Accessing the wireless LAN via eduroam
HZDR is a registered member of the eduroam community.
DFNRoaming / eduroam is a service provided by the DFN-Verein in cooperation with other NRENs (National Research and Education Networks). This service enables registered users to connect to the internet via wireless LAN at all locations operated by particpating institutions. All paricipants do offer a wireless cell named "eduroam" (SSID).
Users connect to this cell using their personal eduroam-ID. The authentication process is performed against the home-location.
Access from the eduroam cell into the internal network of HZDR is limited to those service available from the internet (no extra services like printing)! Access to the internet is usually not limited (see eduroam compliance statement).
Using eduroam by HZDR staff
HZDR staff may use eduroam after activation from your "personal data site. The identity to use for authentication is documented at the same site.
Intented use of eduroam are abroad locations!
We honestly ask you to take the chance to request your personal certificate.
Configuring your device for eduroam
A Tool for automatic configuration of Windows, iOS and Linux is provided here: (use QR-Code or click the code-image)
For Android please use the app geteduroam:
For username and password enter your and your current password.
download App, open App and press "Configure"
search for Rossendorf and select "Helmholtz - Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf e. V."