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11.02.2025, 6 p.m.
Discussion with Prof. Larysa Baraban
Organoids: small structures with great potential

13.02.2025, from 5 p.m.
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HZDR Participation in the Development of Helmholtz Research Infrastructures

The Helmholtz Association is establishing unique research infrastructures within the frame of cross-institutional large-scale projects which are expected to enable users from science and industry to have central access to cutting-edge equipment and methods. The HZDR is currently participating in the following construction measures.

  • HIBEF: Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields
    The Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields (HIBEF) at the High Energy Density (HED) experimental station at the x-ray laser European XFEL in Schenefeld near Hamburg is considered one of the most advanced research facilities worldwide and provides research groups around the globe with state-of-the-art instruments.

    Since 2021, investigations under extreme conditions such as high pressures, temperatures or electromagnetic fields have been possible at the HED station thanks to HIBEF. For this purpose, HZDR provides a facility for studying materials in the highest magnetic fields as well as a high-power laser for ultrashort light pulses, which is capable of heating electrons on the surface of materials to several billion degrees. The knowledge gained can be used, for example, to improve models of planet formation and provide a basis for innovations in materials and accelerator research.

  • HESEB: Helmholtz-SESAME Beamline
    The HESEB beamline was set up as a Helmholtz-SESAME beamline by the Helmholtz centers DESY (coordinator), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the HZDR at the SESAME synchrotron in Jordan. It is the fifth beamline and provides "soft" X-ray light in the energy range between 70 eV and 1800 eV. Among other things, this is suitable for examining surfaces and interfaces, for observing certain chemical and electronic processes and for the non-destructive analysis of art objects.

Within the frame of the Helmholtz Roadmap for Research Infrastructures, further outstanding large-scale facilities are to be developed and constructed. In the current version of the roadmap, the HZDR is involved in the following project:

Further information to be found in the current Helmholtz Association roadmap brochure (PDF)