PhD theses
Currently advertised PhD vacancies are listed on the the job portal of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf.
The following list of current PhD theses and successfully completed dissertations provides an impression of the diversity of topics at the Institute of Resource Ecology.
Ongoing PhD theses
- J. Balas: "Synthesis and characterization of actinide complexes with (N,S)-donor ligands"
- A. Becker: "Quantitative studies on the H-isotope separation efficiency of novel membrane materials"
- R. C. Biondo: "Design of high-affinity ligands for chelation of f-elements"
- T. Bollermann: "Heterogeneity of the diffusive flux in the sandy facies of the Opalinus clay"
- C. Börner: "Interaction of organometallic Tc with metabolites and Fe(II) minerals"
- L. Braga Ferreira dos Santos: "Synthesis and characterization of solid phases for actinide immobilization"
- D. Butscher: "Spectroscopic investigations of the influence of various decorporation agents on the speciation of uranium(VI) in the biofluids of the human digestive system"
- I. Cardaio: "Interactions between anaerobic microorganisms and technetium for its immobilization through a microbial-induced reduction of the soluble TcVII to TcIV"
- J. M. Dauwe: "Radionuclide speciation and transfer in the presence of root exudates and verification of uptake mechanisms for radionuclides in plants"
- V. Dück: "Radium sorption on natural occuring mineral phases"
- A. Duckstein: "Geochemical heterogeneities and parameter variances for radionuclide retention in crystalline rocks - relevance, relation and reduction"
- T. M. Duckworth: "Coordination Chemistry of early actinides with soft N-donor ligands"
- C. L. E Silva: "Fundamentals of f-electron systems by X-ray advanced spectroscopies"
- S. Friedrich: "Speciation of trivalent lanthanides and actinides in the human digestive system under the influence of decorporation agents"
- D. Grödler: "Synthesis and characterization of heterobimetallic actinide-transition metal complexes and their conversion into organometallic frameworks"
- S. Holzknecht: "Heterogeneous sorption of f-elements on nanotopographic mineral surfaces"
- B. Hong: "Coordination chemistry of the lanthanides and early actinides in various oxidation states (+III to +V) with N-donor ligands"
- M. Klotzsche: "Qualitative and quantitative analysis of Eu and Cm association by selected plants from contaminated soils"
- L. Lai: "Investigation of ion irradiation induced damage in reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels"
- J. Lessing: "Investigation of the influence of Al(III) on the sorption of trivalent minor actinides on feldspar"
- R. E. Linares Jiménez: "Soil- and radionuclide-dependent modulation of microbiological communities and their influence on root exudates"
- A. Näder "Computational studies of magnetic properties of f-element complexes with biologically inspired ligands"
- E. D. Pescador: "Investigations of the behavior of pressurized water reactors in case of cold water injection during the early phase of core melt scenarios"
- A. Rommelmann: "Advanced Monte Carlo simulation methods for deep penetration analysis"
- J. D. Ross: "Engineering Advanced Chelators for Actinide Decorporation: Synthesis and Characterization"
- D. Saini: "Redox reactivity of selenium(VI) in the presence of Fe(II) and S(-II) bearing mineral phases under the conditions of Callovo-Oxfordian pore water"
- V. K. Saini: "Metabolites Interaction with Technetium and Minerals"
- R. Sarkar: "Correlative spectroscopy of f-elements in crystalline rocks"
- T. Sawallisch: "Synthesis and characterization of actinide complexes with biologically inspired model ligands"
- J. Schabernack: "Improved prediction of fluid-solid reaction kinetics using multiple numerical approaches"
- J. Schöngart: "Reactive PET tracers for multiple geomaterials"
- C. Sieber: "Influence of iron and organics on uranium and curium retention on Ca-bentonite and cemetitious materials"
- V. Sushko: "Interactions of selected radionuclides with clay and iron oxide under the influence of microbial activity"
- J. Verma: "Radiation tolerance of high entropy alloys"
- L. Waurick: "Optimization of element-specific (bio)-organic ligands using theoretical chemistry"
- J. Wolf: "Developing Methods for Characterization of Protactinium-231 in Environmental Samples"
- W. Zhou: "Numerical study of radionuclide migration and retention in fracture systems in granites"
- M. Zilbermann: "Radiochemical analyses on concrete and metal samples from a German Nuclear Power Plant to facilitate decommissioning"
Successfully completed PhD theses
- G. Jha: "Implementation of Spin-Orbit Coupling in Semi-Empirical Quantum Chemical Methods and Applications on Excitonic Properties of Twisted van der Waals 2D Materials"
TU Dresden, 2024. - P. Yadav: "An automated weight generator tool for optimizing Monte Carlo shielding calculations"
TU München, 2024. - A. M. Newman-Portela: "Investigation of the interactions of microorganisms with uranium (U) in anthropogenic contaminated waters as the basis for the development of bioremediation technology" Short description
Universität Granada, 2024. - I. Jessat: "Batch, Spectroscopy and Modeling Investigations of the Neptunium(V) and Uranium(VI) Uptake by ZrO2" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2024. - D. Dornbusch: "Unravelling the Interaction of DNA Origami with Chaotropic Agents: Anion-Specific Stability and Water-Driven Effects"
TU Dresden, 2024. - L. Nucke: "Investigating the functional role of intra-membrane protein hydration in the PIB-type ATPase CopA from Legionella pneumophila" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2024.
