International Workshop on “How to integrate geochemistry at affordable costs into reactive transport for large-scale systems” 2020

International Workshop on
“How to integrate geochemistry at affordable costs into reactive transport for large-scale systems”
5 - 7 February 2020, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e. V., Germany
About the Workshop
Understanding and appropriate modelling of geochemical processes is essential for predicting contaminant transport in groundwater systems.
Typical application areas are nuclear waste disposal, environmental remediation, mining and milling, carbon capture & storage, or geothermal energy production.
Experts from these fields shall be brought together to discuss large-scale reactive transport modelling because:
- The scales covered by such predictions are up to one million year and dozens of km.
- Full-fledged incorporation of sorption, precipitation, or redox reactions (to name just a few important basic processes) will thus create inacceptable long computing times.
Geochemical approaches to overcome these difficulties are discussed. One example is the smart Kd‑concept, a mechanistic approach mainly based on surface complexation modelling (
The focus of the workshop will be:
- To provide and discuss existing geochemical concepts in reactive transport modelling (RTM) to describe sorption and related retardation processes of contaminants on a variety of sediments and rocks.
- To explicitly set focus on large-scale natural systems as experienced, e.g., in nuclear waste disposal, carbon capture & storage, environmental remediation, or geothermal applications.
- To explore how the discussed approaches can be integrated at affordable costs into current paradigms in THMC models and long-term safety assessments in general.
- To promote the exchange of scientific knowledge and practical experience between the workshop participants in an efficient way.
Download Abstract Book (PDF 3,6 MB)
Dates and Deadlines
November 22, 2019 | Deadline for abstract submission |
December 31, 2019 | Notification of abstract acceptance |
January 31, 2020 | Deadline for registration |
February 5 - 7, 2020 | Workshop |
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V.
Institute of Resource Ecology
Bautzner Landstraße 400, D-01328 Dresden/Germany
Dr. Madlen Stockmann | +49 351 260 4675 |
Prof. Vinzenz Brendler | +49 351 260 2430 |
Workshop Email: | |
See Location for more information.
The workshop is partially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) under Contract Nos. 02E11668A-C.