Dr. Andrea de Lima Ribeiro and Dr. Margret Fuchs
2. Place HZDR Innovation Contest
Dr. Wilfried Hamilton Adoni
PeerJ Award at the International Conference on Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications (RITA)
Emma Pustlauk
1. Place Light Slam 2024
Dr. Lucas Pereira
Young Author´s Award at the International Mineral Processing Congress
Gerda Techert
Oral Communication Prize by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
Dr. Anna Vanderbruggen
Best Paper Award of the Minerals Magazine
Dr. Anna Vanderbruggen
Helmholtz Doctoral Award 2024 Research Field Energy
Dr. Franziska Lederer
HZDR Communication Award
Aliza Salces
Best Student Poster at the Flotation ´23 Conference
Dino Leopard
Best Student Presentation at the SEG Conference 2023
Zahra Nourizenouz
Poster Award at the SEG Conference 2023
Matthew Hales
Poster Award at the SEG Conference 2023
Dr. Lucas Pereira
Helmholtz Doctoral Award 2023 Research Field Energy
Christian Christesen
Special Award as Technology Mediator at the Saxon Transfer Award 2023
Dr. Richard Gloaguen
2nd Place at the Saxon Transfer Award 2023
Dr. Anna Vanderbruggen
MEI Young Person´s Award 2022
Dr. Anna Vanderbruggen
HZDR Communication Award 2022
Jugend hackt AI Labs (Dresden, Görlitz and Freiberg)
2nd place at the Saxony Digital Award in the category Society (in Freiberg the Lab is run by Dr. Lucas Pereira and Dr. Raimon Tolosana Delgado)
Chiamaka Belsonia Opara
IBS 2022 Oral Presentation Award (International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium)
Dr. René Booysen
L´Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science South Africa 2022 Award
Anna Vanderbruggen
1st place EIT CHANGE Award (European Institute of Innovation & Technology EIT)
Magdalena Heibeck
3rd place Science Poster Award of the DGAW (German Society for Waste Management)
Dr. Mathias Burisch
Victor Moritz Goldschmidt Award of the German Mineralogical Society
Cordula Pauline Haupt
Georgius Agricola Medal and Agricola Award, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Amelia Schmidt
EMC 2021 Young Scientist’s Paper Award, Gesellschaft der Metallurgen und Bergleute e. V. (GDMB)
Dr. Richard Gloaguen
Outstanding Editor Award, European Geoscience Union
Anna Vanderbruggen
Winner of the Falling Walls Lab Adlershof on the topic battery recycling
Dr. Robert Möckel, Doreen Ebert, Anna Vanderbruggen, Dr. Kai Bachmann
2nd Best Poster Award, Angewandte Oberflächen- und Festkörperoberflächenanalytik Conference (AOFKA)
Dr. Jens Gutzmer
Silver Medal, Society of Economic Geologists (SEG)
Lucas Pereira, Dr. Raimon Tolosana Delgado
HZDR-Anerkennungspreis 2021
Jose Ricardo da Assuncao Godinho
TMS EPD/LMD Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy Best Paper Award
Megumi Akashi
TMS Extraction and processing division science award
Dr. Markus Buchmann
Heinrich-Schubert prize of the Faculty of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering of TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Dr. Mathias Burisch
Waldemar Lindgren Award of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG)
Laura Tusa
Best Paper Award by the Journal Minerals
Lucas Pereira
Falling Walls Emerging Talents
Dr. Robert Möckel
I am a scientist, get me out of here. (Winner in the category Sustainability)
Dr. Franziska Lederer
2. Platz HZDR- Innovationspreis
Pedram Ghamisi
IEEE GRSS Highest-Impact Paper Award 2020
Dr. Marius Kern
EIT Raw Materials Thesis Award
Dr. Nathalie Kupka
2nd most citet article of the journal (International Journal for Mining Science and Technology)
Johanna Sandbrink
EIT RawMaterials Company Challenge 2019
Bruno Michaux
Applications Award at the Minerals Engineering International Conference
Dr. Martin Rudolph
HZDR Science Communication Award 2018
Rosie Blannin, Anna Vanderbruggen
Association des Ingénieurs diplômés de l’Université de Liège
Anna Vanderbruggen
Prix Jeunes de la Sim
Société de l’industrie minérale française
Lucas Pereira
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Solveig Pospiech
Adolf von Koenen-Preis 2018
Freunde der Geowissenschaften der Universität Göttingen e. V. and Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum of the Universität Göttingen
Dr. Richard Gloaguen
HZDR Science Communication Award 2017
Robert Braun, Dr. Rohan Jain, Dr. Franziska Lederer, Dr. Sabine Matys, Dr. Katrin Pollmann, Nora Schönberger, Sylvi Schrader
First Prize at HZDR Innovation Competition
Dr. Max Frenzel
Bernhard-von-Cotta-Preis 2017
Verein der Freunde und Förderer der TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Edgar Schach
Fundamentals Symposium Award
Flotation ‘17
Fedir Pankov
Best Business Model
KIC EIT Health’s and EIT Raw Materials‘ Joined Business Idea Competition
Bruno Michaux
Poster Award
International Symposium on Mining and Environment
Dr. Rohan Jain
Poster Award
Internationales Biohydrometallurgisches Symposium
Haosheng Wu
Poster Award
21st International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Duong Huu Hoang
First Prize of the "Metallurgy, Physical and Chemical Technologies of Hydrocarbons Treatment" section
Annual Conference for Young Researchers in St. Petersburg
Prof. Markus Reuter
Honorary PhD in Engineering
Stellenbosch University
Dr. Sandra Lorenz
Best Paper Award, 8. „Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing“
Dr. Max Frenzel
Bernd Rendel-Preis 2016
Dr. Oliver Zeidler
German Resource Efficiency Awards, Federal Ministry for Economy and Energy
Dr. Raimon Tolosana Delgado
Felix Chayes Prize for Excellence in Research in Mathematical Petrology, International Association for Mathematical Geosciences