- V. A. Di Nora: "Extension, validation, and optimization of Serpent/DYN3D/ATHLET code system for SFR application" (Short description)
EPFL Lausanne, Schweiz, 2023. - Y. He: "Interaction of radioelements (Ra, U) with diatoms" (Short description)
IMT Atlantique Bretagne et Pays de la Loire, HZDR-Subatech shared Ph.D., 2023. - R. Caprani: "Fission Products behaviour in irradiated (U,Pu)O2 fuel: manufacturing and analysis of SIMMOx" (Short description)
HZDR-CEA Marcoule shared Ph.D., University of Montpellier, 2023. - S. Hilpmann: "Wechselwirkung eines tongesteinsrelevanten Mikroorganismus mit Uran und Europium" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2023.
- L. Köhler: "Komplexierung von Actiniden in unterschiedlichen Oxidationsstufen mit Hilfe organischer N-Donor Liganden" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2022. - S. Fischer: "Understanding the role of microorganisms in determining the fate of biogenic elemental selenium nanomateria" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2022. - J. Neumann: "Strukturelle Untersuchung der Rückhaltung von Actiniden und ihrer Übergangsmetallhomologe an ausgewählte Alumosilikat-Phasen"
TU Dresden, 2022. - J. Jessat: "Wechselwirkung von Radionukliden mit Pflanzen: Identifizierung von Metaboliten und deren Einfluss auf Bioverfügbarkeit und Transport von Actiniden in der Umwelt" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2022. - M. Demnitz: "Mechanistic models for the interaction of Cm(III) and Eu(III) with crystalline rocks" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2022. - T. Radoske: "Komplexierungsverhalten tetravalenter Actinide mit N,O-Donorliganden aus der Klasse Schiff'scher Basen" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2022.
- R. Kloditz: "Quantenchemische Berechnungen an tetravalenten ƒ-Elementverbindungen" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2021. - A. Wollenberg: "Bioassoziation und Transport von ausgewählten Radionukliden und ihren Analoga durch Basidiomyzeten" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2021. - D. M. Rodríguez Hernandez: "Technetium environmental chemistry: Mechanisms for the surface-mediated reduction of Tc(VII)" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2021.
- J.-M. Wolter: "Stability of U(VI) and Cm(III) doped calcium (alumino)silicate hydrate phases at high ionic strengths" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2020. - P. Melix: "Flexible Metalic-Organic Frameworks, On Intra- and Intermolecular Interactions"
TU Dresden, 2020. - K. Molodtsov: "Speziation von Eu(III) an heterogenen Oberflächen mithilfe von orts- und zeitaufgelöster Laserfluoreszenzspektroskopie (μTRLFS)" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2020. - H. Lösch: "Spektroskopische Untersuchungen zur Komplexierung und zum Einbau von Actiniden: Uran(VI) Komplexierung mit gelösten Silikaten und Stabilität von Europium(III) Xenotim Solid Solutions" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2020. - M. Eibl: "Actinide Interaction with Zr-bearing Phases: Spectroscopic Investigations of An3+ Sorption and Incorporation Reactions with Zirconia" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2020. - S. Fichter: "Synthesis and Characterization of Tri- and Tetravalent Actinide Amidinates" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2020. - H. Brinkmann: "Spektroskopische Untersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung zwischen Uranyl(VI) und den Cellulose-Abbauprodukten α-Isosaccharinsäure und Acetat" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2020. - K. Iric: "Assembly of DNA-encapsulated lipid bilayers and their application to studies of GPCRs"
TU Dresden, 2020. - S. Lehmann: "Uran unter reduzierenden Bedingungen – Spektroskopische und thermodynamische Charakterisierung der wässrigen Speziation" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2020. - T. Philipp: "U(VI) retention by Ca-bentonite and clay minerals at (hyper)alkaline conditions" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2020.
