
Prof. Dr. Jens Gutzmer
Secretary: Vanessa Tschorn
Phone: 0351 260 - 4404

PD Dr. Simone Raatz
Administrative Manager

Sekretary: Louise Schulze
Phone: 0351 260 - 4403

Anne-Kristin Jentzsch
Press Officer
Phone: +49 351 260 - 4429

Renate Seidel
Phone: 0351 260 - 4430


Focus of Research

Foto: FlexiPlant Illustration 2 ©Copyright: HZDR/Sander Münster

FlexiPlant - The research infrastructure for recycling 4.0

One of the challenges confronting our society today is the sustainable use of our resources. To reco­ver raw materials energy efficiently we strive to develop a research infrastructure that serves as platform for a new generation of adaptive, flexible, and digital ­techno­logies for the processing and recycling.
Foto: FINEST logo ©Copyright: HZDR/HIF

Sustainable solutions for fine-grained residues - FINEST

FINEST is a collaboration project dedicated to the valorization of finest particles. The central research question the project tackles, is to find a sustainable solution for fine-grained residues from various sources through cleaning, se­paration, and blending processes. FINEST will generate se­veral types of valuables and inert residues in an economically viable and ecologically benign way.
Foto: Modelling of separation processes at HIF ©Copyright: HZDR/Detelev Müller

Particle Fate Modelling

The interdisciplinary Particle Fate Modelling group uses the full potential of modern raw materials characterization to not only bet­ter understand but also predict the behavior of particles in se­paration processes including its uncertainties.
Foto: Groundbreaking ceremony metallurgy plant Freiberg - guided tour 3D tomography ©Copyright: HZDR/Detlev Müller

Towards Reality in Resource Characterization (2D3D scopy)

Being able to characterize resources in 3D instead of the common 2D data would be a major breakthrough in minerals processing and metal extraction. We develop a new measuring routine and software which merge quantitative 2-dimensional data with 3-dimensional data. This allows for an unprecedented optimization of mineral reco­very and energy efficiency as well as the minimization of material residues.
Foto: Bohrkerne aus sächsischen Bergbauhalden ©Copyright: HZDR/ Detlev Müller


Alte Bergbauhalden können eine wichtige Rohstoffquelle sein. Sie enthalten noch erhebliche Mengen an Wertstoffen, nur waren diese früher technisch nicht gewinnbar oder für die Industrie uninteressant. Alle Aktivitäten, die sich mit der Ressourcengewinnung aus und der Wiederaufarbei­tung von Bergbauhalden befassen, werden als „ReMining“ bezeichnet. ReMining ist ein For­schungs­schwerpunkt am HIF.
Foto: Phagenpartikel als Werkzeug für die Identifizierung von metallspezifischen Peptiden ©Copyright: HZDR

Junior Research Group: BioKollekt

BioKollekt is a novel se­paration process that extracts metals from scrap, process waste or primary raw material mixtures using specially designed biological collectors. The method aims at enabling the cost- and energy-efficient recycling of complex mixtures, and more specifically fine particles.
Foto: CoSilFlot+ Logo ©Copyright: Enkhnomin Enkhjargal

CoSilFlot+ Project: Optimisation and upscaling of reagent systems in froth flotation

The CoSilFlot+ project introduces an innovative workflow for optimizing and scaling up new reagents in the flotation process. By uniquely combining statistical design of experiments, numerical optimization techniques, and digitalization strategies, CoSilFlot+ addresses the inefficiencies and high costs associated with traditional reagent testing.