Workshops / Congresses / Seminars
Here you may find a list of all conferences and workshops which are organized fully or partly by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.
On the following institute pages you will find further information on planned events.
- Institute of fluid dynamics
- Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research
- Institute of Radiation Physics
- Institute of Radiooncology – OncoRay
- Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research
- Institute of Resource Ecology
- CASUS - Center for Advanced Systems Understanding
- Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF)
23. - 25.10.2024
alpaka and openPMD Hackathon
This workshop and hackathon focuses on two powerful tools for high-performance computing (HPC): alpaka, a C++ library designed to enable portable and efficient parallel programming across a variety of hardware platforms, and openPMD, a community-driven metadata standard for describing and storing scientific data in a portable and scalable manner. The event will bring together developers, researchers, and enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds to collaborate, learn, and innovate.
17. - 18.06.2024
Saxony meets Lower Silesia: science across borders
The conference held at INNSiDE by Meliá in Dresden aims to foster scientific collaboration between the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) on one side and the University of Wrocław as well as partnering Polish research institutions on the other side. The following focus topics have been identified:
- AI & Simulation,
- Big Data & Analytics,
- Sustainability & Circular Economy,
- Novel Materials, and
- Life Science & Digital Health.
The event is the successor of the CASUSCON held in 2022 in Wrocław that successfully helped to establish interdisciplinary partnerships, exchange knowledge and support young researchers from Lower Silesia and Saxony.
CASUS Distinguished Lecture Series
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Feudel (Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg), "Critical transitions in complex dynamical systems: theory and applications to ecosystems and climate"
27. - 28.05.2024
Building Bridges for the Next Generations
The "Building Bridges for the Next Generations" conference, held on May 27-28, 2024, at the ICC Dresden, focused on the topic of achieving “Net Zero” and on fostering international scientific collaboration in Central and Eastern Europe.
The first day spotlighted Slovenia and began with a panel discussion featuring the Scientific Director of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Sebastian M. Schmidt, State Minister Oliver Schenk, and the Member of the European Parliament, Christian Ehler. Janez Potočnik from the International Resource Panel (IRP) and artist Saša Spačal emphasized sustainable development and the intersection of science and art in their presentations.
On the second day, Benjamin Sovacool opened with a keynote on sustainable energy. Workshops covering microelectronics, sustainable construction, hydrogen, and fusion promoted interdisciplinary and international cooperation. The conference highlight was a panel discussion with the Minister-President of the Free State of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, Czech and Polish political representatives as well as researchers.
The conference offered numerous networking opportunities, particularly for early-career scientists. It successfully promoted scientific excellence and collaboration across Europe, underscoring the integration of science, politics, and industry to achieve sustainable development goals. A heartfelt thanks to all participants for their contributions to the conference's success.
This measure is co-financed by tax funds based on the budget passed by the Saxon State Parlament.
CASUS Distinguished Lecture Series
Prof. Dr. Barak Hirshberg (School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University), "Algorithms for long timescales and quantum statistics in molecular dynamics simulations"
CASUS Distinguished Lecture Series
Prof. Dr. Dirk Brockmann (Founding Director SynoSys, TU Dresden), "Networks, complexity and digital epidemiology - A physicist’s perspective on COVID-19"
CASUS Distinguished Lecture Series
Dr. Marc Wiedermann (Robert-Koch Institute, Berlin), "Crowdsourced wearable data and citizen science for public health research"
Prof. Dr. Günther Hasinger (Designated founding director of the German Center for Astrophysics in Görlitz, TU Dresden, and DESY Zeuthen), "Is Dark Matter made up of Primordial Black Holes?"
Prof. Amir H. Gandomi (University of Technology Sydney), "The Power of Evolutionary Intelligence in Shaping Real-World Solutions"
Prof. Dr. Britta Redlich (University Radboud), "HFML-FELIX - An overview of the research infrastructure and scientific program"
CASUS Distinguished Lecture Series
Prof. Dr. Stefan Bauer (TU Munich and Helmholtz AI), "Learning causal representations: explainable AI for structured exploration"
11. - 13.09.2023
NanoNet+10 Annual Workshop 2023
The topics of the workshop were 1D and 2D Materials and Devices for Electronic and Photonic Applications.
