Services and Contacts
Information Services and Computing (FWC)
Via the links on the left side you will find selected information about your user account and the information technology services at the HZDR. In case of problems please submit a support request via our Servicedesk or contact the local administrator of your institute / department or in urgent cases the Hotline 3317 at our Data Center.
Our IT service catalog contains all services of the central department Information Services and Computing. Via a quick search or a manual selection you will find the:
- respective contact persons
- links to start applications
- further information.
<<< IT Service Catalog >>>
The catalog is structured hierarchically and contains all services of the divisions:
- User Services (e.g. identity management, helpdesk, directory services, workplace IT, software procurement)
- Application Services (e.g. document management, administrative applications, project management, web portals)
- Library Services (literature procurement, publication management, research, photo archive, etc.)
- Computational Science Services (e.g. research data management, data analysis and SW development, electronic lab book)
- Infrastructure Services (communication, data network, high performance computing, file storage, servers, IT security etc.)
In addition to the services for the HZDR, the central department also offers services within the framework of the Helmholtz platforms, which can be found here:
As a result of the HIFIS activities there is a growing set of excellent common Cloud-Services for all Helmholtz and partners. Those services can be used based on the Helmholtz AAI (with the login from your home institution):
<<< Helmholtz Cloud Services >>>