
Prof. Dr. Manfred Helm

Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Material­s Research
Phone: +49 351 260 2260

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Faßbender

Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Material­s Research
Phone: +49 351 260 3096

Susann Gebel

Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Material­s Research
Phone: +49 351 260 2345

Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research

Our Mission

The Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research (IIM) is dedicated to the investigation of materials and their nanostructures, which are considered for future applications in information technology and are based on electrical, magnetic or optical functionalities. The utilisation of the large-scale facilities at HZDR, IBC, ELBE, and HLD, plays a central role in line with the strategy of the research field Matter in the Helmholtz Association. Due to the IBC user facility operated by the IIM, the synthesis, modification and analysis of thin films using ion beams are a particular focus. A central question here is: How can electronic processes on the relevant length and time scales be better understood and controlled, thus creating the conditions for the development of novel functional materials? In addition to its own scientific work, the institute uses its methodological and technological expertise to promote interdisciplinary research approaches and technology transfer to industry and society.

Facilities and Cooperations

The Ion Beam Center (IBC) has a long-standing expertise in the fields of ion implantation, ion beam modification, ion beam analysis, and accelerator mass spectrometry. This experience is made available to a national and international user community ((Flyer: IBC details).

In the past, we have coordinated various EU infrastructure projects (SPIRIT, CALIPSO, CALISPOplus, RADIATE). We are currently coordinating the cross-network project ReMade@ARI and are involved in RIANA.

We also supervise the measuring stations at the Free-Electron Lasers FELBE. We are a member of the LEAPS and FELs of Europe and RADIATE networks.

Young Researchers

The Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research is extremely active in recruiting and promoting young scientists: the DRESDEN-concept (DDc) Research Group Autonomous Materials Thermodynamics - AutoMaT has existed since 2022 under the leadership of Dr. Rico Friedrich. In addition, as part of the HZDR High Potential Program, Dr. Johannes Lachner is researching the development of new technologies for suppressing interference in accelerator mass spectrometry, and Dr. Xiaoxiao Sun investigates the luminescence dynamics in semiconductor nanostructures.

Completed junior research groups of the institute

  • Spin waves as a mediator between spintronics and photonics (DFG-Emmy-Noether, 2014 - 2020, Dr. Helmut Schultheiß)
  • Spin-torque Devices for Information-Communication Technology (Helmholtz Association, 2014 - 2018, Dr. Alina Maria Deac)
  • Magnetisation Dynamics (HZDR, 2010 - 2016, Dr. Kilian Lenz)
  • Ion beam processed functional materials for spintronics and photovoltaics (Helmholtz Association, 2011 - 2016, Dr. Shengqiang Zhou)
  • Transport phenomena in nanostructures (HZDR, 2009 - 2012, Dr. Artur Erbe)
  • Terahertz quantum dynamics (HZDR, 2009 - 2011, Dr. Dominik Stehr )

Coordination of EU Cooperative Projects

    2022 - 2026, Coordination: Dr. Katrin Schultheiß
    Together with seven partners from four European countries, the project aims to investigate the potential of magnetic excitations and spintronic devices for a novel physical reservoir.
  • ReMade@ARI
    2022 - 2026, Coordination: Dr. Stefan Facsko
    The project provides scientists working on the development of new recyclable materials with analysis tools with which they can investigate the properties and structure of their materials down to the smallest detail and with atomic resolution.

Complete list of current third-party-funding projects

Technology Transfer

The Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research is very active in technology transfer.

  • HZDR Innovation
    Ion implantation, innovative products for high technical demands, know-how and state-of-the-art infrastructure for analyses and sample testing: As a technology transfer company, HZDR Innovation GmbH offers innovations in the high-tech environment.
  • FlexiSens
    The Helmholtz Innovation Laboratory FlexiSens focusses on the development and application of a flexible and printable magnetic field sensor. On the other hand, FlexiSens focuses on contactless magnetoelectric measurements in milli- and microfluidic contexts, as well as research into milli- and microfluidic connectors and functional fluidic geometries.
  • Blitzlab
    The Helmholtz Innovationlab Blitzlab develops and optimises ultrafast healing processes for various fields of application in cooperation with industrial partners. Blitzlab offers its co-operation partners access to an annealing laboratory with several flash lamp and laser systems as well as many other methods of material treatment and material analysis.