Craig D. Roberts (Nanjing University: School of Physics and Institute for Nonperturbative Physics), "Mass and Matter in the Visible Universe"
16. - 17.05.2023
Trinational Science Conference - "Building Bridges for the next Generations" at the International Congress Center Dresden.
Youtube link: Connecting Science and Politics – Panel Discussion
Youtube link: Impressions of the Conference
The conference serves to present the excellent research in Central and Eastern Europe, especially Poland, Saxony and the Czech Republic, and in this way to position the region as an important science and technology location. The event is aimed primarily at young researchers, providing them with a platform for discussion with representatives from politics, business and society. On the one hand, this should provide participants with the opportunity to network within the scientific community across disciplines and borders in order to lay the foundation for cross-border cooperation in the long term. At the same time, they should have the opportunity to establish contacts with important decision-makers. Therefore, young companies and start-ups from the region should also be addressed.
This measure is co-financed by tax funds based on the budget passed by the Saxon State Parlament.
06. - 07.02.2023
Special Laser Symposium 2023
"The path from chirped pulse amplification to applications of laser plasma accelerators and x-ray probing of extreme states of matter,” in honor of the formal retirement of Prof. Roland Sauerbrey as Scientific Director of HZDR, with honored guest Prof. Donna Strickland, Nobel Laureate for Physics 2018.
Dr. Klaus Attenkofer (Scientific Director of ALBA), "How Structure Makes a Function: New Ways to Understand the Functionality of Materials"
28. - 30.11.2022
CELLAR Community Meeting 2022
29.11.2022 | 10:30 - 12:00 a.m.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Düllmann (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, GSI, Helmholtz Institut Mainz), "The superheavy elements – a journey to the end of the periodic table"
06. - 07.10.2022
Big data analytical methods for complex systems
co-organized by the Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS) at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the University of Wrocław, Poland.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Kaskel (TU Dresden, Fraunhofer IWS), "Porous Energy Materials: From Fundamentals to Applications"
24. - 29.07.2022
Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems (SCCS)
SCCS 2022 was held July 24-29, 2022 in Görlitz, Germany. The conference was hosted by the Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS) at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.
SCCS is an interdisciplinary conference focusing on strong Coulomb interactions in many-body systems. This is the fifteenth of a series of international conferences covering theory, simulation, and experiment.
Systems and topics of interest are very diverse: dusty plasmas, electrons in semiconductors and nanostructures, charged colloids and DNA, astrophysical plasmas (planetary or stellar interior), quark-gluon plasmas, dense plasmas generated by shock waves or by laser/ion/electron beams, nonneutral and ultracold plasmas, dense hydrogen, and statistical and kinetic theories of strongly coupled Coulomb systems.
The special feature and interest for this conference are that it brings together people from very diverse fields, researchers who nevertheless share a common interest in systems with one single unifying theme: strong Coulomb interactions. The SCCS Conference emphasizes common behavior and techniques arising from the strong Coulomb interaction, an emphasis that favors cross fertilisations that would otherwise never happen.
28. - 31.03.2022
16th SGA Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
Virtual event
DALI Colloquium
The planned Dresden Advanced Light Infrastructure (DALI) will couple a high-field radiation source for terahertz (THz) radiation with a free-electron laser for wavelengths in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) to investigate dynamic processes in materials in a variety of ways.
Maram Naes (TU Berlin), "Probing Chemical and Micromorphological Properties of Gold in Historical Wall Paintings Using Lab and Synchrotron Investigation Methods"
Cross-Innovation Challenge: Abwasser meets Energiegewinnung, Recycling und moderne Sensorik
- The event is organized by HZDR together with the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW)
- Venue: online
TEACH - Talk about Education Accross Communities in Helmholtz
- The event is co-organized by HZDR.
- Venue: online
3rd CASUS Annual Workshop: “Digital Twins of Complex Systems”
- The workshop is organized by CASUS.
- Venue: online
- The workshop is organized by HZDR.
- Venue: online
Prof. Dr. Gertrud Zwicknagl (TU Braunschweig), "Our present understanding of superconductivity"
Prof. Dr. Katja Matthes (GEOMAR), "Die Rolle des Ozeans im Klimawandel: Chancen und Risiken"
Prof. Dr. Achim Stahl (RWTH Aachen), „The Einstein Telescope – the next generation of gravitational wave detectors”