
Prof. Dr. Klaus Kopka

Director Institute of Radio­pharma­ceutical Cancer Research
Phone: +49 351 260 2060

Prof. Dr. Mechthild Krause

Institute of Radiooncology - OncoRay
Phone: +49 351 458 2095

Protons are a highly effective weapon against cancer.

Participating HZDR Institutes



UPTD Hotline for Patients and Physicians

Patients and physicians may contact the University Proton Therapy Dresden hotline at 0351 458 15693 (Monday to Friday from 9am to 11am and 1pm to 3pm) or via via e-mail:

How can Malignant Tumors be More Precisely Visualized, Characterized, and More Effectively Treated?

Some 500,000 people per year in Germany develop cancer for the first time. In order to advance the battle against cancer, it is important for researchers from diverse sectors, ranging from biology to chemistry and physics all the way to medicine, to cooperate with one another. Also relevant: The fast transfer of findings from basic research into clinical applications and back that is only possible within the frame of new cooperation models with hospitals and comprehensive cancer centers.

More about cancer research in Dresden in collaboration with Heidelberg partner institutions  

Cancer Research

Cancer ResearchCancer research at the HZDR is best described with the topics imaging and radiooncology. The center focuses on several major fields: Specialized on positron emission tomography (PET), our scientists conduct research on new radioactive pharmaceuticals for the diagnosis of cancer and improve medical imaging technology. They also investigate new ways to target cancer cells with the body's own immune system and they also want to use radioactive drugs to irradiate tumor tissue from within the body. Additionally, the HZDR develops compact and cost-efficient accelerator technology for proton therapy and find innovative methods to monitor the proton beams in real-time.


  • Development and application of new technologies for the diagnosis and therapy of cancer
  • Establishment of laser-accelerated ions in radiation oncology
  • Monitoring and controlling tumor radiation in real time
  • Continued development of individualized and tolerable therapy forms


Videos and animations on cancer research at our Media Center

Research on Brain Diseases

Forschungsstelle Leipzig: PET-Bild eines Probanden nach Gabe von [18F]FlubatineThe main focus of research conducted within the Division of Neuroradiopharmaceuticals at the HZDR’s research site in Leipzig, Germany, is the early diagnosis of brain diseases like Alzheimer’s, dementia, or brain cancer. In collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine as well as the Faculty of Pharmacy at Leipzig University the scientists develop radioactive tracers for the investigation of cancer-related cognitive defects.