Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory
The High Field Magnetic Laboratory Dresden (HLD) is one of the leading facilities for research with high magnetic fields worldwide. It is the only facility of its kind in Germany. The state-of-the-art infrastructure of the HLD enables the generation of the highest magnetic fields, and its instrumentation is used by researchers from all over the world for experiments in the field of materials science under extreme sample conditions, especially in physics, chemistry, and engineering. The vast majority of research projects conducted at the HLD aims at deciphering the fundamental properties of novel materials. The objective here is to achieve a deeper understanding and thus to be able to use materials or optimize their properties for future applications. The HLD cooperates very closely with its European partner facilities, the French Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intense (LNCMI) with two sites in Grenoble and Toulouse, as well as the Dutch High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML) in Nijmegen, with which it jointly founded the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) in 2015. The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) has granted EMFL the honorable landmark status. Since 2020, EMFL has joined the Analytical Research Infrastructures in Europe umbrella network (ARIE). In addition, the HLD maintains close collaborations with other international high-field magnetic laboratories in the USA, China, and Japan through the Global High Magnetic Field Forum (HiFF).
History of the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory
October 5, 2022: Nachhaltige Magnete - PUMA hilft der Energiewende
Leistungsstarke Magnete können zur effektiven Kühlung, Wärme- und Stromerzeugung verwendet werden. Sie tragen entscheidend zur Energiewende bei. Ein Verbund unter der Leitung der Universität Duisburg-Essen (UDE) erforscht daher neue magnetische Werkstoffe, die effizient und umweltverträglich sind. Partner im Projekt PUMA sind die Technische Universität Darmstadt und das Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). Das Bundesforschungsministerium fördert PUMA ab Oktober für vier Jahre mit zwei Millionen Euro. Read more...
August, 26, 2022: A recycling hub for materials research: The EU project ReMade@ARI starts on September 1st under the coordination of the HZDR
According to the European Union's Circular Economy Action Plan, the industry can determine up to 80 percent of a product's subsequent environmental impact at the design phase. However, the linear manufacturing pattern offers few incentives to make products more sustainable. The research infrastructure project ReMade@ARI, which deals with innovative materials for key components in various areas such as electronics, packaging or textiles, wants to change this: The goal is to develop new materials with high recyclability and at the same time competitive functionalities. To this end, the institutions involved want to harness the potential of more than 50 analytical research infrastructures throughout Europe under the coordination of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). Read more...
March 8, 2022: Using pulsed magnetic fields to fight neurodegenerative diseases
In motor neuron diseases of the nervous system, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commands can no longer be sent to the muscles. This gradually leads to paralysis. Physicist Dr. Thomas Herrmannsdörfer from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and physician Prof. Richard Funk from the TU Dresden formulated the idea to selectively revive the motor neurons using magnetic fields. Initial laboratory research results have proven them right and are encouraging them to further pursue their project and plan a prototype therapy facility. Read more...
April 14, 2020: “SuperEMFL” and “ISABEL”: European Union awards EMFL consortium 7.8 million Euro funding
Together with partners, the three European Magnetic Field Laboratories, joined in EMFL, have been awarded two EU Horizon 2020 grants: one to develop all-superconducting user magnets beyond 40 Tesla (2.9 million Euro), and one to expand EMFL’s industrial and user community (4.9 million Euro). With these grants, EMFL will strengthen its long-term sustainability and invest in the design of beyond-state-of-the-art magnets. Read more...
January 23, 2019: Poland newest member of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland has awarded funding to the University of Warsaw to secure access to the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) for the Polish user community. The University of Warsaw will represent Poland in the EMFL for a duration of five years, starting from 1st of January 2019. The membership enables Polish users access to all the EMFL installations and measurement techniques, expert support from local staff members, as well as funding for travel and subsistence. Read more...
November 7, 2018: HZDR's participation in successful Clusters of Excellence
The German Research Foundation (DFG) confirmed three Clusters of Excellence at the TU Dresden on September 27, 2018. Twice as many application outlines had been approved exactly one year earlier. The HZDR is involved in the Clusters "PoL – Physics of Life" and "ct.qmat – Complexity and Topology in Quantum Materials". Read more...
March 10, 2016: EMFL erhält Landmark-Status in der ESFRI-Roadmap
ESFRI, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, has awarded the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) the Landmark status in the new ESFRI Roadmap list. EMFL is now one of the 29 “Landmarks”, pan-European Research Infrastructures which ensure that scientists in Europe have access to world-class facilities, enabling them to do cutting-edge research. Read more...
December 13, 2013: Saxony’s Minister of Science, Prof. Sabine von Schorlemer inaugurates new extension building
The extension building, a 20 million Euro investment largely funded by the Free State of Saxony, clearly broadens the capabilities of the HLD. The new building houses a second capacitor bank as well as six additional pulse cells, which has effectively doubled the lab’s size. more
May 2, 2012: Topping Off Ceremony
Ten months after the groundbreaking ceremony, there was once again reason to celebrate at the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory. The structural work of the extension building is completed; the interior work and the installation of the equipment are about to begin. To symbolically commemorate the completion of the first construction phase, a crane raised a wreath to the top of the building. more
January 25, 2012: European Record with 94.2 Tesla
The Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory wants to break the world record for the highest magnetic fields. The scientists managed to improve their own European record from 91.4 to 94.2 Tesla. more
July 6, 2011: Laying of the foundation stone
As a European user facility, the HLD is a strong and attractive partner for scientists from around the world. In order to better meet the growing demand for magnet time, the HLD will be expanded. The extension of the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory is one of HZDR's projects for the future that will be realized in the coming years. more
June 22, 2011: World Record with 91.4 Tesla
To reach this record, the HLD team developed a coil weighing about 200 kilograms in which electric current create the giant magnetic field – for a period of a few milliseconds. The coil survived the experiment unscathed. more
July 2009: HLD hosts International Conference on Research in High Magnetic Fields (RHMF 2009)
The conference is dedicated to all aspects related to recent advances in the research in high magnetic fields. Among the guests are leading scientists from all major high-field user laboratories in the world. more
March 2008: HLD scientists proof new superconducting state
For the first time, a new state of superconductors - the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase - which was predicted already in 1964, was proved in experiments with organic superconductors.
2007: HLD's start as a user facility
Scientists from all over the world may apply for magnet time. The HLD is part of the European network EuroMagNET. Applications for magnet time are evaluated within this cooperation. more
February 22, 2006: Saxon Prime Minister Prof. Georg Milbradt inaugurates the world's largest capacitor bank
The most modern and most efficient way to safely store an energy up to 50 MJ and to discharge it to the magnetic-field coil is to use a pulse-discharge capacitor bank.With a single push of a button, a power is released to the magnet which would allow for braking an heavy engine (58 metric tons) from 150 km/h to zero in only ten milliseconds. more
December 1, 2004: Institute's foundation
Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory becomes Forschungszentrum Rossendorf's sixth institute. Prof. Joachim Wosnitza becomes director. more
May 28, 2003: Laying of the foundation stone for Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Saxon Ministry of Science and Art follow the recommendation of the Wissenschaftsrat to promote the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory. The investment costs amount to 24.5 million euros. more
2002: Wissenschaftsrat argues for the constitution of the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory
After intensive review of the proposed project the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) assigns the HLD to a group of research facilities that "promise new scientific discoveries". The Wissenschaftsrat considers the project worthy of unrestricted support. more