- F. Taube: "Struktur und Thermodynamik von Komplexen dreiwertiger Lanthanide/Actinide mit Malat und deren Rückhaltung an Calciumsilikathydrat-Phasen"
TU Dresden, 2019. - M. Sporn: "Entwicklung einer Best-Estimate-Methode mit Unsicherheitsanalyse für DWR-Störfalluntersuchungen, basierend auf dem Störfallanalyseprogramm TRACE"
TU Dresden, 2019. - J. Kretzschmar: "NMR Spectroscopic Investigation of Lanthanide, Actinide, and Selenium Containing Complexes Related to the Environment or Nuclear Waste Disposals" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2019. - U. Gerber: "Investigations on indigenous microorganisms isolated from a former uranium mine and their interaction mechanisms with uranium - a possible bioremidiation study." (Short description)
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2019
- M. Poetsch: "Wechselwirkungs- und Transportuntersuchungen dreiwertiger Radiometalle in Ton unter Berücksichtigung des Einflusses von Fulvinsäure und erhöhten Salinitäten" (Short description)
Universität Leipzig, 2018. - A. Das: "The influence of microstructure on the fracture behaviour of ferritic ODS steels" (Short description)
Universität Siegen, 2018. - E. Nikitin: "Extension of the nodal code DYN3D to SFR applications" (short Description)
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, 2018 - M. Bader: "Wechselwirkung halophiler Mikroorganismen mit Radionukliden." (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2018 - C. Wilke: "Spektroskopische Untersuchungen zur Bindungsform trivalenter Actinide/Lanthanide in Biofluiden des menschlichen Verdauungstraktes." (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2018 - K. Fritsch: "Investigation of uranium(VI) retention by montmorillonite at high ionic strengths" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2018
- I. Hilger: "Influence of microstructure features on the irradiation behaviour of ODS Fe-14Cr alloys"
TU Dresden, 2017 - A. Wagner: "Long-term irradiation effects on reactor-pressure vessel steels - investigations on the nanometer scale"
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 2017 - D. Litskevich: "Development of an advanced neutron transport solver for zooming in DYN3D" (Short description)
2017 - A. Hoffmann: "Numerical simulation of thermal fluid dynamics of line-focused solar power plants with direct steam generation" (Short description)
2017 - S. Hellebrandt: "Grenzflächenreaktionen von Actiniden an Muskovit" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2017 - L. Holt: "Improvement and Validation of a Computer Model for the Thermo-mechanical Fuel Rod Behaviour during Reactivity Transients in Nuclear Reactors" (Short description)
TU München, 2017 - J. Schott: "Untersuchung der Komplexbildung im An(III)/Ln(III)-Borat-System" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2017
- I. Ulbricht: "Untersuchung von Pseudokolloiden tetravalenter Actiniden mit laserinduzierter Breakdown-Detektion und weiteren Kolloidcharakterisierungsmethoden"
TU Dresden, 2016 - B. Drobot: "Entwicklung und Validierung mathematischer Methoden zur Auswertung spektroskopischer Daten der Uranyl(VI)-Hydrolyse" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2016 - K. Heine: "Bindung von Aktinoiden und Lanthanoiden an funktionalisierten Proteinen und menschlichen Biofluiden"
TU Dresden, 2016 - M. Obeid: "Assessment of Low-Dose Radiotoxicity in Microorganisms and Higher Organisms" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2016 - C. Richter: "Sorption of environmentally relevant radionuclides (U(VI), Np(V)) and lanthanides (Nd(III)) on feldspar and mica" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2016 - E. Fischermeier: "Protein–Lipid interactions and the functional role of intra-membrane protein hydration in the PIB-type ATPase CopA from Legionella pneumophila" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2016 - T. Günther: "S-Layer als Technologieplattform – Selbstorganisierende Proteine zur Herstellung funktionaler Beschichtungen"
