Recent publications in refereed journals

Bora, A.; Fu, N.; Saha, A.; Prudnikau, A.; Hübner, R.; Bahmani Jalali, H. et al.
Triangular-shaped Cu–Zn–In–Se-based nanocrystals with narrow near infrared photoluminescence
Nanoscale 17(2025), 2577-2588

Liu, T.-J.; Arnold, F. M.; Ghasemifard, A.; Liu, Q.-L.; Golze, D.; Kuc, A. B. et al.
Electronic Structure and Topology in Gulf-edged Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons
Physical Review Materials 9(2025), 014203

Huang, H.; Shi, P.; Elkina, N.; Schulz, H.; Zhang, J.
Path of a pair of deformable bubbles rising initially in line and close to a vertical wall
Physical Review Fluids 10(2025), 023602

Mendoza, A. M.; Michlikova, S.; Castro, P. S.; Munoz, A. G.; Eckhardt, L.; Lange, S. et al.
Generalized, sublethal damage-based mathematical approach for improved modeling of clonogenic survival curve flattening upon hyperthermia, radiotherapy, and beyond
Physics in Medicine and Biology 70(2025), 025022
Liu, Q.; Sun, H.; Lin, Y.-C.; Ghorbani Asl, M.; Kretschmer, S.; Solís-Fernández, P. et al.
Defect migration and phase transformations in two-dimensional iron chloride inside bilayer graphene
ACS Nano 19(2025)4, 4845-4854

Zhang, J.; Li, R.; Vadlamudi, S. R. G.; Pang, C.; Hampel, U.; Ding, W.
Heat transfer enhancement for nucleate boiling via microlayer disruption on micro-pillar arrayed surfaces
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 241(2025), 126770
Bhattacharya, K.; Chaudhary, N.; Bisht, P.; Satpati, B.; Manna, S.; Singh, R. et al.
High-Performance Visible-to-SWIR Photodetector Based on the Layered WS2 Heterojunction with Light-Trapping Pyramidal Black Germanium
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 16(2024), 48517-48525

Kucal, E.; Józwik, P.; Mieszczynski, C.; Heller, R.; Akhmadaliev, S.; Dufour, C. et al.
Temperature Effects of Nuclear and Electronic Stopping Power on Si and C Radiation Damage in 3C-SiC
Materials 17(2024), 2843

Bemmerer, D.; Boeltzig, A.; Grieger, M.; Gudat, K.; Hensel, T.; Osswald, M. et al.
The Felsenkeller shallow-underground laboratory for nuclear astrophysics
European Physical Journal A 61(2025), 19

Khan, H.; Lehnigk, R.; Rzehak, R.
Tracking changes in bubble composition during mass transfer in Eulerian multiphase CFD simulations using a class method
Chemical Engineering Science 306(2025), 121138
All publications