Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Status quo of the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Wosnitza, J.; Bianchi, A. D.; Herrmannsdörfer, T.; Wünsch, R.; Zherlitsyn, S.; Zvyagin, S.


We report on the recent progress made at the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden = HLD). This facility, under construction at the research center (Forschungszentrum) Rossendorf, is planned to open as user facility in 2007 offering access to various pulsed-field magnets. Besides the ultimate goal of constructing a multi-pulse magnet reaching 100T in a bore of 20mm with a peak-pulse duration of about 10 ms, further self-designed high-energy coils will be provided. For thermodynamic experiments, e.g., a pulsed coil for 60T in 40mm and 1 s is planned. The necessary energy of up to 50MJ for coil operation recently became available through a world-unique capacitor bank working at 24 kV. First user-type magnets for fields up to 71T for 100ms in a bore of 24mm have been tested successfully. As an outstanding feature of the laboratory, the bright light of a next-door free-electron-laser facility will allow dedicated high-field infrared spectroscopy. A broad range of experimental techniques is being developed both for user and in-house research in static and pulsed magnetic fields.

  • Open Access Logo Journal of Physics: Conference Series 51(2006), 619-622


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