TU Dresden, 2016 - A. Sabau: "Interaction mechanisms of europium and nickel with calcite"
University Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France, 2016
- C. Gagell: "Charakterisierung mikrobieller Gemeinschaften in ehemaligen, neutralen Uranerzbergwerken in Sachsen und Untersuchungen zur mikrobiellen Immobilisierung von Uran und Arsen" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2015 - R. Rachamin: "Conceptual Design of a Pressure Tube Light Water Reactor with Variable Moderator Control (PTVM LWR)" (Short description)
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 2015 - S. Hofmann: "Der Einfluss endlagerrelevanter Elektrolyte auf die Wechselwirkung dreiwertiger Lanthanide und Actinide mit Calcit" (Short description)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 2015 - R. Husar: "Evidence and characterization of silica-containing colloids of the tetravalent actinides Th, U and Np" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2015 - A. Sayed: "Spectroscopic Investigation of Conformational Transitions in the Copper-transporting P1B-ATPase CopA from Legionella pneumophila" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2015 - S.E. Abu Sharkh: "Spectroscopic and calorimetric investigation of the physical basis of anhydrobiosis in Caenorhabditis elegans" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2015 - S. Dulnee: "Sorption and Interfacial Reaction of SnII onto Magnetite (FeIIFeIII2O4), Goethite (α-FeIIIOOH), and Mackinawite (FeIIS)" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2015 - M. Suhr: "Isolierung und Charakterisierung von Zellwandkomponenten der gram-positiven Bakterienstämme Lysinibacillus sphaericus JG-A12 und JG-B53 und deren Wechselwirkungen mit ausgewählten relevanten Metallen und Metalloiden" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2015 - I Zirnstein: "Einfluss von Biofilmen auf die Migration und den Transport von Uran, Americium und Europium in der Umwelt."(Short description)
TU Dresden, 2015
- D. Baldova: "Feasibility study on high-conversion Th-U233 fuel cycle for current generation of PWRs" (Short description)
TU Prague, 2014 - E. Attia: "Interactions of Quercetin-Uranium Complexes with Biomembranes and DNA" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2014 - A.A.A. Osman: "Investigation of Uranium Binding Forms in Relevant Environmental Waters and Bio-fluids" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2014 - Y. Bilodid: "Spectral history modeling in the reactor dynamics code DYN3D" (Short description)
- U. Weinert: "Erzeugung S-Layer basierter fluoreszierender Schichten für technische Anwendungen" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2013 - S. Brockmann: "Zur Visualisierung und chemischen Identifizierung von Uran-Spezies in Biofilmen und Euglena mutabilis-Zellen"
TU Dresden, 2013 - K. Gückel: "Structural analysis of ternary actinyl(V/VI) sorption complexes on gibbsite – A combined quantum chemical and spectroscopic approach" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2013 - C. Franzen: "Determination of Atmospheric Mercury and its Deposition in Remote Areas of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere"
Uni Heidelberg, 2013 - C. Joseph: "The ternary system U(VI) / humic acid / Opalinus Clay" (Short description)
TU Dresden, 2013 - L. Lütke: "Interactions and speciation of selected actinides (U, Cm) with micro organisms isolated from rock formations relevant to waste disposal"
