
Dr. Sven Eckert

Head Magneto­hydro­dynamics
Phone: +49 351 260 2132

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3rd International Workshop on Measuring Techniques for Liquid Metal Flows (MTLM2015)

April 15-17, 2015, Dresden, Germany


(Supported by the Helmholtz-Alliance LIMTECH and the EU-project ESNII+)



Sven Eckert, Thomas Wondrak, Aida Roch, Gunter Gerbeth, (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Stephan Lenk (SAAS Ltd.)


Liquid metal cooling or liquid metal targets are relevant for innovative reactor concepts such as Fast Neutron Reactors cooled by sodium or lead and the spallation targets with lead-bismuth in a Transmutation System. Moreover, some instrumentation approaches are relevant for Gas Fast Reactors as well. The safe and reliable operation of liquid metal systems requires corresponding measuring systems and control units, both for the liquid metal single-phase flow as well as for bubble-laden liquid metal two-phase flows. Moreover, the availability of appropriate measuring techniques is an inevitable necessity for any experimental work on liquid metal technologies, for monitoring, controlling and optimizing industrial processes in metallurgy, casting, crystal growth, etc. more ...


  • Measurements of flow rate, local velocities and turbulence
  • Flow mapping, flow tomography
  • Measurements of temperature and pressure
  • Two-phase flows (bubble detection, void fraction measurements,...)
  • Under-level monitoring
  • Reactor instrumentation
  • Sensor development
  • Signal processing

Confirmed invited speakers:

  • Manuchehr Soleimani (University of Bath): Metal flow imaging using a hybrid of electrical capacitance tomography and magnetic induction tomography
  • André Thess (German Aeronautics and Space Research Centre): Lorentz Force Velocimetry
  • Yuji Tasaka (University of Sapporo): US Doppler measurements in liquid metal flows
  • Christian Latgé (CEA Cadarache, France): ASTRID project
  • Jean - Philippe Jeannot (CEA Cadarache, France): R&D on SFR Instrumentation
  • Luigi Mansani (Ansaldo Nucleare, Genova, Italy): ALFRED Project
  • Mario Carta (ENEA, Rome, Italy): R&D on LFR Instrumentation

Final Programme

The final programme can be downloaded as PDF file
The publication of workshop proceedings with full papers of the contributions is not planned. A book of abstracts will be distributed and the presentations will be published on the workshop web-page and the ESNII+ web-site.

Lab tour at HZDR

  • Tuesday, April 14th, 14:00 - 16:00
    The bus will depart from the Quality Hotel Plaza Dresden at 13:30 for the trip to the HZDR laboratory and will be back at the Hotel at about 17:00.
  • Friday, April 17th, 17:00 - 18:30
    The bus will depart from the Quality Hotel Plaza Dresden at 16:30 for the trip to the HZDR laboratory and will be back at the Hotel at about 19:00.

Conference Venue:

MTML2015 will be held in the Quality Hotel Plaza Dresden, a downtown hotel in Dresden, the capital of Saxony, well known for its cultural and historical highlights. A visit at the Liquid Metal Laboratory of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf will be offered.

Conference fee:

  Delegates ESNII+ members Students*
Early registration (until 15.03.2015) 400 € 200 € 200 €
Late registration (after 15.03.2015) 500 € 250 € 250 €

* Claims of the reduced fee require the presentation of a valid student identity card.

The fees cover lunches and refreshments during the workshop, the book of abstracts, the conference dinner and the excursion to HZDR.


Any questions related to that workshop should be addressed by e-mail to:

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information. We are looking forward to seeing you in Dresden!