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Recent publications in refereed journals

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Belon, S. B.; Ederli, S.; Jobst, M.

Advances from R2CA project on reactor simulations for burst rod number evaluation during LOCA

Annals of Nuclear Energy 208(2024), 110772

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Hessenkemper, H.; Wang, L.; Lucas, D.; Shiyong, T.; Rui, N.; Ma, T.

3D detection and tracking of deformable bubbles in swarms with the aid of deep learning models

International Journal of Multiphase Flow 179(2024), 104932

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Prysiazhniuk, Y.; Server, A.; Leske, H.; Bech-Aase, Ø.; Helseth, E.; Sjouke Eijgelaar, R. et al.

Diffuse glioma molecular profiling with Arterial Spin Labeling and Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast perfusion MRI: a comparative study

Neuro-Oncology Advances 6(2024)1, vdae113

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Szelwicka, J.; Fahland, M.; Rezek, J.; Kaufman, M.; Munnik, F.; Vlcek, J. et al.

High-Performance Thermochromic VO2-Based Coatings Deposited by Roll-to-Roll High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering

Energy Technology 12(2024)6, 2400076

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Grodzicki, M.; Liedke, M. O.; Moszak, K.; Olszewski, W.; Pawlaczyk, Ł.; Majchrzak, D. et al.

Defect characterization of N-rich GaNAs tertiary alloys

Vacuum 229(2024), 113554

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Lopez-Bezanilla, A.; Selim, F. A.; Liedke, M. O.; Uberuaga, B. P.

The Role of Defect Charge, Crystal Chemistry, and Crystal Structure on Positron Lifetimes of Vacancies in Oxides

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 36(2024), 445701

Ni, Z.; Zhao, L.; Shi, Z.; Singh, A.; Wiktor, J.; Liedke, M. O. et al.

Identification and suppression of point defects in bromide perovskite single crystals enabling gamma-ray spectroscopy

Advanced Materials 36(2024)35, 2406193

Franke, J.; Zysk, F.; Wilski, S.; Liedke, M. O.; Butterling, M.; Elsherif, A. G. A. et al.

Consideration of the Effect of Nanoscale Porosity on Mass Transport Phenomena in PECVD Coatings

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57(2024), 405303

Reiss, A.; Kulenkampff, J.; Bar-Nes, G.; Fischer, C.; Emmanuel, S.

Fluid Transport in Ordinary Portland Cement and Slag Cement from in-situ Positron Emission Tomography

Cement and Concrete Research 185(2024), 107657

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Shi, P.; Zhang, J.; Magnaudet, J.

Lateral migration and bouncing of a deformable bubble rising near a vertical wall. Part 1. Moderately inertial regimes

Journal of Fluid Mechanics 988(2024), A47

All publications