Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Visitors' address: Bautzner Landstr. 400, 01328 Dresden | Postal address: P.O.B. 51 01 19, 01314 Dresden, Germany
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) is a member of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres in which 17 scientific-technical and medical-biological research centers have joined forces. The Helmholtz Association seeks to make a valuable contribution towards safeguarding and improving the foundations of human life. That is why it identifies and addresses the great challenges posed by society, science, and industry with its strategic top-level research programs.
The main activities of the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research are devoted to materials research significant for future information technology and, for example, for the realisation of the German government’s Energy Concept by using ion beams as an important tool. These activities can be grouped into three main research topics: Materials processing and nanofabrication, Complex and correlated materials, and Dynamics at the nanoscale. The research aims towards potential applications in, e.g., nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, spintronics, and photovoltaics. The institute operates an Ion Beam Center, which is open to universities, other research institutes, and industrial partners. Additional activities are related to the free-electron laser at the superconducting electron accelerator ELBE for condensed matter research.
Within DETI.2, the HZDR provides possibilities for sputter deposition of TiO2 thin films by means of Magnetron sputter machines. Moreover, ion implantation will be used as the major method for doping and defect formation. For that purpose, clean ion beams with energies ranging from a few keV up to >10 MeV are available. Ion beam based analysis techniques along with SQUID/VSM magnetometry and positron annihilation spectroscopy will be used for stoichiometry, magnetic properties and defect characterization.
Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Faculty of Physics, Solid State Physics and Magnetism departments
Address: Leninskie Gory 1, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) is the most ranked University in Russia. It was founded as the Emperor's Moscow University under the decree of the empress Yelizaveta Petrovna on January 25, 1755. In 1940 the Moscow State University was named after the famous Russian scientist Mikhailo Vasil'evich Lomonosov, the spiritual father of the University. In 1933 the Faculty of Physics was established at Moscow State University. Since 1933, the Faculty of Physics educated over 25000 physicists of which over 4000 defended their PhD and over 4000 their Dr. Sci. degrees at the Faculty of Physics. Researchers working with the Faculty made lots of discoveries; 8 Nobel laureates used either to be the graduates and/or professors at the Faculty of Physics. Nowadays, Faculty of Physics includes 7 divisions (experimental and theoretical physics, solid state physics, radiophysics, nuclear physics, geophysics, astronomy, and complimentary education), which fall into 38 chairs. The faculty’s staff consists of about 1400 employees including faculties, research and technical staff, and administration. Among faculties there are 265 and 235 members with PhD and DrSc (Doctor of Sciences) degrees, respectively, and over 100 full professors.
The Solid State Physics Chair specializes in structure and properties studies of condensed matter by means of short-wave X-rays and Mossbauer radiation. The objects for investigations are not only “classical” items as crystals, but also amorphous metals and alloys, ultra thin films, surfaces, multilayered structures, different nanoobjects (including nanotubes), clusters, biological objects, etc… In addition to traditional X-ray analysis and Mossbauer spectroscopy, new methods of studies exploiting a synchrotron radiation, like phase-contrast tomography, resonant diffraction and reflectometry, X-ray and nuclear-resonant magnetooptics, are developing. These topics are propagated jointly with the world's leading centers of synchrotron radiation: ESRF (France), HASYLAB and DESY (Germany), LUND (Sweden), Diamond (UK), TSUKUBE and SPring-8 (Japan). Solid State Physics Chair collaborates with leading research institutes of Russian Academy of Science (RAS) and foreign Universities. Scientific developments are not only used in various fields of condensed matter physics, but also in biology, medicine, physics, space, environment, nanotechnology, etc. Currently, an important part in the scientific activities of the department takes the numerical experiment and computer simulation, enable one to study characteristic features of the interaction of X-rays with a variety of systems, that could be used in nanotechnology.
The Magnetic Laboratory was created in Moscow State University in 1919. These days the laboratory is involved in different researches like: studies of magnetic semiconductors, nanoparticles, nanomaterials, nano- and micro- wires; studies of amorphous alloys, composite materials and biomagnetism, etc. The Staff of Magnetic Laboratory has active researchers jointly with different laboratories at chairs within Faculty of Physics, Chemistry Department of MSU, RAS, branch institutes, etc. This allows staff researchers to access a wide range of distinctive equipment in shared centers. At the moment, active external collaborations include projects with research groups in France, Germany, USA, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and the UK to name but a few.
