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The technology platform of the research alliance DRESDEN-concept.

Regional & National Cooperation

In order to bundle competencies and efficiently exchange technological knowledge, HZDR is working closely together with regional and national partners. HZDR is thus collaborating with numerous research facilities in Dresden, and is also active in national working groups and competence pools.

Technische Universität Dresden

TU DresdenThe TU Dresden has been one of the 11German “Excellence Universities” since 2012 and receives national and state funding. HZDR is actively involved in two excellence clusters – Physics of Life (POL) and the Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (ct.qmat) as well as at the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed) and in the Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB).

University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus

logo Universitätsklinikum Dresden ©Copyright: Universitätsklinikum Dresden

The University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden at the Technische Universität Dresden (TU) is one of the largest hospitals in the region. The University Medicine consisting of the University Hospital and the Medical Faculty of the TU Dresden is specialized in the therapy of complex, particularly severe or rare diseases and works closely with the HZDR in cancer research. The OncoRay - National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology has become firmly established in Dresden as a joint research platform. Together with colleagues from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, the HZDR and Dresden University Medicine run the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) in Dresden. In addition, University Medicine and the HZDR are combining their proton therapy activities in the University Proton Therapy Dresden.

Logo National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology - OncoRayOncoRay – Center for Radiation Research in Oncology

HZDR maintains a particularly close working relationship with the University Hospital Dresden and the Faculty of Medicine at the Technische Universität (TU) Dresden in the joint National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology – OncoRay. The objective of OncoRay research is to improve cancer treatment through biologically individualized and technologically optimized radiation therapy. The OncoRay Center, together with the Heidelberg Institute for Radiation Oncology (HIRO), comprises the National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology.

On the field of imaging technologies HZDR researchers also cooperate closely with the School of Science at the TU Dresden, particularly with the Departments of Chemistry/Food chemistry, Physics and Biology.

Contact at OncoRay: Prof. Mechthild Krause, Stefan Pieck

NCT-LogoNational Center for Tumor Diseases

The University Hospital, TU Dresden and HZDR, together with the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), will extend Dresden in the coming years to become a partner location for the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT), which is located in Heidelberg. Dresden therefore occupies a central position in German cancer medicine and will substantially expand its research endeavors. Together with the Heidelberg colleagues, advances in research will be rapidly transferred to concrete therapeutic approaches.

Contact: Prof. Mechthild Krause, Dr. Heidrun Groß

German Cancer ConsortiumGerman Cancer Consortium

HZDR, TU Dresden and the University Hospital are organized within the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), representing a DKTK partner location in the city of Dresden. The research focus in Dresden lies in radiation oncology. Coordination is overseen by Prof. Mechthild Krause, Director of OncoRay and NCT Dresden. Prof. Krause is also Director of the HZDR Institute of Radiooncology – OncoRay and the Clinic for Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology at the University Hospital Dresden.

Contact: Prof. Mechthild Kause, Karina Heinze


Signet Dresden-concept, Exzellenz-Initiative, Technische Universität Dresden, Forschungsallianz von TU Dresden und Dresdner ForschungsinstitutenDRESDEN-concept is a TU Dresden network with the HZDR and further strong partners from the scientific and cultural sectors with the objective of making the excellence of Dresden research more visible. The partners tap into and use synergies in the fields of research, training, infrastructure and administration. They are coordinating their scientific strategy and identifying the areas in which Dresden is leading. They are developing a joint strategy for bringing leading global scientists to Dresden.

ROTOP Pharmaka GmbH

Logo ROTOP AG für den Tag des offenen Labors 2010 des Forschungszentrums Dresden-Rossendorf ©Copyright: ROTOP AG

With the foundation of ROTOP Pharmaka GmbH in 2000, a new basis for the commercial production and sale of special radiodiagnostics was created. Expertise in the chemistry of technetium as well as radiopharmaceutical production processes in combination with a modern production facility equipped according to GMP guidelines were the basis for the successful start of the company. The company's research and development activities are embedded in strategic partnerships and collaborations. Due to its proximity, the production and office building on the HZDR campus also promotes close collaboration with the Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research at HZDR.

TU Bergakademie Freiberg

TU Bergakademie Freiberg

The Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) at HZDR develops innovative procedures for exploring, extracting, processing, refining and recycling raw materials.

Technische Universität Chemnitz

Logo TU Chemnitz ©Copyright: TU Chemnitz

TU Chemnitz is also an important cooperation partner for the HZDR. The excellent cooperation in materials research is based primarily on two joint appointments: Prof. Sibylle Gemming has held the professorship for "Cross-scale modeling of materials and material composites under external influencing factors" at TU Chemnitz since 2013, while Prof. Olav Hellwig has supported teaching and research in the field of "Magnetic Functional Materials" since 2016.

German Working Group for Repository Research / Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Endlagerforschung

Logo Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Endlagerforschung ©Copyright: DAEF

The Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Endlagerforschung (DAEF) is a merger of leading institutions in repository research. In addition to the HZDR, the Forschungszentrum Jülich, the Öko- Institut e. V., Institute for Applied Ecology, and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) are also members in this network. The working group was founded with the objective of making a contribution, through consultation with politics and economics, to secure final disposal of radioactive waste and to design more effective research studies.

Competence Pool for Radiation Research / Kompetenzverbund Strahlenforschung

Logo Kompetenzverbund StrahlenforschungThe Competence Pool for Radiation Research – Kompetenzverbund Strahlenforschung (KVSF) – has the task of ensuring that ample experts are available, today and in the future, who have a proper overview of historical and up-to-date knowledge regarding the topic of radiation, and who are currently conducting research in this field. For this purpose, promotion of junior scientists and preservation and expansion of pre-existing research facilities comprise the primary focus of efforts. The HZDR Institutes of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research and Resource Ecology participate in the KVSF.

University of Rostock

Logo Universität Rostock ©Copyright: Universität Rostock

The University of Rostock cooperates with the HZDR in the field of accelerator technology in the BMBF joint project "HOPE”, which stands for highly brilliant photoinduced high-frequency electron sources. As part of this commitment, Rostock students and doctoral candidates can conduct their own experiments at the ELBE accelerator. This gives them the opportunity to participate in current scientific projects and to work at large-scale facilities of international importance already during their studies.

Competence Pool East for Nuclear Technology / Kompetenzverbund Ost für Kerntechnik

Button Kompetenzverbund Kerntechnik

The Competence Pool East for Nuclear Technology – Kompetenzverbund Ost für Kerntechnik – is part of the nationwide Competence Pool für Nuclear Technology. They seek to bundle the activities in the field of nuclear safety and repository research, collaborate more intensively with universities and industry, and play a part in advancement of international nuclear safety standards. On the part of the HZDR, the Institutes of Fluid Dynamics and Resource Ecology are participants.