Logo der WE-Heaeus-Stiftung503th Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar

Free-Electron Lasers: from Fundamentals to Applications

April 10 - 13, 2012, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef



The Seminar will consist of tutorial and invited talks. In addition, in particular the young participants (PhD students and postdocs) are invited to present posters of their work. Please submit a short abstract when registering.

The seminar will start with arrival, registration and dinner on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 and will end on Friday, April 13, 2012 around noon.

Download Preliminary program (PDF)

Download Seminar poster (PDF)

Preliminary list of invited speakers

  • Physics of FELs:
    • Peter Schmüser (DESY, Hamburg): FEL Theory for pedestrians I & II
    • A.F.G. van der Meer (FELIX, Nieuwegein, NL): Overview THz FELs
    • Jochen Schneider (DESY, Hamburg): Overview XFELs
    • Wolfgang Schleich (Univ. Ulm): Theory of the FEL: classical and quantum aspects
  • Research with IR und THz FELs:
    • Lukas M. Eng (TU Dresden): Near-field infrared microscopy
    • Gerard Meijer (FHI Berlin): THz FEL experiments on clusters and molecules
    • Ben N. Murdin (Univ. Surrey, U.K.): THz coherent control
    • Stephan Winnerl (HZDR, Dresden): Semiconductors in high THz fields
    • Luke Wilson (Univ. Sheffield, U.K.): Quantum dots in the THz light of FELs
  • Research with UV/X-Ray FELs:
    • Andrea Cavalleri (MPSD Hamburg): Complex materials
    • Henry Chapman (CFEL Hamburg): Imaging of single molecules and protein crystals
    • Thomas Cowan (HZDR, Dresden): Science Opportunities using ultra-high-power Petawatt lasers at the E-XFEL
    • Thomas Möller (TU Berlin): X-ray - FEL experiments on clusters
    • Theo Rasing (Univ. Nijmegen): Magnetization dynamics studied with X-ray FELs
    • Simone Techert (MPIBPC Göttingen): Soft and Hard X-ray Free Electron Laser Radiation in Chemical Research
    • Sven Toleikis (DESY Hamburg): Warm dense matter at X-ray FELs
    • Marc Vrakking (MBI Berlin): Atomic and molecular physics at FELs