Spokesperson LIMTECH

Dr. Gunter Gerbeth
Institute of Fluid Dynamics
Phone: +49 351 260-3480

Coordinator NANONET

PD Dr. Peter Zahn
Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research
Phone: +49 351 260-3121

Related Pages

Collaboration within the Helmholtz Association 

Together with the other 18 centers in the Helmholtz Association and partners from all over the world, the HZDR researchers seek to develop new solutions, processes and products based on their findings of fundamental research.

Today, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf is partner in the following Helmholtz networks and of a Helmholtz Institute:

Furthermore, HZDR scientists are actively engaged in the IHRS NanoNet as well as in Helmholtz cross-program initiatives and activities.

IHRS NanoNet - International Helmholtz Research School for Nanoelectronic Networks

The IHRS NanoNet is an interdisciplinary research school in the field of nano-electronics open to outstanding students of all nationalities with the following backgrounds: physics, chemistry, electrical engineering and materials science.

The 3-years PhD program includes independent research work in a project involving different branches of science and engineering. The well-structured scientific curriculum provides comprehensive training in technical and professional skills.

Participating partners:

The IHRS NanoNet is funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association.

Helmholtz Cross-program Initiatives and Activities

A multitude of research programs in the six research fields of the Helmholtz Association tackle the major challenges of society, economy and science. Thus, the Association has established cross-program structures to bundle existing expertise across several programs. The HZDR is a partner in the cross-program initiative "Technology and Medicine". In addition, the Center is engagend in the following cross-program activities:

  • Radiation Research
  • Imaging
  • Materials Research – Energy Supply
  • Mineral Resources

Link to the Helmholtz pages regarding Cross-program initiatives and activities