutron-irradiated VVER-1000 RPV steels and model alloys

Ulbricht, A.; Bergner, F.


The aim of the present poster is to contribute small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) data to the experimental database of the integrated project PERFECT. The results serve as database for model validation. The nature of irradiation-induced features in Fe-3wt%Ni was investigated and compared with results for commercially pure Fe. We have observed a three times larger volume fraction of irradiation-induced scatterers for the Fe-Ni alloy than for pure Fe. For VVER-1000 RPV steels matrix damage is the dominant feature in the case of low Cu level, but Cu-rich precipitates significantly contribute for Cu-enriched steels.

Keywords: Small-angle neutron scattering; radiation defects; RPV steel; Fe-Ni alloy

  • Poster
    Final PERFECT Workshop, 16.-19.06.2008, Moret sur Loing, France


Improving the Oxidation Resistance of TiAl-Alloys with Fluorine

Donchev, A.; Richter, E.; Schütze, M.; Yankov, R.


The technical TiAl-alloy gamma-MET (Ti-46.5Al-4(Cr, Nb, Ta, B)) was oxidised thermocyclically (24h-cycle-test) at 900 degrees C in wet and dry air. In this paper results of untreated and fluorine treated TiAl-samples are presented. Their oxidation behaviour will be shown. Several methods were used to apply the halogens to the surface, e.g. beamline ion implantation, spraying of or dipping into a halogen containing liquid. A pure protective alumina scale was found, e.g. after treatment with a fluorine containing polymer and thermocyclic oxidation up to 1 year at 900 degrees C in laboratory air. On the other side thick fast growing and non-protective mixed oxide scales were found on the untreated samples.

Keywords: intermetallics; oxidation; metallography; halogen effect; titanium aluminides


Human S100A12: a novel key player in inflammation?

Pietzsch, J.; Hoppmann, S.


Abstract S100A12 is a member of the S100 family of EF-hand calcium-binding proteins. Human S100A12 is predominantly expressed and secreted by neutrophil granulocytes and, therefore, has been assigned to the S100 protein subfamily of calgranulins or myeloid-related proteins. Intracellular S100A12 exists as an anti-parallel homodimer and upon calcium-dependent activation interacts with target proteins to regulate cellular functions. Extracellular S100A12 exists majorily as homodimer and hexamer, respectively, and shows cytokine-like characteristics. It is part of the innate immune response and linked to certain autoimmune reactions. Human S100A12 is markedly overexpressed in inflammatory compartments, and elevated serum levels of S100A12 are found in patients suffering from various inflammatory, neurodegenerative, metabolic, and neoplastic disorders. In this regard, interaction of calcium-activated S100A12 with the multiligand receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) and its soluble form (sRAGE) plays a central pathogenetic role. Recent clinical evidence suggests a high potential of S100A12 as a sensitive and specific diagnostic marker of localized inflammatory processes.

Keywords: Calcium-binding proteins; Canonical EF-hand; Copper-binding proteins; Damage-associated molecular pattern molecules; Inflammatory diseases; Pseudo EF-hand; Receptor for advanced glycation endproducts; Soluble RAGE


Systematic comparison of two novel thiol-reactive prosthetic groups for 18F labeling of peptides and proteins with the acylation agent succinimidyl-4-[18F]fluorobenzoate [18F]SFB

Wüst, F.; Köhler, L.; Berndt, M.; Pietzsch, J.


