Baseline-Modell für polydisperse Blasenströmungen – iMUSIG
Closure of the two-fluid model for bubbly flow is a very challenging problem due to complex relations between interfacial transfer, turbulence and bubble size. One active research topic in the department of Computational Fluid Dynamics is the validation and development of the baseline model for poly-disperse bubbly flows.
HZDR baseline model strategy
To consolidate CFD for multiphase flows in the framework of the Euler-Euler approach a set of baseline models is developed and validated to be used for various applications.
HZDR baseline model for poly-disperse bubbly flows
Information on how to setup a simulation of bubbly flows and the exact definition of the closure models in the present version of the baseline model for poly-dispersing bubbly flows.
Inhomogeneous MUSIG (iMUSIG) approach
The closure models may depend sensitively on bubble, drop or particle size. This may lead e.g. to a separation of small and large bubbles. The iMUSIG approach allows the sub-division of the disperse phase in sub-phases and the combination with a population balance.
Turbulence modelling in bubbly flows
A new model to consider the bubble induced turbulence (BIT) was recently derived basing on data from direct numerical simulations (DNS). Basing on the shear stress turbulence (SST) model additional source terms are proposed for BIT.
Bubble coalescence and breakup
The models for bubble coalescence and breakup consider the different mechanisms which may lead to a merging of bubbles or their fragmentation.
Euler-Euler-modeling of reactive flow in bubble columns
In the frame of a project within the DFG priority program 1740 “Influence of Local Transport Processes on Chemical Reactions in Bubble Flows” closure models for chemical reaction as well as the associated mass transport are included in the Euler-Euler description of bubbly flows.
Evaporating and condensing flows
For many applications evaporation and condensation processes are important. Models are developed for wall boiling including the consideration of critical heat flux (CHF), for boiling flows caused by pressure decrease and for condensing flows.
Experimental methods for optical measurements in bubbly flows
To obtain high resolution flow data of dispersed bubble flows, we use optical measurements and develop suitable processing tools. This involves PIV-like methods and Lagrangian Particle Tracking for the liquid phase and deep learning models for detecting and tracking individual bubbles under strong occlusion.