How do Matter and Materials Behave Under the Influence of Strong Fields and in Smallest Dimensions?
A particular strength of the Helmholtz Association that is especially taken benefit of in the research sector matter: the operation and the use of large-scale and complex research infrastructures. The HZDR scientists use high magnetic fields or intense beams to research fundamental phenomena, on the one hand; and, on the other hand, to better understand and systematically influence materials with great potential for future technologies. For this research three large scale infrastructures are available for HZDR scientists and external users: the Center for High-Power Radiation Sources – ELBE, the High Magnetic Field Laboratory Dresden and the Ion Beam Center. This will create the prerequisites for innovative products and solutions to be used in industry and will help maintain our standard of living also in the future.
At the HZDR the sector Matter is divided into two research programs:
From Matter to Materials and Life
In virtually every research field, scientists rely on large-scale facilities for investigating the fundamental properties of materials. Hence, it is a big challenge for the Dresden scientists within the "From Matter to Materials and Life" program to continuously developing and improving these large scientific instruments for creating an excellent research environment. They are also investigating the structure and function of numerous innovative materials in order to better understand, optimize, and use them for specific applications.
Current Research Topics
Offering attractive scientific infrastructure to users from research and industry
- Highest magnetic fields of up to 100 Tesla for users of the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)
Development of a PW-class laser facility for applications in radiation oncology and fundamental research
Advancement and development of accelerator technologies
Developing and optimizing storage and computer technologies with innovative functions as well as novel materials
Development of a better understanding of extreme states of matter
Matter and Technologies
The technologies of tomorrow which influence and facilitate all aspects of our lives need to be developed, investigated, and tested already today. This calls for first-class scientific infrastructures, facilities, and equipment. The HZDR scientists are working on it in the research program “Matter and Technologies.” They are operating, in part, unique particle accelerators and developing high precision detectors – the “eyes” of science. With the high-power lasers PENELOPE and DRACO they also investigate the interactions of light and matter. These technologies are used in fundamental and applied research – well beyond Helmholtz and national borders.
Current Research Topics
Operating and upgrading innovative and cost-effective high performance accelerators
Establishing cooperation across the Helmholtz Association for the development of new detectors and detector concepts
Usage and supply of HZDR infrastructure and know-how (detector laboratory, knowledge in detector construction, accelerator facilities) for the development and characterization of novel detectors
Applications of new detectors and detector concepts in medical applications (in collaboration with the National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology ‒ OncoRay) and technological applications (e.g. analysis of materials using positron-annihilation-energy and lifetime spectroscopy