Within the DETI.2 project, magneto-optical and magnetometry investigations will be key. The unique magneto-optical set-up for measurements of Transverse Kerr Effect (TKE) (spectral range: 0.5 - 4.5 eV, temperature range: 10 - 350 K, field: up to 0.3 T) as well as standard magnetometry tools like vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM laboratory, LakeShore 7400, 8 - 1300 K, filed up to 1.5 T) will be exploited. Within the collaborations of the Center of Shared Equipment (MSU) the Magnetic Laboratory has access to an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) facility (Bruker EPR spectrometer, Frequency: 9.6 GHz, Field = 1 T, light for photo-induced processes studies) along with access to standard X-Ray diffraction (XRD) characterization tools.
Russian Research Center (RRC) Kurchatov Institute, Moscow
Address: Kurchatov Sq. 1, Moscow, 123182, Russia
The Kurchatov Institute was founded in Moscow in 1943. In 2010 it was rebranded as got the new status of thea National Research Centre (NRC "Kurchatov Institute"). The main areas of fundamental and applied researches of the Centre are implemented in accordance with the priority areas of science and technology development in the Russian Federation: “Industry of nanosystems and materials” (Nano-biotechnology, nano-materials and nano-systems) and “Energy and energy conservation”. At present the institute is a multi-disciplinary research centre with an advanced experimental base: nuclear research reactors; critical reactor assemblies; a synchrotron radiation source; a material science laboratory with "hot cells" to study irradiated materials; complex of physical, chemical and radiochemical laboratories; a supercomputing data processing centre based on the supercomputer (with a peak performance of 120 teraflops) etc.
NRC "Kurchatov Institute" is an active participant of global international research projects (CERN, XFEL, FAIR, Russian-German laboratory on the use of synchrotron radiation, etc.) and is the scientific coordinator of research activities in the area of nano-biotechnology, nano-systems and nano-materials in the Russian Federation.
Within DETI.2, NRC “Kurchatov Institute” will be responsible for the measurements and further result analysis based on of the Anomalous Hall Effect and classical magneto-transport effects. For the project, NRC "Kurchatov Institute" will exploit an automaticed experimental complexsetups for galvanomagnetic measurements with magnetic fields up to 6.5 T and temperatures from RT down to 4.2 K. This complex includes a set-up for precision measurements of Hall effect and measurements of samples magnetoresistance (input sample resistance is up to 10000 GoOhm, rejection ratio 80 dB). In particular,: the set-up embraces several cryostats with superconducting solenoids (up to 8 T) and electromagnet with constant field up to 2 T; a tiny refrigerator with closed cycle (0.35 - ÷6 K); cryogenic systems (1.25 - ÷50 К and 4.2 - ÷300 К); a set-up for measurements of angular dependencies of the planar Hall effect. Additionally, there is a possibility to carry out structural X-ray, electron microscopy and standard probe measurements.
Giredmet, Moscow
Address: B. Tolmachevsky row, 5, Moscow, 119017, Russia
JSC “Giredmet” SRC RF, the Federal State Research and Design Institute of Rare Metal Industry ("Giredmet"), leads and coordinates research and design efforts in exploring new materials based on rare metals, their compounds and alloys, high-purity substances, semiconductor materials, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. “Giredmet” takes part in development and implementation of major innovative projects of national importance in accordance with the priority areas of science, technology and engineering in creation of new materials and technology, and national priority projects.
In 2011 the “GiredMet” institute celebrated its 80th year anniversary. At present “GiredMet” has some joint research projects implemented together with academic (GEOKHI, IMET, IGIC, etc.), industry (SIMS VILS, TSNIICHERMET, etc.) institutes and Universities (MISA, Moscow State University), as well as works upon the applications received from companies and organizations to analyze and study the properties of ferrous, rare, precious and nonferrous metals, their alloys and compounds; semiconductor materials; minerals and recycled materials; objects of the environment.
Within DETI.2, the semiconductor physics laboratory of “GiredMet” will be responsible for dilute magnetic semiconductor (DMS) preparation by direct doping using magnetron sputtering technique and post-annealing techniques. Based on the experience with DMS on the basis of TiO2:Co and TiO2:Fe thin films, “GiredMet” are going to provide samples of TiO2:Mn and TiO2:V DMS. Special equipment at “GiredMet” includes 2 magnetron sputtering plants with RF and DC magnetrons and an ion source. Deep level and optical spectrometers as well as atomic force microscopy (AFM) facilities are also available.
Equipment (selected)