
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Uwe Hampel

Experimental Thermal Fluid Dynamics
Phone: +49 351 260 2772

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Eckert

Director Institute of Fluid Dynamics
Head Transport processes at interfaces
Phone: +49 351 260 3860

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Research for Sustainability and Safety

The institute is conducting research for improving the sustainability of technical processes and for protecting human being and environment from technical risks. In the field thermal fluid dynamics the intentions are arranged onto the increase of the safety, of the efficiency and environmental compatibility of technical processes.
The development of simulation tools using the newest and most progressive calculation methods in fluiddynamics is the common attribute of all our research topics.

Foto: Magneto-hydrodynamics: Steel Casting Using Magnetic Fields (Picture: AIFilm) ©Copyright: AI Films


Focus on experimental and numerical research on flow control by means of electro­magnetic forces in conducting fluids as well as in numerical simulations and optimization of ­magnetic field self-excitation in a liquid metal flow.
Foto: CFD Simulation von TOPFLOW-PTS Dampf/Wasser Experiment, Dampfkondensation auf unterkühlten Wasseroberfläche ©Copyright: Pavel Apanasevich

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Main subject is the CFD-model development and validation for multiphase flows for medium and large scale industrial applications basing on the multi-fluid approach. Dedicated experiments as well as DNS / LES aiming on the development and validations of closure models.
Foto: Ultraschnelle-Röntgen-CT - ROFEX III ©Copyright: Dr. Frank Barthel, HZDR

Experimental Thermal Fluid Dynamics

Main topics are the investigation of transient multi- and two-phase flows, the investigation of safety and efficiency of thermohydraulic systems in nuclear and chemical processing facilities, and the process optimisation and diagnostics of chemical processes.
Foto: Transport processes at interfaces portal picture ©Copyright: HZDR

Transport processes at interfaces

Experimental analysis of multi-scale transport phenomena at different sorts of interfaces, basic experiments to understand particle-bubble attachment in complex flows in the context of flotation processes, and numerical simulations of morphological instabilities of interfaces.
Foto: Experimentelle Fluiddynamik - Topflow ©Copyright: HZDR/Rainer Weisflog


Complex flow phenomena are investigated here under realistic conditions to enable energy efficient material flows in process engineering and the chemical industry as well as the safe operation of nuclear power plants.
Foto: Helmholtz alliance portal image ©Copyright: HZDR

Helmholtz Alliances

Helmholtz Alliances bring together uni­versities, Helmholtz Centers and other non-uni­versity research institutions to work on collaborative research projects. Helmholtz Alliances develop concepts specifically designed to promote young talent and equal opportunity. Their objective: to identify important new research topics quickly and to address these with the requisite resources.