
Prof. Dr. Jens Gutzmer
Secretary: Vanessa Tschorn
Phone: 0351 260 - 4404

PD Dr. Simone Raatz
Administrative Manager

Sekretary: Louise Schulze
Phone: 0351 260 - 4403

Anne-Kristin Jentzsch
Press Officer
Phone: +49 351 260 - 4429

Renate Seidel
Phone: 0351 260 - 4430


About us

The Circular Economy - Efficient Use of Valuable Resources

Foto: Erneuerbaren Energiequellen und Smart Cities. ©Copyright: iStock

Renewable energy sources and smart cities.

Source: iStock

From copper cables to the lithium batteries, metal and mineral raw materials play a vital role in our living environment. The demand for these resources in terms of quantity and diversity is increasing, especially for use in renewable energy, electromobility, communications and other advanced technologies. At the same time, however, ensuring their continued availability poses a growing number of global challenges.

With the goal of identifying innovative solutions for the circular economy, HIF researchers from multiple scientific disciplines gathered together. To assure a socially as well as environmentally responsible and commercially viable use of mineral and metalliferous raw materials, we strive to solve the challenging question in exploration, characterization, processing, metallurgy, recycling, modelling and system assessment.

Our Mission

We are a key enabler for a sustainable circular economy of minerals and metals. We achieve this by:

  • creating and providing fundamental understanding about raw materials, processes, and systems;
  • developing innovative technologies and systems;
  • quantifying possibilities and limits of the circular economy;
  • developing sustainable solutions in collaboration with society, stakeholders and decision makers.