A systematic comparison of 4-[18F]fluorobenzaldehyde-O-(2-{2-[2-(pyrrol-2,5-dione-1-yl)ethoxy]-ethoxy}-ethyl)oxime ([18F]FBOM) and 4-[18F]fluorobenzaldehyde-O-[6-(2,5-dioxo-2,5-dihydro-pyrrol-1-yl)-hexyl]oxime ([18F]FBAM) as prosthetic groups for the mild and efficient 18F labeling of cysteine-containing peptides and proteins with the amine-group reactive acylation agent, succinimidyl-4-[18F]fluorobenzoate ([18F]SFB), is described. All three prosthetic groups were prepared in a remotely controlled synthesis module. Synthesis of [18F]FBOM and [18F]FBAM was accomplished via oxime formation through reaction of appropriate aminooxy-functionalized labeling precursors with 4-[18F]fluorobenzaldehyde. The obtained radiochemical yields were 19% ([18F]FBOM) and 29% ([18F]FBAM), respectively. Radiolabeling involving [18SUP>F]FBAM and [18F]FBOM was exemplified by the reaction with cysteine-containing tripeptide glutathione (GSH), a cysteine-containing dimeric neurotensin derivative, and human native low-density lipoprotein (nLDL) as model compounds. Radiolabeling with the acylation agent [18F]SFB was carried out using a dimeric neurotensin derivative and nLDL. Both thiol-group reactive prosthetic groups show significantly better labeling efficiencies for the peptides in comparison with the acylation agent [18F]SFB. The obtained results demonstrate that [18F]FBOM is especially suited for the labeling of hydrophilic cysteine-containing peptides, whereas [18F]FBAM shows superior labeling performance for higher molecular weight compounds as exemplified for nLDL apolipoprotein constituents. However, the acylation agent [18F]SFB is the preferred prosthetic group for labeling nLDL under physiological conditions.

Keywords: 18F-labeled prosthetic groups; Peptides; LDL; Apolipoproteins; Positron emission tomography (PET)

  • Amino Acids 36(2009), 283-295
    ISSN: 0939-4451


Effects of pioglitazone and/or simvastatin on low density lipoprotein subfractions in non-diabetic patients with high cardiovascular risk: A sub-analysis from the PIOSTAT study

Leonhardt, W.; Pfützner, A.; Müller, J.; Pietzsch, J.; Forst, T.; Karagiannis, E.; Lübben, G.; Hanefeld, M.


We analyzed the efficacy and possible synergistic actions of pioglitazone and simvastatin monotherapy versus their combination on LDL subfractions from a subpopulation from the PIOSTAT three-arm randomized controlled trial. PPARγ agonists, such as pioglitazone, improve insulin sensitivity and glycemic control and appear to lower the concentration of atherogenic small dense LDL particles. Insulin resistance frequently occurs in non-diabetic patients with cardiovascular disease. Statins, such as simvastatin, reduce cardiovascular events by lowering LDL-C. So far, only scarce information exists for comparative efficacy and possible synergistic effects of combination therapy on LDL subfractions, cholesterol particle load, and particle number of atherogenic small dense LDL.

125 non-diabetic patients with high cardiovascular risk were randomized to therapy with pioglitazone 45 mg/day, simvastatin 40 mg/day, or the combination of both, for 12 weeks. In the present sub-study, LDL subfractions from 88 patients were separated by very-fast ultracentrifugation.

Simvastatin monotherapy significantly reduced cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in IDL, LDL1, and LDL2. The lipid concentrations and lipid loads in LDL3 remained unchanged. By contrast, treatment with pioglitazone reduced the cholesterol concentration in LDL3 (density 1.040–1.066 kg/l) from 0.38 to 0.31 mmol/l (p = 0.0004) and of the cholesterol load per particle from 1058 to 934 mol/mol (p = 0.0149). Even greater reductions of cholesterol in LDL3 were observed with the combination of pioglitazone and simvastatin: from 0.38 to 0.29 mmol/l (p = 0.0006) and from 1021 to 903 mol/mol (p = 0.0011), respectively. In addition, combination therapy reduced the particle number of LDL3 from 356 to 316 nmol/l (p = 0.0074).

Simvastatin preferentially lowered LDL1 and LDL2 subfractions, whereas pioglitazone reduced LDL3 cholesterol and cholesterol load. In addition, the combination reduced the LDL3 particle number. Thus, our data suggest a synergistic action of pioglitazone and simvastatin on atherogenicity of small dense LDL particles.


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