
High-Speed-PIXE is the term for fast spatial-resolved particle-induced X-ray emission..

At HZDR a unique HS-PIXE-Set-up has been developed between 2012 and 2018. The partners involved were the HZDR Ion Beam Center (IBC), the company Institute for Scientific Instruments GmbH (IFG) and the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology. The novel set-up uses high-energy protons from a 6 MV tandem accelerator as excitation radiation for spatial-resolved chemical analysis. The spatial resolution is hereby not reached by scanning the sample, but by a colour X-ray camera (69696 pixel). A similar set-up has been tested before at synchrotron facilities, only (Scharf et al., 2011) and within the project MEGA. The use of such a camera with protons as excitation source is unique on a world-wide scale.

The project aimed at developing a faster spatially resolved method for big samples (maximum 25 * 25 cm) to determine the distribution of strategical trace elements in ores.

The IBC has parallely developed methods for the so called sub-pixel resolution.


  • J. Buchriegler, N. Klingner, D. Hanf, F. Munnik, S.H. Nowak, O. Scharf, R. Ziegenrücker, A.D. Renno, J. von Borany
    Large area elemental mapping with increased lateral resolution devoid of optics artefacts, Enhancements in full‐field PIXE imaging, X-Ray Spectrometry (2018)
    DOI-Link: 10.1002/xrs.2946
  • R. Ziegenrücker, J. Buchriegler, D. Hanf, J. Gutzmer, S. Ihle, S. Merchel, F. Munnik, A.D. Renno, G. Rugel, O. Scharf
    High-Speed PIXE - schnelle Multielementanalyse mit Ionenstrahlen (Poster)
  • D. Hanf, J. Buchriegler, A.D. Renno, S. Merchel, F. Munnik, R. Ziegenrücker, O. Scharf, S.H. Nowak, J. von Borany
    A new Particle-Induced X-ray Emission set-up for laterally resolved analysis over wide areas, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B. 377 (2016) 17-24.
    DOI-Link: 10.1016/j.nimb.2016.03.032
  • O. Scharf, S. Ihle, I. Ordavo, V. Arkadiev, A. Bjeoumikhov, S. Bjeoumikova, G. Buzanich, R. Gubzhokov, A. Günther, R. Hartmann, M. Kühbacher, M. Lang, N. Langhoff, A. Liebel, M. Radtke, U. Reinholz, H. Riesemeier, H. Soltau, L. Strüder, A. F. Thünemann, R. Wedell,
    Compact pnCCD-Based X-ray Camera with High Spatial and Energy Resolution: A Color X-ray Camera, Analyt. Chem.83 (2011) 2532–2538.
    DOI-Link: 10.1021/ac102811p