
Dr. Barbara Schramm

Head of Department
International Collaboration and Research Funding
Phone: +49 351 260 2684

International Collaboration and Research Funding

Research does not recognizes any boarders and essentially relies on international collaboration. Personal contacts and collaboration accross political, cultural and ideological boundaries, are key to stability and peace in Europe and beyond. The Helmholtz Association operates a unique network of large-scale facilities that are open to scientists from all over the world and constitute acentral hub for this collaboration. The qualification of young researchers is a corner stone for the sustainability of all currunt and planned activities.
The Department for International Collaboration and Research Funding supports the management and the scientists in the realisation of those essential elements of the strategy of HZDR.

Key tasks of FSIF:

  • Strategic position of the interests of HZDR in Europe and worldwide
  • Third party funding from national and international sources
  • Operational research infrastructures (international perspective)
  • User facilities, user coordination
  • Scientific promotion of young talents
  • Science Diplomacy
Foto: Dr. Barbara Schramm ©Copyright: HZDR
Dr. Barbara Schramm
+49 351 260 2684
Building/ office: 110/204
  • Coordination of the activities of the department FSIF
  • European research funding and research policy, (Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR))
  • European research funding and research policy, (Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR))
  • EURATOM (Fusion)
  • ERC
  • European research infrastructures, networks and platforms (e.g. LEAPS, ARIE, ELI)
  • Consortium Agreements for EU projects
Dr. Carola Franzen ©Copyright: HZDR
Dr. Carola Franzen
+49 351 260 3462
Building/ office: 110/205
  • European research funding programmes and policy for the Research fields Energy including the EURATOM program, and Health
  • EURATOM (Fission)
  • EIC (e.g. Pathfinder)
  • Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions: European doctoral networks and individual grants
  • Projects in the framework of the EIT KIC Raw Materials
  • Consortium Agreements for EU projects
Dr. Birgit Gross ©Copyright: HZDR
Dr. Birgit Gross
+49 351 260 3486
Building/ office: 110/203
  • National research funding (z. B. DFG and federal government) and ERA-Nets
  • Helmholtz Initiative and Networking Fund
  • International projecte (Third countries outside the EU)
  • ERDR (European Regional Development Fund)
  • Scientific promotion of young talents
Dr. Lakshmi Bhaskaran ©Copyright: HZDR
Dr. Lakshmi Bhaskaran
+49 351 260 3179
Building/ office: 110/207
Dr. Denis Gorbunov ©Copyright: HZDR
Dr. Denis Gorbunov
+49 351 260 2343
Building/ office: 110/207
  • Central User office of HZDR
  • Scientific coordination of the activities of the user office
  • Access management to the research infrastructures of HZDR
  • EU project NEPHEWS (PI)
  • Collaboration with SESAME, in particular HESEB (Helmholtz Soft X-Ray Beamline at the SESAME Synchrotron in Jordan)