TU Dresden, 2013 - Chr. Lucks: "Untersuchungen zur Struktur von wassergelösten und an Hämatit sorbierten Uran(VI)-Komplexen mit aliphatischen (Hydroxy-) Carbonsäuren: Kombination verschiedener spektroskopischer Methoden mit Faktorenanalyse und quantenmechanischen Berechnungen"
TU Dresden, 2013 - S. Duerigen: "Neutron Transport in Hexagonal Reactor Cores Modeled by Trigonal-Geometry Diffusion and Simplified P3 Nodal Methods" (Short description)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2013 - F. Lederer: "Genetische Modifizierung bakterieller S-layer-Proteine zur Erzeugung maßgeschneiderter Proteinvarianten für technische Anwendungen" (Short description)
Universität Rostock, 2013
- S. Eichler: "Structure, Function and Dynamics of GProtein coupled Receptors"
TU Dresden, 2012 - R. Kirsch: "Abiotische Reduktion von Pu und Sb: Reaktionsmechanismen und Kinetik"
Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, 2012 - P. Tusheva: "Modelling and analysis of severe accidents for VVER-1000 reactors"
TU Dresden, 2012
- F. Fellmer: "Untersuchung der Wechselwirkungen zweiwertiger chemotoxischer Schwermetalle und deren Huminstoffspezies (Metallhumatkomplexe) mit Geomaterialien unter Verwendung von Radioisotopen"
Universität Leipzig, 2011 - K. Khesbak: "Time-resolved hydration-perturbation-FTIR spectroscopy: A new method to identify water H-bond networks that couple hydration to DNA conformation"
TU Dresden, 2011 - T. Reitz: "U(VI) bioaccumulation by Paenibacillus sp. JG-TB8 and Sulfolobus acidocaldarius; Au(0) nanoclusters formation on the S-layer of S. acidocaldarius"
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 2011 - M. Wolf: "Visualisierung und Quantifizierung der Fluiddynamik in Bohrkernen aus dem Salinar und Deckgebirge des Raumes Straßfurt mittels Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie"
Universität Leipzig, 2011 - M. Vogel: "Zur Aufnahme und Bindung von Uran(VI) durch die Grünalge Chlorella vulgaris"
TU Dresden, 2011 - A. Heller: "Spektroskopische Untersuchungen zur Komplexbildung von Cm(III) und Eu(III) mit organischen Modellliganden sowie ihrer chemischen Bindungsform in menschlichem Urin (in vitro)"
TU Dresden/HTW Dresden, 2011
- R. Steudtner: "Zur Wechselwirkung von Uran mit den Bioliganden Citronensäure und Glucose"
TU Dresden, 2010 - K. Müller: "The sorption of uranium(VI) and neptunium(V) onto surfaces of selected metal oxides and alumosilicates studied by in situ vibrational spectroscopy"
TU Dresden, 2010 - S. Lehmann: "Zur Komplexchemie des Uran(IV) – Fluoreszenz- und absorptionsspektroskopische Untersuchungen"
TU Dresden, 2010 - S. Madathil: "Modular switches in protein function: a spectroscopic approach"
TU Dresden, 2010 - H. B. Tanh Jeazet: "Metallo-supramolecular Architectures based on Multifunctional N-Donor Ligands"
TU Dresden, 2010 - M. Glorius: "Zum Komplexbildungsverhalten ausgewählter Actiniden (U, Np, Cm) mit mikrobiellen Liganden"
(The complex formation of selected actinides (U, Np, Cm) with microbial ligands)
TU Dresden, 2010
- K. Großmann: "Zur Lokalisation und Bindungsform des Urans in Biofilmen"
(About localization and binding forms of uranium in biofilms)
TU Dresden, 2008
- A. Krepelová: "Untersuchung des Einflusses von Huminstoffen auf die Sorption von Uran(VI) und Americium(III) auf Kaolinit"
(Influence of humic acid on the sorption of Uranium(VI) and Americium(III) onto Kaolinite)
TU Dresden, 2007 - G. Satchanska: "Bioindikation und Biotransformationsaktivität indigener Mikroorganismen in Böden und Wässern welche durch Xenobiotika kontaminiert sind."
(Bioindication and biotransformation activity of microorganisms indigenous for soil and water environments polluted with xenobiotics.)
