Group leader: Dr. Jörg Pawelke
Particle acceleration based on high intensity, ultra shortly pulsed lasers; Foto: Thomas Kluge
Ion beams are most suitable for high precision radiotherapy treatment of cancer due to their favourable physical and radiobiological properties. However, there are only few ion therapy facilities running world wide due to the complexity, large scale and high investment cost of classical facilities consisting of cyclotrons or synchrotrons and electromagnetic beam deliveries.
Particle acceleration based on high intensity, ultra shortly pulsed lasers represents a rapidly evolving new technology. It promises the development of ion accelerators of compact size and reasonable costs which may be integrated into existing hospitals and to extend ion radiotherapy to all patients who would benefit from its favourable properties.
The group is particularly focused on the consequences of laser driven, and therefore, ultrashortly pulsed particle beams with respect to their
- detection and dosimetry
- radiobiological effects
- delivery as therapeutic beams.