Leipzig Research Center of the HZDR
In Leipzig, scientists at the Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf work on topics in the research fields of energy and health. They develop radiolabeled substances and use them to elucidate processes.
Reactive Transport Department
Our research aims at a fundamental and mechanistic understanding of reactive transport processes in complex porous solids and in the geosphere. We analyze the surface reactivity and kinetics of fluid-solid reactions, as well as the transport behavior of solutes and particles. Radiotracer methods enable temporally and spatially resolved, non-invasive analysis of reactive transport at the pore scale and above. Our results find application in the quantitative prediction of the long-term behavior of reactive materials.
The department is part of the HZDR Institute for Resource Ecology.
Experimental Neurooncological Radiopharmacy Department
The “Experimental Neurooncological Radiopharmacy” department designs and develops radioactive molecular probes (radiotracers) for the non-invasive quantitative molecular characterisation of brain tumors for precise diagnosis and advanced therapy. By covering the development pipeline from medicinal chemistry, target chemistry, biochemistry, radiochemistry to preclinical evaluation, combined with collaborative clinical translation with the nuclear medicine physicians and neurosurgeons and oncologists, we tackle clinically relevant challenges. There are close cooperations with the Medical Faculty or the University Hospital Leipzig and the Institute of Pharmacy of the University of Leipzig. The department is part of the HZDR Institute for Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research.