University of Sofia, 2007 - A. Schierz: "Anwendung von kolloidaler Aktivkohle zur in-situ-Grundwasserreinigung"
Universität Leipzig, 2007 - A. Geißler: "Prokaryotic microorganisms in uranium mining waste piles and their interactions with uranium and other heavy metals"
TU BA Freiberg, 2007
- K. Opel: "Kolloid- und Löslichkeitsuntersuchungen an Uran(IV) mittels laserinduzierter Breakdown-Detektion"
(Investigations of colloidal behavior and solubility of uranium(IV) by means of Laser-Induced Breakdown Detection)
TU Dresden, 2006
- M. Nedelkova: "Microbial diversity in ground water at the deep-well monitoring site S15 of the radioactive waste depository Tomsk-7, Siberia, Russia"
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 2005 - D. Vulpius: "Zur Komplexbildung von Actiniden (U, Np) mit Hydroxybenzoesäuren"
(Complex formation of actinides (U, Np) with hydroxybenzoic acids)
TU Dresden, 2005
- M. Walter: "Spektroskopische Charakterisierung von Uran(VI) sorbiert an Oberflächen ausgewählter Minerale (Schwertmannit, Goethit, Chlorit, Pyrophyllit, Albit)"
(Spectroscopic characterization of Uranium(VI) sorbed onto surfaces of selected minerals (Schwertmannite, Goethite, Chlorite, Pyrophyllite, Albite))
TU Dresden, 2004
- M. Acker: "Zeitaufgelöste laserinduzierte Fluoreszenzspektroskopie mit ultrakurzen Anregungsimpulsen und ihre Anwendung zur Untersuchung der Fluoreszenzeigenschaften von gelösten Huminstoffen, Protocatechusäure und deren Uran(VI)komplexen"
(Time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy with ultra-short excitation pulses and their application towards the investigation of fluorescence properties of dissolved humics, protocatechuic acid, and their respective uranium(VI) complexes)
TU Dresden, 2003
- B. Mack: "Redoxeigenschaften von Lignin und Huminsäuren und deren Wechselwirkungen mit Eisen"
(Redox properties of lignine and humic acids and their interactions with iron)
TU Dresden, 2002 - A. Roßberg: "Anwendung der Faktorenanalyse auf die Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie zur Bestimmung der Speziation von Uran in Lösungen"
(Application of factor analysis to X-ray absorption spectroscopy for the determination of uranium speciation in solution)
TU Dresden, 2002 - J. Raff: "Wechselwirkungen der Hüllproteine von Bakterien aus Uranabfallhalden mit Schwermetallen"
(Interactions of protein layers of bacteria from uranium waste piles with heavy metals)
University Leipzig, 2002 - A. Abraham: "Einfluß von Huminstoffen und Holzabbauprodukten auf den Valenzzustand von Uran"
(Effect of humic substances and wood degradation products on the valency of uranium)
TU Dresden, 2002 - K. Pollmann: "Abbau von chlorierten Toluolen durch natürliche und konstruierte Mikroorganismen"
(Metabolism of chlorised toluoles by natural and engineered microorganisms)
TU Carolo-Wilhelmina Braunschweig, 2002 - S. Amayri: "Synthese, Charakterisierung und Löslichkeit von Erdalkaliuranylcarbonaten M2[UO2(CO3)3] · x H2O; M: Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba"
(Synthesis, characterization and solubility of earth alkaline uranyl carbonates M2[UO2(CO3)3] · x H2O; M: Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba)
TU Dresden, 2002
- T. Zorn: "Untersuchungen der Sorption von Uran(VI) an das Gestein Phyllit zur Bestimmung von Oberflächenkomplexbildungskonstanten"
(Investigations of the sorption of uranium(VI) onto the rock phyllite to determine surface complex formation constants)
TU Dresden, 2000
- H. Moll: "Zur Wechselwirkung von Uran mit Silicat in wäßrigen Systemen"
(About Interactions of Uranium with Silicate in Aqueous Systems)
TU Dresden, 1997 - S. Pompe: "Entwicklung huminsäureähnlicher Melanoidine als Funktionalitätsmodelle für Huminsäuren und ihr Vergleich mit Fluka-Huminsäure hinsichtlich ihres Komplexierungsverhaltens gegenüber Uran(VI)"
(Development of humic acid-like melanoidines as functional models for humic acids and their comparison with Fluka humic acid with respect to the complexation behavior towards uranium(VI))
TU Dresden, 1997 - A. Brachmann: "Zeitaufgelöste laser-induzierte Fluoreszenzspektroskopie zur Charakterisierung der Wechselwirkung des Uranylions mit Huminsäuren und Carboxylatliganden"
(Interactions of the Uranyl Ion with Humic Acids and Carboxylate Ligands, Studied by Means of Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy)
TU Dresden, 1997
- A. Vahle: "Hochtemperatur-Gaschromatographie mit Spurenmengen der Homologen des Elements 106 (Sg) im O2-H2O/SiO2-System."
(High-temperature gas chromatography with trace amounts of the homologues of the element 106 (Sg) in the O2-H2O/SiO2-system.)
TU Dresden, 1996