Business and Strategy
The support of all institutes of the HZDR with engineering services is the task of the department of research technology.
Our development ranges from individual components and experiment equipment to extended research facilities. Working packages that involve several departments will be controlled by one of our project managers in many cases.
After the development phase the department of research technology is often involved in maintenance and extension of the existing equipment.
Platform development is essential for the foundation of larger experiment facilities as this contributes to both implementation speed and robustness.
Experiments at the HZDR vary in different aspects – there are processes under vacuum or high pressure up to liquid metal environments on one side or experiments under high fields or intensive irradiation on the other side. Thus, a detailed knowledge about processes, materials and components has to be accompanied by experience in order to deliver robust designs with good performance.
This requires a sound basis of high level expertise in the field of mechanical engineering and manufacturing. Practice-oriented designs and a seamless CAD / CAM - process are essential to the realization of mechanical solutions.Eventually, the production of complex parts in small quantities still needs a good piece of craftsmanship in order to make sense from a technical and economical point of view.
High performance electronic designs require the capability to design embedded systems with adequate analogue circuits. The shaping, processing and storage of fast signals contribute occasional challenges to the list of tasks in the areas of metrology and thus identify the ability to design specialized electronic equipment as core competence.
The integration of non-off-the-shelf-components in automation systems contributes another essential aspect to the development of control systems for research facilities.Our goal is to provide our designs with interfaces that leverage the full performance of the components and support a full integration into the high level automation system.