Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Exascale Plasma-Accelerator Simulations with PIConGPU

Debus, A.; Kluge, T.; Widera, R.; Bastrakov, S.; Steiniger, K.; Garten, M.; Lebedev, A.; Pausch, R.; Meyer, F.; Pöschel, F.; Kelling, J.; Juckeland, G.; Stephan, J.; Herten, A.; Chandrasekaran, S.; Leinhauser, M.; Young, J.; Davis, J. H.; Diaz, J. M.; Huebl, A.; Hernandez, B.; Chatterjee, R.; Rogers, D.; Bussmann, M.


* Next-generation Laser-plasma Accelerators (protons and electrons) require fast and predictive 3D particle-in-cell simulations at the exascale.
* PIConGPU is performance portable & available as a single source through Alpaka.
* PIConGPU scales to the largest supercomputers of the world, leveraging Alpaka for running on the latest GPUs from NVIDIA (A100) and AMD (MI100)
* HIP & OpenMP 5+ backends now available on Alpaka and PIConGPU.
* PIConGPU performance scales on Juwels Booster and Summit machines.

Starting from typical simulation applications and requirements in laser-plasma accelerators, we present the PIConGPU software stack and current scaling results on large-scale compute clusters. We show results from the Frontier CAAR project and the JUWELS Booster early-access project.

Keywords: PIC simulation; PIConGPU; exascale computing; HPC; laser-plasma physics; Alpaka; performance portability

  • Lecture (Conference) (Online presentation)
    7th MT Meeting, 01.-3.2.2021, Virtuell, Deutschland


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