Helmholtz Alliances
Helmholtz Alliances bring together universities, Helmholtz Centres and other non-university research institutions to work on collaborative research projects. Research partners from abroad and companies can also be included. Helmholtz Alliances have their own management structure and develop concepts specifically designed to promote young talent and equal opportunity. Their objective: to identify important new research topics quickly and to address these with the requisite resources.
Helmholtz Alliance - Liquid Metal Technologies (LIMTECH)
The basic idea of LIMTECH consists in a joint research programme among those partners, addressing break-through technological goals by bringing together for the first time all relevant Helmholtz and university institutions. In this way, the partly existing worldwide leading role of the German community in this field shall be continuously strengthened.
Helmholtz Energy Alliance
The Helmholtz-Energy-Alliance „Energy Efficient Multiphase Processes“ carries out research and development for new process technologies in multiphase reaction engineering.